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How to Make a Crafter in Minecraft 1.21
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Crafter is the Minecraft 1.21 revolutionary block that introduced auto-crafting to the game. It's fairly expensive as it requires five iron ingots, two crafting tables, two redstone dust and one dropper. It allows you to make both simple and complex items by disabling the cells inside it. The crafter will only work once it received redstone power. So, it's best to connect it to a redstone clock. It shoots out items from the front side only and you can place a chest in front so all items will end up in there.

Minecraft Trial Chambers Guide: All You Need to Know
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Trial chambers are unique underground structures that are mostly made up of tuff and copper blocks in Minecraft 1.21. These structures generate in the deepslate layers, but not too deep. Mobs you'll encounter are chosen randomly from four categories. They are spawned by trial spawners and can be ranged, melee, small melee and the Breeze. You can get loot from various sources, be it chests, decorated pots, barrels, dispensers, trial spawners, vaults and ominous vaults.

How to Tame a Wolf in Minecraft
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Wolves are neutral mobs you can stumble upon in various Minecraft biomes. Their spawning location and pack size depend on their variation. Moreover, to tame a wolf in Minecraft you'll only need bones. You may get them by killing skeletons or looting many structures. Get close to a wild wolf and use bones on it. They have a 33% chance of taming the wolf. Once tamed, wolves will automatically attack skeletons and any mob or player that the owner attacks. Also, they are adorable and you'll want them everywhere.

List of All Music Discs in Minecraft
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There is a total of 19 music discs in Minecraft and they include: 13, Cat, Blocks, Chirp, Far, Mall, Mellohi, Stal, Strad, Ward, 11, Wait, Otherside, 5, Pigstep, Relic, Precipice, Creator and Creator (Music Box). Most of these items are available when a creeper is killed by a skeleton, though others are found in chests of some structures, as well as vaults, ominous vaults and also decorated pots in trial chambers.

Full List of Minecraft Advancements (2025)
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Minecraft Java Edition features a total of 122 advancements that helps you progress through the game and find out everything you can do in it. There are 5 categories of such advancements divided into Minecraft, Nether, The End, Adventure and Husbandry. So, this guide will teach you all that you can unlock in the game while exploring the world at your own pace.

How to Get Honey from a Beehive in Minecraft
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Just like in the real world, bees produce honey in Minecraft, and you can obtain that sweet sweet delight. You need glass bottles, a camp fire, and a beehive to get access to honey in your world. Once you find a beehive or bee nest, place a campfire under it and then click on the beehive with a glass bottle to collect honey. You can use the honey you collect in Minecraft to gain health, remove poison effects, or as a crafting ingredient.

List of All Light Source Blocks in Minecraft
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Are you interested in learning about light source blocks in Minecraft? Well then this is the guide for you. We covered each block in detail, showing you where you can find them, how to craft them, what light level they emit, how to break them and how they behave in Minecraft. You'll find a block that can match any style, theme and idea you have, so check out our list to find your pick.