Editorial Guidelines

At Beebom Media Private Limited, we adhere to strict Editorial Guidelines for all content on the Beebom website. This page clearly describes the Editorial Guidelines for the Beebom website.

Editorial Guidelines

At Beebom Media Private Limited, we adhere to strict Editorial Guidelines for all content on the Beebom website.

Reviews and Recommendations

All hardware products, software, and/or services that we recommend on the Beebom website go through a thorough testing process and are worth recommending to the best of our knowledge.

Troubleshooting Guides and How-Tos

Troubleshooting guides and other how-to articles on the Beebom website are written by our in-house team with expertise in their fields. These articles are written after manually testing and verifying the troubleshooting methods and steps.

News and Roundups

News and roundup articles on the Beebom website are either:

  1. Independently sourced by the Beebom team
  2. Sourced from verifiable, authentic, and trustworthy sources

All articles where speculated or rumored information is included are given a headline that reflects the fact that content within such articles is based on:

  1. Rumors and leaks, or
  2. Speculations based on observed patterns, or past personal experience.

Content Quality

Beebom does not tolerate, or indulge in, clickbait content. Our Editorial team ensures, to the best of their ability, that content on the Beebom website is authentic and verified, and that the headlines, meta descriptions, titles, etc., accurately describe the content contained within the articles.

We take great pride in our in-house team on their expertise in their respective fields of Technology, Entertainment, Gaming, Anime, etc., and do NOT allow any AI-written content on the website. All content on the Beebom website, including “In Short” and “Quick Summaries”, is entirely written by human authors and journalists. Further, the Editorial team ensures, to the best of their ability, that articles do not contain any AI-written or AI-created content.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Editorial Guidelines, please reach out to us: contact@beebom.com