How to Get Ominous Trial Key in Minecraft 1.21

In Short
  • The ominous trial key is a variant available from ominous trial spawners in trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21.
  • You need to get the ominous bottle and drink it to activate an ominous trial spawner. Then, defeat the mobs to get the ominous trial key.
  • Once you get the ominous trial key, you can unlock an ominous vault and get valuable rewards like heavy core, flow armor trim, and more.

As opposed to the regular trial spawners, the ominous trials deliver a completely different combat experience in the trial chambers. The reward of the ominous trial is loot from the ominous vault, a variant of the vault block that requires an ominous trial key to unlock. So, in this guide, let’s learn how to get the ominous trial key in Minecraft 1.21 and how to use it.

How to Get the Ominous Trial Key

The ominous trial key is only available in trial chambers during ominous trials, which means you’ll need a little bit of preparation. Go through our guide on how to find the trial chambers and follow the steps below to get the ominous trial key in Minecraft.

Step 1: Get the Bad Omen Effect

First, you need to get the Bad Omen effect. To do so, find a pillager outpost or a pillager patrol and kill the pillager captain with the ominous banner. This mob will drop an ominous bottle. You can also get the ominous bottle from vaults in trial chambers.

Pillager captain next to an ominous bottle

Step 2: Consume Ominous Bottle

You will need to consume the Ominous Bottle right before you reach a trial spawner to get the Bad Omen status effect. Once you get close to the trial spawner with Bad Omen, this effect will instantly transform into Trial Omen.

Player activating the ominous trials in Minecraft 1.21

Step 3: Ominous Trial Spawner Activated

With the Trial Omen active, the trial spawner will change into an ominous trial spawner and the ominous trials will begin. It is far more dangerous than the normal trial spawner, as mobs will often have equipment and there will even be projectiles and potion clouds spawning above you and mobs.

The Bad Omen level will determine how long the Trial Omen effect lasts, so the higher the level – the more time you have.

Step 4: Defeat Mobs to Get Ominous Trial Key in Minecraft 1.21

But what do you need that time for? Well, for defeating as many ominous trials as possible. Once you kill the mobs summoned by the ominous trial spawner, the spawner will eject some items as a reward and go into cooldown for 30 minutes.

One of these items can be the ominous trial key you’re looking for. There is a 30% chance it’ll be chosen, so you’ll probably have to take down a few ominous trial spawners to get it.

Ominous trial key on top of the ominous trial spawner

Once the Trial Omen effect wears off, you will not be able to activate any more ominous trials. So, keep a couple of ominous bottles in your inventory to replenish the Trial Omen effect and get as many ominous trial keys as possible.

What Does the Ominous Trial Key Unlock?

So, you’ve got the ominous trial key, what do you do with it? Well, it has a single use, similar to the regular trial key. The ominous trial key can be used to unlock ominous vaults. Those are strange-looking blocks that generate in trial chambers usually higher up.

Ominous vault, ominous trial key and rare loot in the Minecraft snapshot 24w13a

The ominous vaults are harder to spot than normal vaults but they have some copper grates, red-glazed terracotta, and candles around them so you can locate them more easily. The vaults can be unlocked by using an ominous trial key on them. Then, they spit out some items that will be rarer and more valuable than the normal vault’s rewards. Some of the rewards of the ominous vault can include:

So, if you want to make the mace in Minecraft, you’ll need to search through quite a few ominous vaults to get the heavy core.

With that, you know what the ominous trial key is all about in Minecraft 1.21. It allows for a greater reward but is also balanced out with higher risk. So, if you love challenges, obtaining an ominous trial key will be a very fun task.

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