Ancient Cities are easily the most popular feature of Minecraft 1.19: The Wild Update. They bring new and exciting loot to the game along with a proper guard for the same in the form of Warden. But due to their low spawn rate, it might not be easy to come across the Ancient City just by exploring the caves. That’s where this guide will come in handy. Here, we have explained how you can find an Ancient City in Minecraft 1.19 with the most reliable methods and some simple hacks. With that said, let’s get started!
Find the Ancient City in Minecraft (2022)
There are several methods to find the Ancient City in the game, and they work on both Bedrock and Java editions. You can use the below to learn about the method that feels most useful to you.
What is an Ancient City in Minecraft?

Ancient Cities are a new structure of Minecraft 1.19 that are found below the overworld dimension in the Deep Dark caves. They are home to the powerful hostile mob, the Warden, and also features the best loot you can get in the overworld. The structure is known as a “city” because it has multiple smaller structures, chest rooms, and temple-like areas.
Where Does the Ancient City Spawn
The Ancient City only spawns in the Deep Dark biome of Minecraft. It is a new cave biome in the game and usually generates closer to the Bedrock level of the world. You can identify it by the new sculk blocks growing in the area of this biome.

In terms of world height, the Ancient City usually spawns below the height of Y=-20. You can most commonly discover them at the height of Y=-40, but this could get affected by other cave biomes in the area. So, if you want to find an Ancient City naturally, exploring the caves in the negative height values is the best way to go. Though, we suggest you make a Potion of Night Vision before heading to the dark underground areas.
How Do You Find the Ancient City in Minecraft
How to Enable Cheats in Minecraft
If the traditional search and mine route doesn’t work for you, the game also offers commands to find the Ancient City in Minecraft. But you must enable cheats in the game to use these commands.

You can find the “Activate Cheats” option in the game settings within the pause menu on the Bedrock edition. Meanwhile, you have to turn on the cheats from the “LAN options” in the pause menu for the Java edition.
Use Locate Command to Get to Ancient City
Minecraft’s “locate” command allows us to find structures and biomes in the game, and well, you can use it to find an Ancient City as well. Here’s how it works
1. First, enter the locate command for your edition of the game in your chat section and press enter.
Command to find Ancient City in Java Edition:
/locate structure minecraft:ancient_city
Command to find Ancient City in Bedrock Edition:
/locate ancientcity
2. Then, the game will display the coordinates of the closest Ancient City. You can use them to travel or teleport in Minecraft to the Ancient City in the Deep Dark biome.

Top Ancient City Seeds in Minecraft
Leaving exploration and commands aside, the most reliable method to get to the Ancient City in Minecraft 1.19 is by spawning on top of one. You can use the following seeds to spawn on top of Ancient Cities. Then, you only need to dig down to reach the city.
Ancient City At Spawn in Java Edition

This seed spawns you in a forest biome, which is enough to help you gather food and basic tools. Once you are ready, you only need to dig down. First, you will encounter a Mineshaft whose loot can help you level up easily. Then, you will encounter the Ancient City beneath the Mineshaft, offering you the best loot in the game.
- Seed Code: 2817169686383787731
- Spawn Biome: Forest
- Ancient City Coordinates: 488, -40, -600
Ancient City Seed for Bedrock Edition

Get ready for a long digging session as this Minecraft 1.19 seed spawns you on top of a mountain beneath which sits a massive Ancient City. But you will have to dig deep and for a long time to reach it. Fortunately, the nearby village helps you get all the food supply and tools you need for the adventure.
- Seed Code: -7969402200478764570
- Spawn Biome: Snowy Slopes
- Ancient City Coordinates: 8, -43, 136
If these seeds fail to impress you, our list of the best Ancient City seeds in Minecraft 1.19 has more variety. You can find everything from merged biomes to glitched structures in them.
Find the Ancient City in Minecraft Today
With that, we have taught you the best methods to find an Ancient City in Minecraft. You can use them to expand your inventory and even make an attempt to defeat the Warden in Minecraft. But it’s best not to take on such adventures at an early stage in the game. Instead, you should try to secure some of the best Minecraft enchantments to level up your character. And the best Minecraft mods can help you do that without even moving a single block. Coming back to the Ancient Cities, the portal-like structure in its center is still an unanswered mystery. What do you think is the Ancient City portal’s purpose? How will we activate it? Share your theories with us in the comments section!