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How to Make a Diamond Sword in Minecraft
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The diamond sword is one of the best weapons in Minecraft and to make it, you'll need two diamonds, one stick and a crafting table. Open crafting table's UI and place the stick in any slot of the bottom row. Fill the two slots above it with diamonds and click on the sword icon to make it. The diamond sword deals 7 damage on Java and 8 damage on Bedrock. Its speed is 1.6 and it can have 9 useful enchantments, Those are: sharpness, smite, bane of arthropods, sweeping edge, fire aspect, unbreaking, mending, knockback and looting.

How to Make a Torch in Minecraft
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Torches in Minecraft are the most basic and iconic light source blocks. You may make them or find them in numerous structures. The crafting recipe yields four torches at least and requires one stick and one coal or charcoal. Open the inventory and place the coal/charcoal in the upper slot of the 2x2 crafting grid. Then, add a stick below and you can make torches. They emit a light level of 14 and can be placed on top of and attached to the side of solid blocks. Also, torches are needed for the jack o' lantern and lantern crafting recipes.

How to Breed Dogs in Minecraft
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If you want to breed wolves in Minecraft, you'll first need to find and tame two wild wolves. Then, you should obtain two meat items. Those can be of any meat type. Simply feed the wolves by using the meat on them and you'll see heart particles appear. The new pup will spawn already tamed. If the parents have the same appearance, the pup will be the same. But, if the parents are different, the pup's variation will be chosen randomly. The parents' owner will be the pup's owner. If the owners are different, one will be chosen randomly too.

5 Simple Ways Mojang Can Improve Minecraft’s Inventory!
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Inventory in Minecraft has various issues, from filling up too quickly to annoyance of shuffling items around and bad management options. So, the first solution could be to increase max item stack sizes beyond 64. Also, the shulker boxes are very useful but not really convenient. So, they should receive some quality of life features. Backpacks can help in the early game and the UI should be expanded. This can be done with buttons like sort and a search bar. And while building, there could be a UI wheel that would allow you to easily access blocks from the inventory.

Old Minecraft Packs More Charm than the New One: Here’s Why
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The old versions of Minecraft such as Beta Minecraft has lots of special charms, and it's not only nostalgia. It is a lot simpler than nowadays Minecraft, which makes it easy to get into and simply connect with the world. Moreover, the building blocks were quite limited, so players had to come up with creative solutions and clever integrations. And last but definitely not least, old Minecraft Beta had a different goal altogether, which implies you should simply enjoy the game by doing the basic actions like mining, crafting and building.

How to Make Minecraft in Infinite Craft
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Infinite Craft is a browser game that allows you to create almost any element in the world by combining different components. To make Minecraft in Infinite Craft, you'll need to first create Sandbox and Diamond elements. Sandbox requires you to create Desert from the Sand and then combine it with Software, which you make out of Computer and System. Diamond is made out of two Gem elements, which you make out of two Crystals. The Crystal requires Rock and Kaleidoscope.

7 Best Minecraft Cottage Ideas
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Cottagecore style is one of the most popular building styles in Minecraft, as it focuses on the rural, simplistic and overgrown builds. In this guide we'll share some of the best Minecraft cottage house ideas and blueprints. There are cozy starter houses, cherry cottage, aesthetic cottage, fancy cottagecore house, massive overgrown house, gorgeous log cabin and more. Want to figure out the best Minecraft cottage styles? Keep reading to see them all!

Fun Minecraft Easter Egg Lets You Mine Blocks in Google Search
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Minecraft's 15th anniversary has even spread to Google, as it's currently possible for you to play an interactive browser game in it. Simply type "Minecraft" in the search bar and click on the grass block at the bottom. Steve's hand will appear and you can break the parts of the browser where the cursor becomes the crosshair. Random Minecraft screenshots will appear with some blocks in it. Break the blocks and make pickaxes by breaking logs, stone, iron ore and more. Once you're done, click on the X button at the bottom and creeper will blow up, returning browser to normal.

How to Get the Minecraft Creeper Cape (15th Anniversary Cape)
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The Minecraft Creeper cape is a gift for Minecraft's 15th anniversary celebration. Begin by visiting the Minecraft website and reach the 15th anniversary cape section. Now, sign in to your Microsoft account and click on Claim the Cape button. After that you can equip the cape. To do so in Java, you should reach the Profile page and Change Skin area. Now, scroll down and select the creeper cape. On Bedrock, you can load up Minecraft and select Dressing Room. Edit your character and click Capes button on the left. Now select the cape and Equip button.

5 Best Minecraft Backpack Mods
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Minecraft's inventory system isn't the greatest. Thankfully, there are mod alternatives that introduce backpacks that provide additional space. These mods contain the best of the bunch which includes picks like Sophisticated Backpacks, Traveler's Backpack and more. You can craft these with basic items and then upgrade them using precious items. They might also include enchantments or upgrades which provide different abilities.

How to Get the Minecraft TikTok Cape
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Minecraft is celebrating a huge milestone of 15 years and to celebrate, Mojang has provided lots of special free gifts for us in the form of Character Creator items. One of those is the TikTok cape, which you can unlock by commenting "Minecraft" in livestreams of Minecraft creators on the TikTok platform. Also, you might need to watch the stream for a short time too. You'll then get a code which you can enter on the official Minecraft redeem page to get the TikTok cape in Bedrock edition.

How to Get the Minecraft Twitch Cape
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Mojang is giving out two Bedrock-exclusive capes for the Minecraft 15th anniversary. To get the Twitch cape, you'll need to create a Twitch account if you don't already have it. Then, go to the Drops & Rewards section where you may find the Minecraft Drop Campaigns. Watch the chosen streamers for 15 minutes to get the cape. To get the Glitch Mask, you need to purchase one subscription for the streamer. You'll then get a notifications with codes in them. Visit the official Minecraft website and redeem the Minecraft Twitch cape and Glitch Mask at the bottom.

Minecraft Turns 15; Begins Massive Celebration Fest
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Minecraft was released all the way back in May 2009 and in just a couple days, it's turning 15! This is a massive milestone and Mojang has decided to create a 15-day celebration event, during which you can log in to your Minecraft Bedrock account every day from May 15 to May 29 to obtain free Character Creator items. These vary from mouth and hair styles, to hats, outfits and footwear items. Beside those, we also expect there to be more Minecraft 15th anniversary announcements, such as the leaked creeper cape.

12 Minecraft Kitchen Ideas
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One of the main parts of any Minecraft house is a kitchen. In this guide we'll share some of the best kitchen ideas, tips and tricks you can make and use in Minecraft. They vary from simple to complex designs for various kitchen features, such as chairs, tables, stove, fridge, sink, trash can, shelves, storage, lighting, decoration and the theme of the entire kitchen as well. This guide will help you make the perfect kitchen that will suit your world's theme, style and lore.

Minecraft Snapshot 24W19B Nerfs the Mace & Improves Performance
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Minecraft snapshot 24W19B mostly focuses on making some technical changes and fixing old and relevant bugs. Those include performance boost, new cave sounds, added new vibrations for certain actions, fixed crash due to a villager dying and more. The mace was nerfed in the previous 24W18A snapshot and those changes include reduced attack damage and speed, smash attack calculation changes, additional density damage reduced and incompatibleness of all damage enchantments.

The Enchanting table is very important in Minecraft, but currently it has lots of flaws. Primarily, it's too random and enchanting could take a lot of time, levels, lapis and sanity. Furthermore, rerolling isn't quite obvious and there is no clear link between the table and bookshelves. Therefore, the enchanting table is not as good as enchanted books. The improvements I think enchanting table needs in Minecraft are a reroll button, display of all enchantments in a slot and a better approach for new players. Also, brand new feature like removing one enchantment would make the enchanting table truly valuable.

Minecraft 24W18A Snapshot Adds New Music Discs and Paintings
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Minecraft Snapshot 24W18A adds 9 new background tracks to the game, which will play in certain Overworld biomes and main menu. Furthermore, brand new paintings were added too, 5 from artist Sarah Boeving and 15 from the original artist Kristoffer Zetterstrand. Copper doors and trapdoors now require copper ingots to craft, spider and slime trial spawners switched categories, added new trial chamber entrances and empty chests, ominous trial spawners with mobs that are unable to wear equipment now spawn double the total mob count and more.

How to Get an Invisible Item Frame in Minecraft
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Item frames are very neat entities that display items, but sometimes it's the best if you cannot see them. To get an invisible item frame in Minecraft, you can use the following command - /give @p item_frame{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b}}. This works on Minecraft 1.17. Furthermore, there are texture packs that turn all regular item frames invisible when enabled. The third option is to use a mod, which allows you to toggle visibility of an item frame by sneaking and punching it. Getting invisible item frames on Bedrock edition is far more complicated, but is achievable with invisible armor stands.

How to Fix Minecraft Exit Code 1 Error
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The Minecraft Exit Code 1 error is a common and rather frustrating error. It may occur due to several problems related to software like Java or GPU drivers, incompatible mods, corrupted files and more. To fix it, first try updating the GPU drivers. Checking for and removing an outdated or incompatible mod may fix this error too. Java can cause this issue as well, so try changing its executable path or completely reinstalling it. If Windows username has a special character, then modifying the Minecraft Launcher path may fix the error.

What Do Pigs Eat in Minecraft
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Pigs are passive mobs in Minecraft that eat three different food items, which include carrots, potatoes and beetroots. They are crops you can find in chests of some structures. Moreover, you can plant their respective seeds on hydrated farmland and wait for them to fully mature, Then harvest them by breaking them. Select one of these items on your hotbar and use it on a pig. If it's an adult, it'll display heart particles above it. Feed two nearby adult pigs to breed them, which will cause a baby pig to spawn. Feed the baby to speed up its growth.

Armadillo in Minecraft: Everything You Need to Know
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Armadillo is a neutral mob that spawns inside savanna and badlands Minecraft biomes. It rolls up if it detects a threat, such as undead mobs, sprinting players or players on mounts, nearby. Armadillos have six hearts of health, can take damage from most sources, and their shell will absorb some of it. Their favorite food is spider eyes, which you can use to breed them. You may use a brush on an armadillo to get armadillo scutes, necessary ingredients for crafting and repairing wolf armor. You get only XP after killing an adult armadillo and nothing after killing a baby.

Minecraft: Tricky Trials Soundtracks, Realms Plus Update, and a New Cape Leaked?!
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Minecraft is going to receive 12 new soundtracks in the 1.21 update, three of which will be turned into music discs. If you're a Realms Plus user, than you'll love to hear this. Realms Plus received a brand new feature - Realms Stories. This is a social tab where you can send comments and screenshots, see who's online and even keep track of milestones. The newest leak Minecraft community discovered is the creeper cape design, which will most likely be released for the Minecraft 15th anniversary celebration event.

Minecraft 1.21 Update: New Mobs, Blocks, Features, and More
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The Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials is the new major update released on June 13. It is mostly related to combat and tinkering aspects of the game. It adds a new structure called the trial chambers, new blocks like trial spawners, ominous trial spawners, vaults, ominous vaults, plenty of copper and tuff blocks, crafter, new mobs such as the Breeze and Bogged, new items like breeze rods, heavy core, armor trims, banner patterns, pottery sherds, potions, music discs and the mace.

How to Get Armadillo Scutes in Minecraft
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You can get armadillo scutes in two simple ways in Minecraft. You can wait near an adult armadillo and it will eventually drop a scute. This can take 5-10 minutes, similarly to the time needed for chickens to lay eggs. The faster method of collecting scutes is by using a brush on the armadillo. This will yield one scute, and you can do it over and over again. However, you can only get 4-5 armadillo scutes with an unenchanted brush. Armadillo scutes are used in the crafting recipe for wolf armor and also for repairing damaged wolf armor.

How to Breed Armadillos in Minecraft
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Armadillos are neutral mobs that spawn in the savanna and badlands biome. Their favorite food is spider eyes, which you can use to breed them. You can get spider eyes by killing spiders, witches, and looting desert pyramid chests. Once you have armadillos and two spider eyes, right-click the mobs with the poisonous food item to breed them in Minecraft. They will enter love mode and soon a baby armadillo will spawn.

What Do Polar Bears Eat in Minecraft?
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Polar bears are neutral mobs that spawn in icy Minecraft biomes, like snowy plains, ice spikes, frozen ocean, deep frozen ocean, as well as several more in Bedrock edition only. The lone adult polar bears and cubs are passive, but adults with cubs nearby are hostile. This mob also attacks if you attack it first. Furthermore, it is not possible to feed polar bears. Therefore, they cannot be tamed nor bred and cub's growth cannot be accelerated. Unfortunately, polar bears are pretty useless, as they only drop fish and XP.

What Do Cows Eat in Minecraft?
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Cows are one of the most useful Minecraft mobs. They drop leather, XP and meat, which are all important in the early game. Cows in Minecraft will breed when they eat their favorite food which is wheat. You may grow wheat from wheat seeds you get by punching grass or find it in village farms. Wheat is also used to lure cows and speed up the growth of baby cows. Hold the wheat in your main hand and use it on a cow to feed it.

Minecraft Update 1.20.5 Is Live; Check out All the New Features
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Minecraft 1.20.5 is not the same as 1.21. It is a minor update that introduces several brand new features to Minecraft. Those include the armadillo, armadillo scutes, wolf armor, new wolf variants, new advancements, new commands, bug fixes and other minor changes. This update is now live and also brings changes to the Minecraft Launcher.

How to Breed Llamas in Minecraft
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Llamas are interesting neutral mobs you may find in some uncommon Minecraft biomes, such as windswept hills, windswept forest and savanna plateau. Trader llamas spawn with the wandering trader. Llama eats wheat and hay bales. You may lure and breed llamas using hay bales. Tame a llama by repetitively riding it until you see heart particles. Once tamed, you can equip the llama with a carpet and its appearance will change. Also, you can place the chest on it to allow it to carry items.

What Do Llamas Eat in Minecraft
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Llamas are utility mobs that can be used to transport items. The food llamas love to eat in Minecraft are Wheat and Hay Bales. Wheat is a crop you can grow from wheat seeds, which you get by punching grass. Hay bales are crafted from 9 wheat and also generate in villages. Both of them heal llamas, speed up the growth of baby llamas and increase the llama's temper. Hay bales are more expensive and therefore provide higher values. Also, they are necessary for luring and breeding llamas.

How to Crawl in Minecraft Java and Bedrock
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Crawling in Minecraft is one of the most essential abilities you have. It allows you to switch your hitbox from vertical to horizontal, so you can easily access one-block-tall spaces. You can crawl in several different ways. One of them is by using a trapdoor. Place it in the height of the head, get close to it and open it. Moreover, while in water, you can trigger the diving animation and easily crawl in tiny spaces. Finally, while elytra is equipped, you may activate it by double-pressing the jump button, which will allow you to crawl.

Minecraft Standard vs Ominous Trial Spawner: What’s the Difference?
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Regular trial spawner generates naturally in trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21. It can spawn melee, small melee, and ranged mobs, as well as the Breeze. The number of mobs will depend upon the number of players nearby. Once you kill all mobs, the trial spawner will eject some rewards for you and go in cooldown state for 30 minutes. The ominous trial spawner generates only when you approach a regular version with Bad Omen or Trial Omen. It often spawns mobs with enchanted gear, as well as potions and projectiles above you and the mobs.

How Minecraft Speedrunners Taught Me to Conquer My Goals
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My goal is to learn more about Minecraft speedrunning and it's mostly because I got inspired by some amazing speedrunners. They are just so impressive with their excellent knowledge and insane skills. The competitive aspect is also very motivating, even though I'm just a beginner. Every little improvement I make is very rewarding and makes me want to be better. I love learning about and trying speedrunning techniques and strats, as they're so fun and exciting. If you feel the same, you can learn how to speedrun by watching useful videos.

Who Holds the Minecraft Speedrun World Record in 2025?
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Minecraft speedrunning is immensely popular and here we'll be covering the Java and Bedrock world records in 2025. On Java, player drip120 has beaten Minecraft in 7 minutes and 1 second, while on Bedrock, lol869 has beaten the game in under 13 minutes and 13 seconds. Both were really lucky to get useful resources at the beginning of the game and head to the End dimension with least nonsense moves.

All Banner Patterns in Minecraft and How to Get Them
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Banner patterns are items you can use to apply a complete and unique design to a banner inside a loom in Minecraft. Some banner patterns are rarer than others and they all have different requirements for you to obtain them. Some are crafted by combining a block or an item with a piece of paper. Others are found in the world inside loot blocks and you can even buy one from a villager. To apply banner patterns, add a banner, color dye and a banner pattern in the loom and click on the banner on the right.

Jason Momoa Shares Exciting Minecraft Movie Update on Instagram
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The news we've been waiting for a decade is finally here as the Minecraft Movie is done filming. The announcement has been made by Jason Momoa on Instagram, one of the main actors working on the movie. He posted an image of several cast and crew members including himself and Jack Black. The movie was first announced in 2014 in the Notch's tweet and its official release date is on April 4, 2025, 11 years later.

6 Reasons Why Minecraft Multiplayer Is Superior to Single Player
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Both Minecraft modes are good in their own way, but there are some reasons that make multiplayer generally better than single player. First, it instantly makes the game progression easier. Furthermore, some in-game items and blocks have a proper use in multiplayer, like a trapped chest. Other players will constantly keep you motivated to finish your projects and you can create a world and a whole community together. Finally, thanks to lots of active available servers out there, you will always have some new things to try with your friends.

Minecraft Preview Adds Cool New Paintings, Raid Omen, and More
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Mace enchantments are finally live in Minecraft Bedrock edition. They include wind burst, density and breach. Wind burst can launch you in the air, density increases mace's fall damage and breach makes the mace ignore a certain armor percentage. Minecraft Preview also adds five new paintings made by the artist Sarah Boeving. Bad Omen transforms into Raid Omen upon entering a village and various bugs related to trial chambers, armadillo and hardcore world death screen have been fixed.

Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre-Release 1 Nerfs the Mace and Brings Changes to the Trial Chambers & Ominous Trials
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Wind burst enchantment is no longer that OP and satisfying as before. In Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre-Release 1, it has been nerfed so you can activate it only by landing on the target from above. The trial chambers have received numerous changes and the ominous trial spawners regularly spawn mobs with enchanted gear and the special potion effects. This pre-release also introduces new advancements to help guide you through the Minecraft 1.21 update.

Minecraft Is Hard to Beat Without Guides, but Do You Really Need To?
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Minecraft is a sandbox game, with an official ending that occurs when the player kills the Ender Dragon. However, there are no in-game quests that lead you to this conclusion. Moreover, while the in-game advancements are very helpful, they still lack important details that new players need to beat the game. The lore elements are not obviously connected either. Despite these elements, beating Minecraft without research or guides is possible. However, depending on how motivated you are, it might take a little or a long time. But, beating the game is nowhere near important as just enjoying the experience.

5 Best Mace Enchantments in Minecraft 1.21
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Best mace enchantments in Minecraft 1.21 are mending, unbreaking, wind burst, density and breach. Mending allows you to repair the mace with XP. Unbreaking reduces the chance of the mace losing durability. Wind burst launches you in the air upon hitting an entity. Density increases the damage mace gets by falling. Finally, breach allows the mace to ignore a certain armor value percentage of the attacked mob or player.

How to Get Ominous Bottles in Minecraft 1.21
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Ominous bottle is an item you can get in three ways in Minecraft 1.21. First, it's a drop from pillager raid captains who spawn in a pillager patrol or around the pillager outpost. Moreover, you can open the vault using the trial key and there is an 18.6% chance you'll get an ominous bottle. You can also open an ominous vault, which has a 13.4% chance of ejecting the ominous bottle. These items apply the Bad Omen effect which can trigger raids and ominous trials.