#Instagram Stories
39 Stories

Instagram Tests New Stories Design Inspired by Facebook
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Instagram is testing a new stories design, making it look like Facebook stories. This server-side update, currently available in the latest Instagram beta version for Android, features a rectangular thumbnail with a preview of the story's content and the user's profile icon at the center. The update brings Instagram Stories closer to a unified design language across Meta apps.

What Does ‘This Story is Unavailable on Instagram’ Mean and How to Fix It
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If you encounter the "This story is unavailable" error message on Instagram, it might be because the story has expired or is from a private account. This could also happen if the story is restricted, hidden, removed, or there are issues with Instagram app and servers. To prevent this message from appearing, you can refresh your Instagram feed, check someone's highlights, use an alternate account, update the Instagram app, and clear the app cache.

Why Are My Instagram Stories Blurry? How to Fix
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Instagram stories may look blurry due to a slow network, incorrect dimensions, or compression from added elements. To fix this, ensure a stable internet connection, upload stories in ideal dimensions, enable high-quality uploads, disable data saver, and avoid adding music or filters before uploading. If these don't work, try updating the app or using common fixes for random glitches.