Over the years, redstone has become one of the most daunting topics for all the players of Minecraft. But not anymore. We are here with a complete guide, explaining all the redstone components, what they do, and how to make them in Minecraft. But it’s a long road to explore, so let’s dive right in!
Editor’s Note: updated on June 13, 2024, to include new components – crafter and copper bulb
1. Redstone Dust

As you might already know, Redstone machines and circuits are all about connecting components to a power source. And there’s no better way to connect circuits than a wire. That’s where the Redstone dust comes in. This block works like a wire in Minecraft and transports power from one place to another. Without any connected components, the Redstone dust is essentially useless.
Though, you can use Redstone dust as a crafting ingredient for a variety of other components. But to obtain the Redstone dust, you have to mine the Redstone ore, which spawns underground in the Overworld.
2. Redstone Block
If you have plenty of Redstone dust, you can combine it using a crafting table to make a Redstone block. This block is a redstone power source, which will provide all adjacent redstone components maximim power. It is also used as storage option to store Redstone dust.
3. Redstone Torch
Redstone torch is a common redstone component that works similarly to a redstone block, it provides maximum redstone signal to the block above it. If the block it’s attached to gets powered, the redstone torch will turn off. You can place it on the side as well as on top of blocks. It’s crafted with a stick and redstone dust.
4. Lever
Lever is another power source block, but unlike the previous ones mentioned, it can be turned on and off easily just by right-clicking. This allows you to only trigger the farm or machine when you need it. You can place it on any side of a block and it then provides redstone signal 15 to that block. Also, it’s crafted with one cobblestone and a stick.
5. Button
Button is also a redstone power source and is most of the time turned off. Once you right-click it, it’ll trigger and power the block it’s attached to shortly. The time it stays powered depends on the material it’s made of. The wooden button stays on for a little longer than the stone button. You may craft a button with a plank or with a stone block.
6. Pressure Plates
Pressure plates are Redstone components that also trigger an action. They detect the weight of the entity that stands on them and sends out a Redstone signal. In Minecraft, other than the regular pressure plates, you also find weighted pressure plates that are used to measure the number of mobs on top. With the right setup, it can act as a reliable component in Minecraft mob farms. Pressure plates are crafted with two stone blocks, planks, iron or gold ingots.
7. Redstone Repeater
Usually, Redstone signals get transferred from one component to another and that’s it for the transmission. But Redstone repeaters take this equation to another level. You can use them to repeat, delay, and even lock Redstone signals while they’re being transmitted. This block requires three stone blocks, two redstone torches and one redstone dust to be crafted.
8. Redstone Comparator
The Redstone comparator is another component block that can interact with Redstone signals. It can hold, compare, and subtract the strength of Redstone signals. Though, most players use this component for testing the state of specific blocks. The comparator can also check how full the container block behind it is. It’s crafted with three redstone torches, one quartz and three stone blocks.
9. Dropper
Dropper is another Redstone component block that can throw items. When activated, the dropper ejects items, and they drop as pickable Minecraft items. However, the items don’t get activated or used when thrown out of a dropper. This block’s crafting recipe requires seven cobblestone and one redstone dust.
10. Dispenser
Dispenser is a special Redstone component that uses and throws the items placed inside it. When activated, a dispenser can end up throwing a lit TNT, using a bucket, firing arrows, using spawn eggs, and more. Without the dispenser, farms like the Minecraft bee farm wouldn’t even be possible. Its recipe includes same resources for the dropper with an addition of a bow of any durability.
11. Hopper
Hopper is a container block that can pull items from one container and funnel them into another container it’s attached to. Hoppers can also interact with other hoppers. It’s very useful in automating storage rooms and farms. Once it’s powered by a redstone signal, it’ll become locked, which means it’s unable to receive nor transfer items. It’s crafted with one chest and five iron ingots.
12. Observer
An observer is an actionable Minecraft component block. It notices the changes in the block or fluid right in front and sends out a Redstone signal based on that. Even though it works differently on the Minecraft Bedrock and Java editions, it’s still one of the most powerful blocks on both. You can’t even imagine automating farms like the Minecraft sugar cane farm without an observer. It’s crafted with six cobblestone, two redstone dust and one quartz.
13. Note Block
A note block is a simple component block that can be activated by players as well as Redstone signals. Each time the note block is activated, it makes the sound of a single musical note.
This sound changes based on the block beneath the note block, which is a cool mechanic. Because of that, you can create a whole collection of unique sounds by pairing random blocks with note blocks. Also, the note block is essential to attract Allays and collect items easily. It’s crafted with one redstone dust and eight planks.
14. Piston
Most blocks don’t affect other blocks in-game but pistons in Minecraft are different in that aspect. They are a Redstone block that pushes mobs, players, and blocks that are right in front of it. Once their Redstone signal is removed, they pull their arm back, but the pushed block stays in its new position.
Not only that, but they also break certain blocks and allow for automation, just like it is the case of pumpkin farms. You may make one piston with three planks, four cobblestone, one iron ingot and one redstone dust.
15. Sticky Piston
The sticky piston in Minecraft is a variant of regular piston blocks. When activated, they also push the blocks, mobs, and players that are right in front of them. But unlike a regular piston, they stick themselves to the block that’s next to them. So, when the Redstone signal is withdrawn, they pull the pushed block back to its original position. Sticky piston is crafted with a piston and one slime ball.
16. Redstone Lamp
Minecraft has a variety of light blocks within the game, ranging from froglight to beacon in Minecraft. One of them is the Redstone lamp. It’s in the group of the brightest light blocks in the game but only gets activated by a Redstone signal. When powered, it is the perfect block to fit into your Minecraft house, especially if it’s underground. You can craft this lamp with four redstone dust and one glowstone.
17. Copper Bulb
Another incredible light source block and a redstone component is the copper bulb. It is very unique, as it emits light based on the oxidation stage it’s at. Also, once it’s powered, this block will stay lit until it’s been powered again, unlike the redstone lamp. You may craft it with three copper blocks, one redstone dust and one blaze rod.
18. Crafter
Crafter is the Minecraft 1.21‘s revolutionary feature that can automatically craft items that is has required resources for in correct order. Once it’s powered, it’ll attempt to craft an item, which it’ll then spit out through the front side. You can therefore rotate it in all different positions.
Furthermore, you can use the crafter to condense certain items automatically, craft a lot of items that you don’t want to or add the crafter to farms to make them even better. Due to its power, crafter is expensive to make, requiring one dropper, one crafting table, two redstone dust and five iron ingots.
19. Sculk Sensor
The Sculk sensor belongs to the family of Sculk blocks introduced with the Minecraft 1.19 update. They only spawn in the Ancient cities of Minecraft and can’t be crafted. Sculk sensors have to be mined with a silk touch pickaxe for you to pick it up.
The Sculk sensor can detect any and all in-game vibrations that happen around it. Whenever the sensor detects a vibration, it sends out a Redstone signal. So, it also doubles down as a Redstone activator component.
20. Calibrated Sculk Sensor
One of the more annoying parts of the sculk sensor is that it detects all vibrations. That’s where the calibrated sculk sensor comes into play. If there is a specific redstone signal attached to its back side, it’ll only detect vibrations outputting that redstone signal.
For example, if there is a redstone block attached to calibrated sculk sensor’s input side, it’ll only detect actions that produce the maximum redstone signal, such as an explosion or player/mob death. You can craft this useful and complex block with a sculk sensor and three amethyst shards.
21. Rail
Rails are blocks that minecarts can travel on top of. If the rail is curved, it can be affected by redstone signal, so that it switches from being connected to one rail track to being connected to the other. This can be useful in case your transporting mobs or making a roller-coaster ride. Rails are crafted with six iron ingots and one stick.
22. Powered Rail
The powered rail in Minecraft is another type of rail that acts as a Redstone component for minecarts. When activated, it gives a power boost to the minecart that passes over it.
But while it is inactive, the powered rail acts as a break and immediately stops the minecart that moves over it. So, in a way, it’s the perfect rail block to control the movement of a minecart. This rail is crafted with six gold ingots, one stick and one redstone dust.
23. Detector Rail
Detector rail gets powered when a minecart passes over it. It can be an empty minecart or with a mob or player inside. It sends out a redstone signal of 15. This rail type is crafted with six iron ingots, one stone pressure plate and one redstone dust.
24. Activator Rail
On the surface, the activator rail appears to be similar to a powered rail. But instead of giving a power boost, the activator rail performs different “activation” actions with different types of minecarts. For example, if there is a mob in the cart, the activator rail ejects it out. But if it’s a hopper minecart, the activator rail locks it and prevents it from picking up any items. This rail is crafted with two sticks, six iron ingots and one redstone torch.
25. Minecarts
Minecarts are redstone component entities that can interact with redstone through different already-mentioned rails. There are five different minecart types including regular minecart, hopper minecart, chest minecart, furnace minecart and TNT minecart.
26. Daylight Detector
The daylight detector depends upon light to send out Redstone signals. It is usually placed in an open area to detect the presence or absence of sunlight. But it can also detect other bright light sources. Depending upon its setting, the daylight detector can send out a Redstone signal whenever the condition of the light right above it changes. You’ll need three glass blocks, three wooden slabs and three quartz to make one daylight detector.
27. Target Block
The target blocks in Minecraft are an activator Redstone component. They send out a temporary Redstone signal every time they are hit with a projectile. Since most other Redstone components require you to be next to them for activation, the projectile makes it possible to activate circuits from a distance.
This block pairs perfectly with the wind charge projectile, whose trajectory doesn’t bend and travels in a straight line. Also, target block redirects redstone dust towards it, making it very convenient in many redstone circuits. One target block requires four redstone dust and one hay bale to be crafted.
28. Chiseled Bookshelf
Chiseled bookshelf block is a unique redstone component that outputs a signal strength 1-6 depending on the last slot player interacted with. The slot numbers move from top left to bottom right. This can be detected with the help of a redstone comparator. If you haven’t interacted with it yet, then its redstone signal will be 0.
Not only that, but this fancy bookshelf can interact with hoppers and droppers too. You can even use it to make a cool secret door of your super secret base. This block is crafted with six wooden planks and three wooden slabs.
29. Lectern
Lectern is, believe it or not, one of the most convenient redstone power sources you can use. You can place a book and quill on the lectern and it’ll output a redstone signal strength equal to the page number the book is at, up to 15. This is also detected with a comparator. Just like that, you can super easily set up your calibrated sculk sensor or crafter with a lectern and a book. Lectern can be crafted with four wooden slabs and one bookshelf.
30. Jukebox
Jukebox is a strange redstone component and also rather simple. When a music disc is playing in a jukebox, this block emits signal strength of 15. This can be used to lock the hopper below until the song is done, after which the music disc will be sucked into the hopper and can be replayed with the help of droppers. The jukebox recipe requires eight planks and one diamond.
31. Decorated Pot
Decorated pots are mostly decorative blocks, but they also have amazing redstone properties. For starters, you can place items in it and it will output a redstone signal depending on how full it is. This is detected by a comparator. Decorated pots also interact with hoppers, droppers and sculk sensors, and can be broken by pistons. You can make one of these pots with four brick items or by using pottery sherds.
32. Composter
Composter starts filling up when you use some plant-like items on it. Depending on its compost level, it’ll output a different redstone signal. Full composter emits redstone signal strength 8 and this is detected by a comparator. You can make a composter with seven wooden slabs.
33. Cauldron
Cauldron is another strange and random redstone components that outputs a signal depending on how full it is. Every level of water adds one to the total count, so the completely filled cauldron emits signal strength 3. You can use the cauldron in so many ways and make it with seven iron ingots.
34. Tripwire Hook
A tripwire hook is a unique Redstone activator component. It consists of a string attached to a hook. Whenever a mob, player, item, or other entity touches the string, it gets activated and sends a Redstone signal. The thing that is used in the tripwire hook is easy to see in most circumstances, making it the perfect element for hidden traps and circuits. This item is crafted with one iron ingot, one stick and one plank.
35. Trapped Chest
Trapped chests work and appear in almost the same way as a regular chest. You can place these chests in different spots and even store items in them. But when the chest is opened, it’ll output a redstone signal equal to the number of players accessing the contents, up to 15.
So, this block is a perfect prank block, as it can trigger a TNT trap when a players wants to view its contents. This chest requires a regular chest and a tripwire hook to be crafted.
36. Lightning Rod
Lightning rod is a block that attracts thunder and doesn’t let it hit random mobs and blocks. It can also be used as a redstone component, as it outputs a redstone signal strength of 15 once it’s been hit by thunder. This of course means that thundering is necessary, but it’s also pretty dangerous as hostile mobs and even a skeleton horse trap can spawn. It is crafted with three copper ingots.
37. TNT
TNT is an explosive Minecraft block that destroys blocks and damages entities around it when activated. Players can manually activate it using items like a fire charge and flint and steel. But, they can be activated by receiving a Redstone signal, which can even be the smallest signal. Without this mechanic, the tree farm in Minecraft wouldn’t even be possible. To make TNT, you need five gunpowder and four sand blocks.
38. Door, Trapdoor, & Fence Gate
Wooden doors, trapdoors, and fence gates can be manually opened by the players, but they can also get triggered by Redstone signals in the game. You simply have to place them next to a Redstone component. Whenever that component receives a trigger, the attached door, fence gate, or trapdoor will open. Then, when the signal is removed, the door, fence gate, or trapdoor will get closed.
39. Iron Doors and Trapdoors
Iron doors and iron trapdoors can only be opened using Redstone signals. Players can’t open them manually with their hands. They are perfect to keep hostile mobs of Minecraft away from your base, as only players can operate Redstone components, with the exception of the Breeze and its wind charge attack.
40. Bell
Bell is a block you can find in villages or buy from the “smith” villagers including weaponsmiths, armorers and toolsmiths. Once a bell receives redstone power, it starts ringing.
41. Dragon Head
And we’ve reached the last redstone component on our list and it’s a weird one. Yes, the Dragon head is a redstone component. How, you might be asking? Well, when this block is powered, it will start playing animation of its mouth opening and closing. You can only get it from the front of End City ships in the End.
With that, you now know the most important facts related to all the Redstone components in Minecraft. Whether they are made out of Redstone or get triggered by it, you can use our guide to use them freely to fit your creative endeavors. And in case you are wondering about their use case, our list of best Minecraft farms can give you a variety of ideas.
Having said that, which is the most interesting Redstone component, according to you? Tell us in the comments below!
You could say yes, redstone is like coding. It allows you to solve problems and find solutions which can make your creative ideas possible. Some redstone components are more complex than others and provide various opportunities.
Redstone and its components are so useful that you cannot play the game without them. You can make efficient farms that make and collect resources, mess with your friends in the most silly ways and even make your big projects easier to accomplish. Redstone is just as important as any other core feature of Minecraft, like building and exploring.
How easy redstone is to learn depends on you can your logic. Some players understand redstone quickly and therefore don’t have any troubles learning it, but some other players struggle more, as they cannot comprehend the logic behind some components.
In general, redstone is not too difficult to learn if you just want to understand some simple farms and machines. But, if you’re interested in making crazy complicated contraptions, then yes, redstone components are pretty difficult to learn at that stage.