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10 Best Food Sources in Minecraft (Ranked)
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In this guide, we are covering the best food sources in Minecraft. There are a lot of options to choose from, but we focus on the ones that you're more likely to use, whether it's because they're easy to get, make, or are really OP. Some of the items included in this list are bread, cooked porkchops, steak, enchanted golden apple and golden carrots.
How to Make a Golden Apple in Minecraft
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Golden apple is a very useful food item in Minecraft that requires one apple, eight gold ingots, and a crafting table to make. For the crafting recipe, you will need to place the apple in the center slot of the grid and surround it fully with gold ingots. Furthermore, you can also find a golden apple in many different structures. This item grants absorption I for two minutes and regeneration II for five seconds when you eat it and can be used to cure zombified villagers, feed horses, and attract piglins.
How to Make a Smoker in Minecraft
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You'll need one furnace, four logs, stems, wood, hyphae or their stripped versions and a crafting table or the crafter to make one smoker in Minecraft. You may also use multiple types of the wooden blocks interchangeably. To craft a smoker, place the furnace in the center slot of the grid and surround it with the wooden blocks in a diamond shape. Due to the smoker being a butcher's workstation block, you'll find it in villages. Also, you use a smoker in the same way you use a furnace, but it does cook raw food items twice as fast.
How to Use a Hopper in Minecraft
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Hopper is a redstone component block that has an ability to pick up, store, and funnel items into container blocks in Minecraft. By right-clicking on the side of a block with a hopper selected, you will place it so that the hopper's narrow end faces into a block, unless it's an underside of a block. Hoppers can interact with chests, barrels, furnaces, droppers, hopper minecarts, chest boats, etc. You can also lock a hopper by having it receive redstone power. If locked, hopper will not collect items nor send them anywhere else.
How to Make a Hopper in Minecraft
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Hopper is one of the most important redstone components in Minecraft. The only way you can obtain a hopper is through crafting. For this recipe, you need 5x iron ingots, 1x chest and a crafting table. Place the chest in the central slot of the 3x3 crafting grid, add iron ingots left and right of it, as well as below it. Then, add two more iron ingots above the ingots on either side of the chest. And that's it; your hopper has been crafted.
How to Make Terracotta in Minecraft
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Terracotta blocks are frequently used building blocks that you can make by smelting clay blocks in a furnace in Minecraft. If you'd like to dye the terracotta different colors, place the dye of your choice in the central slot of the crafting table's grid and surround it with eight blocks of regular terracotta. The colored terracotta blocks will appear on the right. Furthermore, smelt the colored terracotta blocks in a furnace to obtain glazed terracotta or terracotta with patterns. Terracotta blocks also generate naturally in the Badlands biomes.
Top 5 Uses of Carved Pumpkins in Minecraft
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There are several uses of carved pumpkins in Minecraft. You have an ability to wear them on your head. By doing so, no endermen will get agroed to you if you look at them. Moreover, with a carved pumpkin and a torch, you can craft a jack o'lantern. Carved pumpkins on their own are interesting decorative blocks, but you can still compost them if you don't need them. With a carved pumpkin and four iron blocks you can make an iron golem and with a carved pumpkin and two snow blocks you can make a snow golem.
Jack Black Will Star as Steve in Minecraft Movie
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First reported by Deadline, American actor Jack Black has joined the case of the Minecraft Movie and will play the role of the main and original character Steve. Jack Black confirmed his involvement with an official Instagram post. He has joined an incredible cast led by Jason Momoa, Danielle Brooks, and Emma Myers. Numerous directors have taken on and left the project, so the final storyline is not yet confirmed.
How to Carve a Pumpkin in Minecraft
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In order to make a carved pumpkin in Minecraft, you'll need a pumpkin and a pair of shears. You can craft shears with two iron ingots and pumpkins generate naturally in plains biomes. Place the pumpkin in the world and use the shears on it. This will turn it into a carved pumpkin and will drop four pumpkin seeds for you, so you can replant the pumpkins. Furthermore, you can find carved pumpkins in some rooms of woodland mansions, as well as outside pillager outposts, as dummies' heads.
Developer Hints at New Features Coming in Stardew Valley 1.6
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Stardew Valley creator ConcernedApe or Eric Barone dropped another teaser for the1.6 update. In the image, we can see that villagers are wearing their new winter clothes. Players are seen holding and setting off red fireworks, which produce a beautiful heart image in the air. Lastly, the villagers have gathered for a reason, and we assume it's a New Year festival. This could be a major festival the developer teased in the past.
This YouTuber Makes Minecraft Items IRL, and They’re Adorable
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YouTuber Celyn Haf has discovered an amazing art form that involves Minecraft mobs and items. She creates them in real life using wooden cubes. First, she collects the cubes and starts gluing them together until the shape matches the one of the item in-game. Then, this YouTuber makes her cute Minecraft creations come to life by carefully painting the cubes in adequate colors. And when that's done, she sticks the object to the wall, so it's nicely displayed.
5 Best Minecraft Crossbow Enchantments
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Best crossbow enchantments in Minecraft include: unbreaking, mending, quick charge, multishot, and piercing. Unbreaking grants a chance that the use of a crossbow won't use its durability. Mending allows you to restore crossbow's durability with XP. Quick charge lets you reload the crossbow faster. Multishot lets you fire three projectiles at once and consume only one. Piercing is the strongest enchantment, as it makes arrows pierce through entities, allowing you to damage up to five mobs with one arrow.
How to Make a Bow in Minecraft
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The bow is one of the best ranged weapons in Minecraft. You require 3 pieces of string, and a crafting table to make a bow. The crafting recipe of the bow is simple. In addition to crafting the bow, you can get it using other methods like killing Skeletons and Strays, trading with Fletcher Villagers, and fishing. Furthermore, the bow requires you to have at least one arrow in your inventory to use it.
6 Ways You Can Get String in Minecraft
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String is a basic item used in crafting recipes, trading with villagers, and as tripwire. You can obtain strong by killing spiders, striders, and cats. Moreover, if you break a cobweb with a sword, you will get a piece of string. You will also find string in chests of dungeons, desert temples, bastions, and also as tripwire in jungle temples. String is one of the junk items you can get when fishing or when bartering with piglins. Finally, your tamed cat can bring you string when you wake up in the morning.
5 Best Uses of Minecraft Shears
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You can use shears in Minecraft to shear some mobs and blocks. By shearing sheep, you can get wool and if you shear full bee nests or beehives you'll get honeycomb. You can also remove wolf armor from tamed wolves. Shears are necessary if you want to obtain blocks like short grass, dead bushes, glow lichen, vines and more. By using this tool, you can break wool blocks a lot quicker. It's also possible to have enchantments like unbreaking, mending, efficiency and curse of vanishing on shears, as well as silk touch in the Bedrock edition.
How to Make Shears in Minecraft
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Shears are useful tools that you can easily make without a crafting table in Minecraft. You need two iron ingots, which you can get by smelting raw iron in a furnace, to make a shear. Place one ingot in the bottom left corner of the 2 x 2 crafting grid in the player's inventory and the other one in the upper right corner. Click on the shears icon to craft and move it to your inventory. Alternatively, you can buy shears from shepherd villagers or by searching chests in this villager's house.
What Does Piercing Do in Minecraft? Explained
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Piercing is an enchantment that allows arrows to pierce through entities in Minecraft. With it, you can damage up to five mobs in a straight line. Piercing also ignores players blocking with shields and is necessary to unlock the "Two Birds, One Arrow" and "Arbalistic" advancements. Its disadvantage is that you cannot have multishot and piercing on the same crossbow, and it does not affect fireworks. You can obtain piercing through the enchanting table or by using enchanted books you buy from villagers.
How to Make a Hoe in Minecraft
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For crafting each of the hoe types in Minecraft (apart form netherite), you need a crafting table, two sticks and two tier items like planks, stone-tier blocks, iron or gold ingots and diamonds. Making a netherite hoe is different and more expensive, as you need a smithing table, netherite ingot, and a diamond hoe that you wish to upgrade. You can find various tiered hoes in structures like ocean and trail ruins, woodland mansions, ruined portals and ancient cities. Moreover, you can combine two broken hoes or add a tier item to one to repair them.
Armadillo and Wolf Armor Now Live in Latest Minecraft Bedrock Preview
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Armadillo is a passive mob that spawns in savanna biomes. It is pretty rare and does curl in a ball if it feels threatened by undead mobs or fast-moving players. Favorite food of armadillos is spider eyes, which you can use to breed them. You can use a brush on the armadillo to collect scutes form it. With six scutes, you can make wolf armor. Walk up to your tamed wolf and right-click it with the wolf armor selected to equip this item. If you want to take off the wolf armor, you'll need to use shears on the wolf.
How to Make a Glass Bottle in Minecraft
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In order to make glass bottles in Minecraft, you need at least three glass blocks and a crafting table. Simply place the glass blocks in a V shape in the middle and bottom or top and middle rows of the grid and the glass bottles will appear on the right. You may use the glass bottle to scoop up different liquids like water, potions, honey, and dragon's breath. Also, you can sell them to the cleric villagers or craft honey bottles by combining four glass bottles and a honey block in the crafting grid.
You Can Now Stop Time in Minecraft; Here’s How
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The tick command allows you to affect the Minecraft time in various fun ways. You can completely freeze the game by typing /tick freeze and unfreeze it with /tick unfreeze. Also, use the /tick rate <value> command to determine whether the game will run slower or faster than normal. You can use the /tick step <value> to allow the game to run normally for a certain amount of time when it's frozen. Use the /tick step stop command to cancel the /tick step command.
Frying Table Revealed in Latest Minecraft 1.21 Leak
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In the latest video on the Minecraft YouTube channel, we can clearly see a tab open on one of the developer's screen that's called a Frying table. Could it mean a first real cooking block in Minecraft? This would make a lot of sense as the food goes hand in hand with the combat feature of the game. It's also a fairly old system that could use an upgrade. You may be able to cook powerful food items that could provide you with status effects. Frying table is still a speculation, but would be a great addition in Minecraft 1.21.
How to Make a Minecart in Minecraft
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Minecarts are one of the player and mob transportation options in Minecraft. To make them, you'll need five iron ingots that you can get by smelting raw iron in a furnace. You'll also need a crafting table or a crafter. Place the ingots in an upside-down iron helmet configuration to craft minecarts. You'll only ever find chest minecarts naturally generated in your world, so you'll have to craft manually all other variants.
Minecraft 1.20.3 Update Gives Decorated Pots Storage and Changes Bat Model
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Minecraft 1.20.3 update has fixed various long-lasting bugs, introduced brand new changes and features to existing items and mobs and added experimental Minecraft 1.21 features. In this update, bat got a new appearance, Nether portal delay has been changed, decorated pots gained a massive buff, new gamerules and commands have been added, grass has been renamed to short grass, monster spawners now display the mob inside properly, you can remove the splash text on the main menu, clock and compass no longer work inside crafting UI and even more new features were added.
Best Uses of the Crafter in Minecraft 1.21
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Crafter is an advanced redstone block that allows you to craft items automatically. Best uses for the crafter in Minecraft 1.21 include a machine that can easily make simple recipes made by Rays Works, a machine that auto crafts dried kelp blocks made by xisumavoid, which you can later use as fuel and a machine that creates bamboo planks made by Mumbo Jumbo, which you can use to make all sorts of wooden blocks and items.
How to Use Armor Stands in Minecraft
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You can use armor stands in Minecraft in several different ways. You may rotate them in many directions just by positioning yourself properly. Armor stands can be equipped with armor, carved pumpkins, mob heads and elytra. On Bedrock edition, armor stands have arms so they can hold any item. Also, you can easily change their pose by using the secondary action button on them. On Java, you'll have to use commands to do the same. Some enchantments on the armor stand's gear grant properties to the stand, such as depth strider or frost walker.
How Long Is a Minecraft Day?
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Length of a Minecraft day is 20 real time minutes. This includes both the day and the night. Moreover, if you skip the night as soon as you can, the day will last for about 10 minutes. So, to reach the 100 day mark with sleeping through every night, you'll need to play Minecraft for about 16.6 hours. Minecraft translates the time in ticks. One real time second contains 20 ticks. Various events and actions are determined by the time, such as villager work hours, hostile mob spawning on the surface, players' ability to sleep, etc.
Minecraft Igloo: Everything You Need to Know
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Igloo is a pretty uncommon structure that generates in the snowy taiga, snowy plains, and snowy slopes in Minecraft. It contains a bed, crafting table and a furnace which will help you out a lot in the early game. Moreover, some igloos have a basement and it contains a villager, zombified villager, brewing stand with a splash potion of weakness, and all the necessary ingredients needed to make a golden apple itself. The purpose of the igloo is to teach players about the process of curing zombified villagers.
How to Make a Clock in Minecraft (Guide)
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The clock in a tiny but essential item, which tells you exactly what time of the day it is in Minecraft. It does so by rotation of the image between a bright sunny half and a dark starry-night half. Now, if you are wondering, you will need gold ingots, redstone powder, and a crafting table to make a clock. You need to place redstone powder in the center cell and then surround it with gold ingots in a diamond pattern to get the clock.
Every Single Way to Use a Minecraft Cauldron
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Cauldron in Minecraft has various uses. You can store water and lava inside them and even farm them with pointed dripstone. If you place the cauldron in a snowy biome, it’ll accumulate powder snow if it’s exposed to the sky. On Bedrock edition you can dye water in the cauldron different colors by using a dye on it. Also, it’s possible to store potions in them which you can later take out and use. Cauldron can remove dye off of leather armor and shulker boxes and is also a leatherworker’s job site block, redstone component and a decorative block.
How to Make a Cauldron in Minecraft
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In order to craft a cauldron in Minecraft you’ll need seven iron ingots and a crafting table or the crafter. You can get iron by smelting raw iron in a furnace. Crafting table and the crafter both provide you with a 3x3 grid that is necessary for the cauldron recipe. Speaking of the recipe, it looks like an upside-down iron leggings recipe with bottom row filled as well as left and right columns. Apart from the crafting, you can also find a cauldron in witch huts, trail ruins, igloos, woodland mansions and villages.
How to Make Mud Bricks in Minecraft
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Mud bricks is one of the prettiest neutral-colored building blocks in Minecraft. They require four blocks of packed mud in order to be crafted. Packed mud can be crafted by combining mud blocks and wheat. You don’t need a crafting table to make mud bricks, as the crafting grid in the player’s inventory will work just fine. Fill every slot of the grid with packed mud to make mud bricks. You can also find mud bricks and its variants in the trail ruins structures. Mud bricks are mainly building blocks which you can make slabs, stairs and walls for.
How to Get the Trial Key in Minecraft 1.21
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The trial key is a copper key you can get in trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21. You can get it in multiple ways: in the chests near the entrance to the structure, in decorated pots in the corridor and by completing the trial spawner's challenge. You're most likely to get the trial key from the trial spawner, which can produce ranged, melee and small melee mobs for you to fight. Not to forget, you'll also encounter the Breeze spawners in this structure. The trial key opens the vault block, which will reward every player that opens it only once.
Minecraft Breeze Mob: Everything You Need to Know
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Breeze is a playful hostile mob added in Minecraft 1.21 update. It kind of resembles the Blaze in a way and can only spawn from the special trial spawners in trial chambers. It moves around by jumping and attacks the player using only the ranged attack - wind charge. This projectile does very little damage when it collides directly with an entity, but can push them back by several blocks. Furthermore, the Breeze drops 1-2 breeze by default, which are used in crafting recipes for the wind charges, flow armor trim and the mace.
How to Easily Find Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21
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Trial chambers are massive structures that generate in the deepslate layers. You may find them while exploring these areas in your Minecraft world. Furthermore, cartographers sell a special explorer map that will lead you straight to a nearby trial chamber. If you have cheats enabled, you can also use the locate command to find trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21. Finally, you can use an online seed finder website like Chunk Base to easily and quickly get the coordinates of the trial chambers in the area.
How to Make Tuff Bricks in Minecraft 1.21
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Tuff bricks are new Minecraft 1.21 building blocks that you can craft in the crafting grid or inside the stonecutter. You'll need at least four polished tuff blocks to fulfil the crafting recipe and only one polished or regular tuff block to make one tuff brick block inside the stonecutter. You can also make other tuff brick variants such as walls, stairs, slabs and even chiseled tuff bricks using the crafting table or stonecutter.
How to Make Polished Tuff in Minecraft 1.21
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Polished tuff blocks are rather beautiful smooth blocks you can make in two ways in Minecraft 1.21. First, you'll need four tuff blocks to make four polished tuff in the crafting grid. Also, you can convert one tuff block into one polished tuff block inside the stonecutter. They also generate as part of the trial chambers. Polished tuff blocks are building blocks, which you can also use to make stairs, slabs, walls and also tuff bricks.
How to Make Copper Grates in Minecraft 1.21
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To make copper grates in Minecraft 1.21, you'll need four copper blocks and a crafting table. Place the four copper blocks of the same oxidation stage in the diamond shape and you'll make copper grates. If you want to make a specific number of copper grates you can then use a stonecutter, which also provides 1:1 ratio. These blocks are only building blocks and they are available in four oxidation stages. You can scrape them with an axe or combine them with honeycomb.
How to Make and Use Minecraft Copper Bulb
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Copper bulb is a special redstone component and light source block you can make with three copper blocks of the same oxidation stage, one redstone dust, one blaze rod and a crafting table in Minecraft 1.21. They also generate in trial chambers. This block emits light according to its oxidation level, the more it's oxidized the less light it gives off. You can only activate and deactivate the copper bulb when it receives redstone signal. While powered, comparators can output a redstone signal of 15 from a copper bulb.