#Instagram Reels
24 Stories

Instagram Finally Lets You Fast Forward Those “Long” Reels
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Instagram is rolling out a feature to fast forward reels at 2x speed, similar to TikTok. To use it, you need to long press the left or right side of your display. This feature was previously available but then removed later on. Now it is finally here after much-requested due to the increased reel duration to 3 minutes.

Instagram Could Potentially Split Reels into Its Own Standalone App
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There's a possibility that Instagram might launch a standalone app for Reels, code-named Project Ray. This app would feature 3-minute reels and improved recommendations. The move could compete with TikTok and bring Instagram back to its roots, but risks alienating current users.

How to Check Your Instagram Watch History
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This article explores different workarounds to check your previously watched Instagram Reels. Since Instagram itself does not offer a baked in option to let users browse their Reels watch history, users can try workarounds like looking up liked Reels under Your Activity section or view saved Reels instead.

Instagram Test Lets You Watch Shared Reels Without Opening DMs
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Instagram is testing a new feature that allows users to watch shared reels in the chat screen without opening it. The reel preview appears as a thumbnail and plays the oldest unseen reel. Users can scroll down to watch all shared reels. Once all reels are seen, the app shows recommended reels. This feature is currently in beta and not available in the stable version.

Instagram Tests “Blend” to Curate a Shared Feed of Reels
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Instagram is reportedly developing a feature called "Blend" that allows users to create a private feed of curated Reels with a friend. The feed recommendations are based on shared and liked reels. The feature is still in development and not yet available to the public.

How to Download Instagram Reels the Easy Way
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Instagram introduced the ability to download reels back in June 2023 but it was limited to US users. They have rolled out the feature to everyone now. Using this feature, you can natively download Instagram Reels on your iPhone or Android device without using a third-party tool. To use this feature, open the reel you want to download -> tap on the share icon on the right -> select Download in the pop-up menu.