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Hardcore mode has finally made it into the Minecraft Bedrock edition with the latest Preview. You can test it out by clicking on the Play Preview button. Then, navigate to the Create New World section where you can see the hardcore toggle in the general settings right below the difficulty options. Enable it and create new world. Your hearts will look a little different and you won't be able to turn off the hardcore mode anymore. If you eventually die, you'll respawn in the spectator mode, so you cannot change your world anymore.

How to Get Ominous Trial Key in Minecraft 1.21
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Ominous trial key is an item used to open an ominous vault, which yields far more valuable loot than the regular vault. To get this key, you need to get the ominous bottle by killing a pillager captain or from opening a standard vault. Then, drink it to get the Bad Omen effect. Now, get close to a trial spawner and it will turn into an ominous trial spawner. Defeat all the mobs and there is a 30% chance you'll get the ominous trial key in Minecraft 1.21.

Minecraft Ominous Vault Guide: Where to Find and How to Unlock?
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Ominous vault is similar to a standard vault, as it is a loot block you have to unlock in Minecraft 1.21. To do so, you'll need an ominous trial key. So, you'll first have to get an ominous bottle, drink it and get close to a trial spawner. It will turn into an ominous trial spawner that will be more challenging. When you defeat all of its mobs, it may yield an ominous trial key. Use this key on an ominous vault to open it. Some of its loot include heavy core, enchanted golden apple, flow armor trim and more.

7 Reasons Why Minecraft Is Still so Fun and Popular in 2024
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Minecraft has been around for a long time and it's still going strong. The main reason I believe why Minecraft is still so popular in 2024 is because it receives consistent updates that improve it. Furthermore, there is a little bit of everything for everyone. Thanks to the world seeds, Minecraft is infinitely replayable. Building greatly encourages creativity and children can learn a lot from playing Minecraft. The community-made resources have also shaped Minecraft into what it is today and the competitiveness is what keeps many players interested in playing.

Minecraft April Fools 2024 Update Is All About Poisonous Potatoes
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Poisonous potato is pretty useless in Minecraft, so this April Fools 2024 Minecraft update wants to change that. It adds a whole new poisonous potato dimension that is mostly made up of various potato-related blocks. You can access it through the potato portal and there you'll find mobs that all look like poisonous potatoes. In one of the potato biomes you may even come across a poisonous potato slime boss and fight it with a poisonous potato hammer. There are even potato armor, elytra, utility blocks, grappling gun and so many more potato items.

7 Rarest Mobs in Minecraft and How to Get Them
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The rarest mobs in Minecraft include special mob variants you can get usually by pure chance or by spending a lot of time trying to produce them by breeding. The rarest mobs on our list are pink sheep, brown mooshroom, skeleton horse, brown panda, blue axolotl, mobs wearing carved pumpkins or jack o'lanterns who spawn on October 31 only and the rarest mob of them all which is a baby zombie chicken jockey with full diamond armor.

Stardew Valley 1.6: The Giant Stump and Raccoon Quest Guide
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After you reconstruct the greenhouse, a special night event may occur where a massive tree falls and only a stump is left. With 100 pieces of hardwood, you can repair it and a raccoon will move in. He will ask for some items and will give you a reward for completing its first quest. After seven days, his wife will appear and sell seeds. He'll then ask for some other items and will give you more rewards for completion. The lady raccoon's shop will expand over time to include more items. After 8 completed quests, you'll receive the Good Neighbors achievement.

Stardew Valley 1.6: A Complete Desert Festival Guide
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The Desert Festival happens in Calico Deserts after you repair the bus in Stardew Valley 1.6. It happens on Spring 15th, 16th and 17th. The festival's special currency is calico eggs, which you can get by completing fishing challenges, Scull Cavern challenges, the Scholar's quiz, guessing the race winner and more. Villagers have their own shops where they sell useful and unique items. The Calico Egg Merchant offers various items in their shop and you can even get free meals and cactus decorations.

Minecraft Iron Ore Guide: Best Level to Find Iron
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In the early game, you're much more likely to mine for iron than to make an iron farm. Iron ores are pretty common in Minecraft, but the best levels to find them are Y levels = 16 and 232. If you're going for the Y level = 16, you can either explore caves or branch mine in Minecraft. Caving is faster but dangerous. Whereas branch mining is safe, but it might take some time before finding iron. If you're lucky, you may find huge iron veins. They generate in the deepslate layers and consist of lots of tuff blocks and deepslate iron ores.

What Are Ominous Trials in Minecraft and How Do They Work
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If you think trial chambers are easy, you should try the ominous trials in Minecraft 1.21. They provide harder combat battles. If you get close to a trial spawner with the Bad Omen effect, the spawner will turn blue and will become an ominous trial spawner. The mobs it spawns will often have equipment and it can even summon projectiles and potion clouds above the player. Once you complete the ominous trial spawner's challenge, you may get an ominous trial key. It can open an ominous vault that yields rare loot.

Hermitcraft Season 9 Map Now Available on Minecraft Bedrock Marketplace
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Hermitcraft season 9 map is now easily accessible for all players and fans via Minecraft Marketplace. You can enter the Marketplace and search for the Hermitcraft season 9 map. Then, click on the Free button and download, as this world is completely free. Download it and then click on the Create This World button. You play in survival or creative modes, and there are even some useful items and details available for you at the spawn point.

How Green Rain Works in Stardew Valley 1.6 (Explained)
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The green rain in Stardew Valley 1.6 is a unique environmental event that takes place only in summer. It usually happens in the middle of the season, but it may also occur before Summer 10th. This rain brings various bushes to the world, which can drop fiber, moss and mixed seeds. You'll also encounter two tree variants. One drops wood and sap, as well as mossy seeds. The other one drops only fiddlehead ferns. Use the mossy seeds to grow these cool tree variants. Green rain is therefore very useful for farming these basic items.

Minecraft Snapshot 24w13a Adds Ominous Trial and Ominous Vault
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Minecraft snapshot 24w13a changes how Bad Omen works. You can now only get it by drinking ominous bottles, which are dropped by raid captains. You may then start a raid or get close to a trial spawner, which will turn into an ominous trial spawner. It will spawn mobs with gear and projectiles and potions. Defeating this spawner may yield ominous trial key, which can open an ominous vault. It gives you rarer and better rewards. The mace has three new enchantments: density, breach and wind burst.

How to Adopt and Remove Pets in Stardew Valley 1.6
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Stardew Valley 1.6 update introduced ability to adopt multiple pets. You'll first need to have 5 hearts of friendship with the starter pet. When this happens, you have to read Marnie's letter from the mail. Then, go to the Robin's shop and purchase bowls. Now, purchase an animal license for the animal you want in Marnie's shop. Pets that love you may sometimes give you various gifts and you can place hats on them to make them even more cute. To remove a pet, use butterfly powder on them, which you can buy from Krobus.

How to Get Fireworks in Stardew Valley 1.6
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Stardew Valley 1.6 update introduces three types of fireworks, which you can buy via two shops. The first one is in the walnut room on Ginger Island. Here, fireworks cost 1 Qi Gem and are unlimited. The other shop is in the casino in Calico Desert, where fireworks cost 200 Qi coins and can only be purchased 20 at a time. The red firework displays a red heart, purple one a purple star and the green one displays a green Junimo. Also, the whole screen changes color for a couple seconds and the size of the display is random.

Meadowlands Farm in Stardew Valley 1.6 Explained
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Stardew Valley 1.6 introduces a brand new farm type called the Meadowlands Farm. It's pretty big and includes lots of grassy tiles where you cannot plant crops. Also, there is a coop and two chicks from the start, so you can raise animals right away. The special blue grass spawns here naturally, which will level up animals' friendship with you twice as quickly. So, focus on raising them, choosing the Rancher profession, building a barn and having barn animals quickly, as they are great money makers.

How to Make a Mace in Minecraft 1.21
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Mace is a new and powerful melee weapon you can craft with a breeze rod and heavy core in Minecraft 1.21. These items are available only in trial chambers. Place the heavy core above the breeze rod and you'll make a mace. It deals 6 damage points, but the longer you fall the mace's damage will be higher. The mace also makes a smash attack which knocks back entities and negates all fall damage. You can enchant the mace with several useful enchantments and repair it with breeze rods in an anvil or with the mending enchantment.

You Can Now Find Trial Chambers with the Explorer Map in Minecraft Snapshot 24W12A
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This week's Minecraft snapshot 24w12a makes trial chambers more rare. Also, journeyman-level cartographers have a chance to offer you a special explorer map for 12 emeralds and one compass. It will lead you directly to a nearby trial chamber. It doesn't have to be the closest one. Moreover, you can now waterlog heavy core blocks and they stop lava flow. Several new advancements were added as well.

Stardew Valley Leah: Favorite Gifts, Heart Events, & How to Romance Her
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Leah is usually in one of these locations in Stardew Valley: in her cottage, in the Cindersap forest, in Pierre's store, Stardrop Saloon, on the beach or north of the blacksmith. Her loved gifts are salad, wine and goat cheese and liked ones are diamond, fruit and various foraged items. Her heart events involve around her art and ex Kel. You can start dating Leah when you reach eight hearts with her and once you give her the bouquet. To marry Leah, you'll need ten hearts with her and to give her the mermaid's pendant.

This Redstone Genius Made an Epic Fireworks Display in Minecraft
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Have you ever seen fireworks display in Minecraft that doesn't even use firework rockets? Well, the design made by a Reddit user towsti functions without fireworks. Instead, it uses beacon beams and different colored stained glass to create the magical colors and a cute animation. Not only that, but there are many more smart redstone systems that make up this machine, like 0-tick delays, usage of copper bulbs, leaves changing state and more.

How to Get Heavy Core in Minecraft 1.21
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Heavy core is an item you can obtain only in the new trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21. For that, you first need to get the ominous trial key by completing ominous trial spawners' challenges. You should then find the ominous vault block and use the key on it. Heavy core is one of the possible rewards from the ominous vault and there is a 7.5% chance of it being ejected. Once you get it, combine it with the breeze rod in the crafting grid to make a mace.

Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition Player Found the Weirdest Village Ever
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There is a lot of examples of crazy terrain and structure generation in Minecraft, but this weird village might just be one of the funniest. Normally, villages consist of various features like houses, villagers, iron golem, paths, farms, animal pens and more. Though this seed has only a small road that leads nowhere. There are no houses nor villagers in the vicinity. The world seed is 14880744008722756659 and you can only find it on the Minecraft Xbox 360 edition. The discovery was made by a Redditor named RaspyAtol20734.

How to Get and Use Breeze Rods in Minecraft 1.21
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Breeze rods are brand-new Minecraft 1.21 items that can only be obtained when killing Breeze mobs inside trial chambers. It drops 1-2 breeze rods by default, but the looting enchantment only increases this number. This item is used in several different crafting recipes. Those include the flow armor trim, wind charges and the mace weapon.

Minecraft Gold Ore Guide: Best Level to Find Gold
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Gold ores generate from Y level -64 to 32 in most Minecraft biomes. The Y level you'll find most gold ores in Minecraft is -16. These ores will mostly generate completely surrounded by solid blocks. You should bring armor, weapon, shield, food, torches, water bucket, bed, perhaps even a crafting table and a chest when looking for the gold. It's better to go branch mining at Y level -16 outside of badlands biomes. But in the badlands biome, you should explore caves, as gold ores generate regardless of air exposure.

Mace is the Brand New Weapon Added in Minecraft Snapshot 24w11a
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Minecraft snapshot 24w11a introduces a mace, new melee weapon that deals damage equal to a diamond sword. But, it's also affected by the height you fell from, so the longer you fall the stronger the mace is. It creates an AOE and negates all fall damage if you hit the target. You can craft it with the Breeze rod and a heavy core. New armor trims, pottery sherds and banner patterns were also added and they are related to the Breeze, chiseled tuff textures, trial chambers and the mace.

How to Ride a Strider in Minecraft And Why You Should Do It
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Striders spawn in every Nether biome usually on top of large lava seas. To ride a strider in Minecraft, you'll need a saddle and a warped fungus on a stick. Get close to a strider, use a saddle on it to equip it, interact with it to get on top and select the warped fungus on a stick. The strider will move in the direction you're pointing the stick at. To make it move faster use right-click. This is quite a fast method of transport in the Nether and with fire resistance potions also pretty safe.

What Is the Minecraft Marketplace Pass and Should You Buy It?
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Marketplace Pass is a subscription for Minecraft Bedrock edition that gives you access to over 150 different content features for the price of $3.99 per month. Those additions include skins, worlds, texture packs, and character creator items. Go to the Marketplace in Bedrock Edition, select Marketplace Pass on the left menu, click on the Start Free Trial button, agree with the conditions, fill out the details, and that's it. This subscription is worth it in my opinion, as it offers safe malware-free content for Bedrock players, you can decide what content you like and it'll probably expand in the near future to include more content.

10 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building
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Building is a big part of Minecraft and the surrounding terrain actually affects which direction you'll take when making building decisions. That's why in this Minecraft guide, we bring you some of the best seeds for building houses and cities. They include different biomes, flat and mountainous terrain, large landmasses, islands, warm and cold climates and more. So, if you're looking for a new amazing seed for your build, you'll definitely find the one you love here.

This Minecraft Player Beat the Warden with No Armor, Weapons, or Totems in Hardcore Mode
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Minecraft player TacticalSlyme has recently posted a video of them killing the Warden in the hardcore mode. How is this possible? Well, they had speed and strength buffs applied, as well as resistance and absorption. They also applied slowness and weakness debuffs to the Warden and constantly replenished health with healing potions. After about a minute of dealing critical damage to the Warden, it is finally defeated.

How to Make a Lodestone in Minecraft
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You can craft a lodestone with one netherite ingot, 8 chiseled stone bricks and a crafting table. Place the netherite ingot in the central slot of the grid and surround it with chiseled stone bricks. It's also possible to find it inside the bridge bastion chests in the Nether dimension. By using a compass on a lodestone, the lodestone's location will be assigned to a compass, so it'll always point towards it. This is very useful in case you settled far away from spawn, but is it really worth one netherite ingot? It's up to you to decide.

All Wolf (Dog) Variants in Minecraft and Where to Find Them
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Minecraft Armored Paws update added 8 new wolf variants, which include the pale, woods, ashen, black, chestnut, rusty, spotted, striped and snowy wolves. They spawn in different biomes and in different pack sizes. You can tame a wolf by using bones. To breed two dogs, you can use any type of meat on them and the baby will look like one of the parents if they are of different variants. You may equip wolf armor by using it on a tamed wolf.

This Minecraft Player Is Building a Large City in MCPE on Mobile
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A Reddit user has recently shared his progress on a large city build being made in Minecraft Pocket Edition. It's a version of the game available for mobile devices, so the controls can be tricky to use. Despite that, this dedicated builder has been working on this impressive project since November 2023. The buildings are clean and the shapes, proportions and architecture are executed basically perfectly. There is a lot more work to be done on this creative mode build and we cannot wait to see the final result.

Minecraft Snapshot 24w10a Adds 8 New Wolf Variants
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The update we've been waiting for is here. The Minecraft snapshot 24w10a introduces 8 new wolf variants to the game. These animals all have unique names and spawn in different biomes across your Minecraft world. The variants are pale wolf, woods wolf, rusty wolf, ashen wolf, black wolf, chestnut wolf, spotted wolf, stripped wolf and the snowy wolf.

5 Best Uses for Bone Meal in Minecraft
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Bone meal has many uses in Minecraft. By using it on a crop,it may mature 2-5 growth stages or get multiplied like bamboo. Bone meal is a part of crafting recipes for bone blocks and white dye. Speaking of which, Bedrock players can use bone meal as a white dye. Also, by using bone meal you may create completely new blocks like short grass, seagrass, logs and leaves, mushroom blocks and more. Dispensers can use bone meal similarly to players, so many farms can be automated with this item.

How to Make Bone Meal in Minecraft
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Bone meal is one of the most useful items in Minecraft, and you can obtain it in many different ways. Breaking down bones and bone block will get you 3 and 9 bone meal, respectively. Using a plant-like item on a composter will slowly increase its compost level until it's full and ready to drop bone meal. On Java edition, you can get bone meal by killing fish, and on Bedrock, you can buy bone meal from a wandering trader.

How to Make Minecraft Wolf Armor
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Wolf armor is an item that you can craft inside the crafting table or crafter with six armadillo scutes in Minecraft. You can obtain these scutes by using a brush on an armadillo. Once you collect them, place them in an H shape with left or right upper corner being empty to complete the wolf armor crafting recipe. You can equip the wolf armor on your wolf by right-clicking it and you can remove the armor by using shears on your tamed wolf. To repair a damaged wolf armor, right-click a tamed wolf wearing it with armadillo scutes.

Autopsy, Grave Rating, and Corpse Guide in Graveyard Keeper
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In this Graveyard Keeper guide, we're focusing on the autopsy, grave rating and how you can improve a corpse. The autopsy mechanic allows you to remove or replace body parts from a body. By doing so, you can remove red skulls and add white skulls. If the body has many white skulls and 0 red skulls, it's a good corpse. This is due to the grave rating. It is achieved once white skulls are combined with the gravestone and grave fence points. The higher the grave rating is, the higher the rating of the entire graveyard is.

What to Choose in Lady Beatrice’s Offer in Graveyard Keeper
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There are three possible endings for the Game of Crone DLC. If you refuse to help Lady Beatrice, you'll get the good ending and the Persistence perk. Also, all refugees are safe and sound. Choosing to help but betray Lady Beatrice will cause refugees to leave and you'll receive the Eloquence perk. If you choose to help Lady Beatrice fully, you'll get both Persistence and Industriousness and the refugees are safe. So, the last or dark choice is the best in Lady Beatrice's offer, as there are no drawbacks to it in this Graveyard Keeper DLC.

How to Dye Wolf Armor in Minecraft
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You may dye wolf armor with dyes, a crafting grid, preferably crafting table on Java or a cauldron on Bedrock Minecraft edition. On Java edition, you can combine dyes with the wolf armor inside a crafting grid and on Bedrock, you may first dye the water inside a cauldron the color you want and then use wolf armor on it. You can easily make a color you want with a special online tool that shows the required steps. If you want to remove dyes from wolf armor, you can use it on a cauldron with regular water.

Hardcore Mode Is Coming to Minecraft Bedrock
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Players have asked for hardcore mode on the Minecraft Bedrock edition for a long time and finally, we're getting some news that indicate it's coming. The post was made by a Mojang developer in a private Discord letting content creators know that Mojang is working on hardcore worlds and is currently fixing bugs. Due to the game having random death bugs occasionally, the hardcore mode couldn't be added earlier. So, developers are fixing as many bugs as possible, but it's uncertain when hardcore will be added to Bedrock.

Sea Pickles in Minecraft: How to Get and Use Them
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Sea pickles are plant-like blocks you can find at the bottom of warm oceans and on top of coral blocks in coral reefs in warm oceans. They sometimes generate in desert village houses and can be sold by wandering traders. You can farm sea pickles by using bone meal on a waterlogged sea pickle placed on a living coral block. Sea pickle colony will expand and any surrounding living coral may also grow them. These blocks emit light when underwater and can be cooked to get lime dye.

Minecraft Snapshot 24w09a Lets You Dye Wolf Armor, Among Other Changes
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In Minecraft 24w09a snapshot, we have an ability to dye wolf armor different colors, similarly to the leather armor. Not only that, but you can combine colors to create specific shades. Bogged's texture and model has changed. You can now shear it to get two mushrooms. Game's UI has been refreshed and made more consistent. When it comes to the vault, its texture changed again to make it even more different than the trial spawner. Finally, player and Breeze-shot wind charges are now more precise.