#Minecraft 1.21
70 Stories

25 Best Minecraft 1.21 Seeds You Should Try
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Today, we bring you the best seeds for the Minecraft 1.21 update. They are mostly related to the 1.21 update's most important feature, i.e. trial chambers. In this list you will find seeds with many trial chambers, close trial chambers, trial chambers that generated really close to other cool underground structures and even merged with them. Also, you will find some simple and chill seeds, as well as difficult and challenging ones.

Is the Minecraft Mace an OP Weapon? Here’s What I Think
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Mace is the new Minecraft 1.21 weapon that is fairly OP. Its pros include high damage output that's not capped, powerful complementary enchantments and the highly risky but fun and potentially strong combo with the elytra. The cons of the mace are the pure rareness of the heavy core item, the difficulty of mastering it and the fact that it's useful in open areas only. Personally, I believe the mace is very well balanced. It doesn't overshadow the other features nor is it redundant. Overall, the mace is a great addition to the Minecraft 1.21 update.

Bundles Are Finally Coming to Minecraft, Plus a Free Epic Trial Outfit
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Even though the summer has started, Mojang is still bringing us surprises and announcements. The three epic character creator items that are part of the trial outfit set are now available for everyone on the Minecraft Marketplace. So, go to the Dressing Room and equip the trial top, trial mask and trial leggings right now. Finally, after four years of waiting we got the exciting news about the bundles. They have been modified and polished and will be available for testing on the Bedrock Beta and Preview very soon.

Minecraft 1.21 brought a special new change to the way portals work. It's now possible to ride entities like horses and minecarts through portals without having to first get off or out in Minecraft. This is a fairly simple, but also incredibly useful change, as it allows you to transport yourself and other mobs very easily and conveniently. Not only that, but you can create rollercoaster rides and tours that will be a lot more immersive and memorable.

Is Minecraft 1.21 Optifine Available to Download?
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Optifine is one of the most important mods for Minecraft. It boosts performance, allows shader support, and so much more. Optifine is not yet available for the Minecraft 1.21 update, but you can download the unofficial version right now. Once it does arrive, you can get it from the Downloads page on the Optifine website. Click on Download below Minecraft 1.21 version. Once it's done, run the installer, and click on Install. Open Minecraft Launcher, select Optifine and click Play to use this mod.

What is Minecraft Density Enchantment and How to Get It
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Density is one of the mace Minecraft enchantments and is extremely powerful. You can get it inside the enchanting table, by placing the mace and lapis lazuli in it. You can even get the maximum density 5 enchantment with this method. The other way to get density is to loot structures like trial chambers that can offer enchanted books. Every level of density adds 0.5 damage or 0.25 hearts to the mace per fallen block. So, density 5 adds additional 2.5 damage per block. Thanks to density 5, you can one-shot the Warden if you fall for about 100 blocks.

What is Minecraft Breach Enchantment? Explained
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Breach is the mace-exclusive enchantment that allows it to reduce effectiveness of the target's armor value by a certain percentage in Minecraft. Breach 1 ignores 15% of the armor value, while breach 4 disregards 60% of the armor. You can get breach through the enchanting table, by placing the mace and lapis in it. You can also get the breach enchanted book in some structures, like the trial chambers. Because of the fact breach is useful against armored mobs and players, it's far better on the multiplayer mode. Breach is incompatible with density, smite and bane of arthropods.

Minecraft Trial Chambers: Best Weapons and Armor You Should Use
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Trial chambers are not an easy structure to raid, so we have compiled this list including best items you should bring in Minecraft 1.21. First, diamond armor and a sword are sufficient enough to keep you safe, especially with good enchantments. Then, we also recommend a shield, great food source and some amazing potions, like strength and swiftness. You should bring an ender chest, so you can keep your valuables safe. Finally, building blocks, torches and water and milk buckets will make sure you navigate easily through the structure and don't take too much damage from poison.

Minecraft 1.21 Review: Does It Live Up to the Hype?
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The Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here it is now time to figure out if it's a good update. The 1.21 update adds 94 brand new features to the game, which is more than the previous one. Moreover, they mostly fit in with the Minecraft worlds, though some features may be a bit overpowered. While the community really wanted an End Update, that didn't happen. Though, the crafter and vault blocks are direct result of the given feedback. Unlike the 1.20 update, 1.21 focuses on improving one in-game system. To sum it up, I do believe that 1.21 update is fairly good for the game.

5 Things You Should Do First After Installing Minecraft 1.21
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Minecraft 1.21 update is here and we list five things you should do when you install it. First, you should make the new copper and tuff blocks and use them in builds. Then, you should make the crafter and learn about its mechanics. Furthermore, you should find the trial chamber and explore it to obtain amazing loot. Even better loot is available from ominous trials. This includes the heavy core, which you can make the mace with.

How to Get Trial Chambers Explorer Map in Minecraft
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Trial chambers explorer map is an item that helps you find trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21. You'll have to find a village and employ a jobless villager with a cartography table if there are no cartographers. Level them up until they unlock third set of trades. Trial explorer map is one of those trades and costs 12 emeralds and one compass. Equip the map and determine the trial chamber location.

How to Make a Copper Door in Minecraft 1.21
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Minecraft 1.21 brought the second metal door to the game and it's the copper door. It generates naturally inside trial chambers, but you can also craft it. For its crafting recipe, you'll need six copper ingots and one crafting table. Simply fill two columns side by side with the copper ingots and three copper doors will be available on the right. This door behaves just like wooden doors, as it doesn't require redstone signal to open and close. Also, it can oxidize like other copper blocks, which you can prevent or revert.

Minecraft 1.21 Countdown: What Is the Update Release Time?
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Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update is finally here and its release time will most likely going to be between 10:00 am EST and 1:00 pm EST on June 13th. It is bringing all sorts of new features, from new copper and tuff blocks, trial chambers and vaults to the mace, Breeze, crafter, new armor trims, music discs and so much more. Our countdown timer will make it very easy to track the time, so come and let's await the update together!

How to Make a Copper Trapdoor in Minecraft 1.21
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Copper trapdoors are second metal trapdoors that behave like wooden trapdoors in Minecraft 1.21. To craft them, you need one crafting table and six copper ingots. Place the ingots in two adjacent rows of the crafting grid and click on the copper trapdoor on the right to craft them. These blocks are quite common in trial chambers, unlike copper doors.

8 Best Trial Chambers Seeds in Minecraft 1.21
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Trial chambers are a brand new Minecraft 1.21 structure that offers exciting challenges and amazing loot. Some of the best trial chambers seeds we could find for Minecraft 1.21 include massive trial chambers, many trial chambers near spawn, unique trial chambers below mushroom islands, villages and also next to an ancient city. So, if you're looking for the perfect 1.21 world, check out our list.

7 Things You Should Do Before Minecraft 1.21 Update Release
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Minecraft 1.21 release is around the corner and here are some things you should do before the update drops. First, stock up on copper and tuff blocks for making new building blocks. Also gather resources for making crafters. Then, you'll want to make a witch farm and prepare lots of powerful and enchanted backup gear and food. Breed villagers and convert them to cartographers and shepherds when the update arrives. Backing up your world is also essential, in case any issues arise. Finally, you should trim your world for the content to be closer to you.

Minecraft 1.21 Update Finally Has an Official Release Date
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The Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update is complete and its release date was revealed to be on June 13th. Some of its confirmed features include trial chambers, trial spawner, vault, Bogged, Breeze, crafter, copper bulb and more. The update will most likely be available around 10:00 am EST.

Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 1 Brings Changes to Portals and Leashable Boats
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Minecraft 1.21 snapshots are over and today we'll be discussing the pre-release 1. There have been changes related to the portals. You can now ride an entity like a horse or a minecart inside the Nether or the End portal. Also, if you through the ender pearl into the portal, you'll be teleported inside the other dimension. Furthermore, doors of any type can form a double door. Finally, it's now possible to use a lead on a boat in Java edition just like in the Bedrock edition to move two mobs at a time easily.

Minecraft Snapshot 24W19B Nerfs the Mace & Improves Performance
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Minecraft snapshot 24W19B mostly focuses on making some technical changes and fixing old and relevant bugs. Those include performance boost, new cave sounds, added new vibrations for certain actions, fixed crash due to a villager dying and more. The mace was nerfed in the previous 24W18A snapshot and those changes include reduced attack damage and speed, smash attack calculation changes, additional density damage reduced and incompatibleness of all damage enchantments.

Minecraft 24W18A Snapshot Adds New Music Discs and Paintings
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Minecraft Snapshot 24W18A adds 9 new background tracks to the game, which will play in certain Overworld biomes and main menu. Furthermore, brand new paintings were added too, 5 from artist Sarah Boeving and 15 from the original artist Kristoffer Zetterstrand. Copper doors and trapdoors now require copper ingots to craft, spider and slime trial spawners switched categories, added new trial chamber entrances and empty chests, ominous trial spawners with mobs that are unable to wear equipment now spawn double the total mob count and more.

Minecraft: Tricky Trials Soundtracks, Realms Plus Update, and a New Cape Leaked?!
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Minecraft is going to receive 12 new soundtracks in the 1.21 update, three of which will be turned into music discs. If you're a Realms Plus user, than you'll love to hear this. Realms Plus received a brand new feature - Realms Stories. This is a social tab where you can send comments and screenshots, see who's online and even keep track of milestones. The newest leak Minecraft community discovered is the creeper cape design, which will most likely be released for the Minecraft 15th anniversary celebration event.

Minecraft 1.21 Update: New Mobs, Blocks, Features, and More
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The Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials is the new major update released on June 13. It is mostly related to combat and tinkering aspects of the game. It adds a new structure called the trial chambers, new blocks like trial spawners, ominous trial spawners, vaults, ominous vaults, plenty of copper and tuff blocks, crafter, new mobs such as the Breeze and Bogged, new items like breeze rods, heavy core, armor trims, banner patterns, pottery sherds, potions, music discs and the mace.

The Official Name for Minecraft 1.21 Update is Now Out!
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In the latest Minecraft Monthly video, the Mojang team has officially revealed that the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update will officially be called Minecraft Tricky Trials. Find the explanation for why it's named Tricky Trials here.

Minecraft Standard vs Ominous Trial Spawner: What’s the Difference?
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Regular trial spawner generates naturally in trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21. It can spawn melee, small melee, and ranged mobs, as well as the Breeze. The number of mobs will depend upon the number of players nearby. Once you kill all mobs, the trial spawner will eject some rewards for you and go in cooldown state for 30 minutes. The ominous trial spawner generates only when you approach a regular version with Bad Omen or Trial Omen. It often spawns mobs with enchanted gear, as well as potions and projectiles above you and the mobs.

Minecraft Preview Adds Cool New Paintings, Raid Omen, and More
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Mace enchantments are finally live in Minecraft Bedrock edition. They include wind burst, density and breach. Wind burst can launch you in the air, density increases mace's fall damage and breach makes the mace ignore a certain armor percentage. Minecraft Preview also adds five new paintings made by the artist Sarah Boeving. Bad Omen transforms into Raid Omen upon entering a village and various bugs related to trial chambers, armadillo and hardcore world death screen have been fixed.

Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre-Release 1 Nerfs the Mace and Brings Changes to the Trial Chambers & Ominous Trials
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Wind burst enchantment is no longer that OP and satisfying as before. In Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre-Release 1, it has been nerfed so you can activate it only by landing on the target from above. The trial chambers have received numerous changes and the ominous trial spawners regularly spawn mobs with enchanted gear and the special potion effects. This pre-release also introduces new advancements to help guide you through the Minecraft 1.21 update.

5 Best Mace Enchantments in Minecraft 1.21
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Best mace enchantments in Minecraft 1.21 are mending, unbreaking, wind burst, density and breach. Mending allows you to repair the mace with XP. Unbreaking reduces the chance of the mace losing durability. Wind burst launches you in the air upon hitting an entity. Density increases the damage mace gets by falling. Finally, breach allows the mace to ignore a certain armor value percentage of the attacked mob or player.

How to Get Ominous Bottles in Minecraft 1.21
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Ominous bottle is an item you can get in three ways in Minecraft 1.21. First, it's a drop from pillager raid captains who spawn in a pillager patrol or around the pillager outpost. Moreover, you can open the vault using the trial key and there is an 18.6% chance you'll get an ominous bottle. You can also open an ominous vault, which has a 13.4% chance of ejecting the ominous bottle. These items apply the Bad Omen effect which can trigger raids and ominous trials.

How to Get Ominous Trial Key in Minecraft 1.21
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Ominous trial key is an item used to open an ominous vault, which yields far more valuable loot than the regular vault. To get this key, you need to get the ominous bottle by killing a pillager captain or from opening a standard vault. Then, drink it to get the Bad Omen effect. Now, get close to a trial spawner and it will turn into an ominous trial spawner. Defeat all the mobs and there is a 30% chance you'll get the ominous trial key in Minecraft 1.21.

Minecraft Ominous Vault Guide: Where to Find and How to Unlock?
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Ominous vault is similar to a standard vault, as it is a loot block you have to unlock in Minecraft 1.21. To do so, you'll need an ominous trial key. So, you'll first have to get an ominous bottle, drink it and get close to a trial spawner. It will turn into an ominous trial spawner that will be more challenging. When you defeat all of its mobs, it may yield an ominous trial key. Use this key on an ominous vault to open it. Some of its loot include heavy core, enchanted golden apple, flow armor trim and more.

What Are Ominous Trials in Minecraft and How Do They Work
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If you think trial chambers are easy, you should try the ominous trials in Minecraft 1.21. They provide harder combat battles. If you get close to a trial spawner with the Bad Omen effect, the spawner will turn blue and will become an ominous trial spawner. The mobs it spawns will often have equipment and it can even summon projectiles and potion clouds above the player. Once you complete the ominous trial spawner's challenge, you may get an ominous trial key. It can open an ominous vault that yields rare loot.

Minecraft Snapshot 24w13a Adds Ominous Trial and Ominous Vault
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Minecraft snapshot 24w13a changes how Bad Omen works. You can now only get it by drinking ominous bottles, which are dropped by raid captains. You may then start a raid or get close to a trial spawner, which will turn into an ominous trial spawner. It will spawn mobs with gear and projectiles and potions. Defeating this spawner may yield ominous trial key, which can open an ominous vault. It gives you rarer and better rewards. The mace has three new enchantments: density, breach and wind burst.

How to Make a Mace in Minecraft 1.21
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Mace is a new and powerful melee weapon you can craft with a breeze rod and heavy core in Minecraft 1.21. These items are available only in trial chambers. Place the heavy core above the breeze rod and you'll make a mace. It deals 6 damage points, but the longer you fall the mace's damage will be higher. The mace also makes a smash attack which knocks back entities and negates all fall damage. You can enchant the mace with several useful enchantments and repair it with breeze rods in an anvil or with the mending enchantment.

You Can Now Find Trial Chambers with the Explorer Map in Minecraft Snapshot 24W12A
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This week's Minecraft snapshot 24w12a makes trial chambers more rare. Also, journeyman-level cartographers have a chance to offer you a special explorer map for 12 emeralds and one compass. It will lead you directly to a nearby trial chamber. It doesn't have to be the closest one. Moreover, you can now waterlog heavy core blocks and they stop lava flow. Several new advancements were added as well.

How to Get Heavy Core in Minecraft 1.21
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Heavy core is an item you can obtain only in the new trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21. For that, you first need to get the ominous trial key by completing ominous trial spawners' challenges. You should then find the ominous vault block and use the key on it. Heavy core is one of the possible rewards from the ominous vault and there is a 7.5% chance of it being ejected. Once you get it, combine it with the breeze rod in the crafting grid to make a mace.

How to Get and Use Breeze Rods in Minecraft 1.21
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Breeze rods are brand-new Minecraft 1.21 items that can only be obtained when killing Breeze mobs inside trial chambers. It drops 1-2 breeze rods by default, but the looting enchantment only increases this number. This item is used in several different crafting recipes. Those include the flow armor trim, wind charges and the mace weapon.

Mace is the Brand New Weapon Added in Minecraft Snapshot 24w11a
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Minecraft snapshot 24w11a introduces a mace, new melee weapon that deals damage equal to a diamond sword. But, it's also affected by the height you fell from, so the longer you fall the stronger the mace is. It creates an AOE and negates all fall damage if you hit the target. You can craft it with the Breeze rod and a heavy core. New armor trims, pottery sherds and banner patterns were also added and they are related to the Breeze, chiseled tuff textures, trial chambers and the mace.

Minecraft Snapshot 24w10a Adds 8 New Wolf Variants
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The update we've been waiting for is here. The Minecraft snapshot 24w10a introduces 8 new wolf variants to the game. These animals all have unique names and spawn in different biomes across your Minecraft world. The variants are pale wolf, woods wolf, rusty wolf, ashen wolf, black wolf, chestnut wolf, spotted wolf, stripped wolf and the snowy wolf.

How to Dye Wolf Armor in Minecraft
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You may dye wolf armor with dyes, a crafting grid, preferably crafting table on Java or a cauldron on Bedrock Minecraft edition. On Java edition, you can combine dyes with the wolf armor inside a crafting grid and on Bedrock, you may first dye the water inside a cauldron the color you want and then use wolf armor on it. You can easily make a color you want with a special online tool that shows the required steps. If you want to remove dyes from wolf armor, you can use it on a cauldron with regular water.

Minecraft Snapshot 24w09a Lets You Dye Wolf Armor, Among Other Changes
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In Minecraft 24w09a snapshot, we have an ability to dye wolf armor different colors, similarly to the leather armor. Not only that, but you can combine colors to create specific shades. Bogged's texture and model has changed. You can now shear it to get two mushrooms. Game's UI has been refreshed and made more consistent. When it comes to the vault, its texture changed again to make it even more different than the trial spawner. Finally, player and Breeze-shot wind charges are now more precise.

Minecraft Bogged: Everything You Need to Know
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Bogged is a hostile skeleton mob that spawns in swamps and mangrove swamps during the night in Minecraft 1.21. Moreover, you will also find it in some trial chambers. Trial spawners with bone blocks, podzol, and mushrooms around it spawn this mob. It shoots poison arrows at the target that inflict poison status effect for 4 seconds. Killing Bogged will drop bones, arrows, bows and arrows of poison.

Minecraft Snapshot 24w07a Brings Bogged, a Brand-New Skeleton Mob
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Remember the skeleton with a poison arrow from previous Minecraft snapshots that spawned in trial chambers? Well, it got new looks now and even a brand new name - Bogged. Bogged is a skeleton variant that shoots poison arrows. The poison can't kill you, but the damage from the arrow can. This mob spawns in swamps, mangrove swamps and in trial chambers from trial spawners that have mushrooms around it. When you kill the Bogged in Minecraft 24w07a snapshot, you'll get usual skeleton drops and poison arrows.