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How to Make Scaffolding in Minecraft
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Scaffolding is a useful block you can use to reach tricky places easily. To make it, you need six bamboo and string. Fill the left and right columns with bamboo and add string in the upper slot of the middle column. You can place scaffolding on top of scaffolding by interacting with the side, or to the side by interacting with the top. While sneaking, you place scaffolding exactly where you right-click. Breaking the base scaffolding will cause all other scaffolding to break. You can ascend and descend while being inside scaffolding.

This Redditor Made the Solar System in Minecraft; Take a Look
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Have you ever wondered how big Minecraft builds can really get? Well, Reddit user bubbaflubba2 wanted to answer that question with a recreation of the solar system in Minecraft. They created the Sun and several other planets. They are all built in trustworthy scale and proportions and blocks used perfectly represent the object's texture and feel. Have you ever seen anything like this done in Minecraft before?

Stardew Valley 1.6 Update Now Has a Release Date; Check It Out
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Eric Barone, aka ConcernedApe, Stardew Valley creator has recently announced the release date for the 1.6 update. Mark your calendars everyone, as you can expect to play with the new features in a couple of weeks! It will first arrive for PC users. Console and mobile release will follow as soon as possible. The 1.6 update was thought to be a smaller update in the beginning, but started expanding to include new items, festivals, villager winter outfits, dialogue, late-game content, improvements, and so much more.

8 Best Minecraft Bedrock Add-Ons You Must Use
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Minecraft Bedrock add-ons (or mods) are now officially available on the Marketplace. You can easily download and install them no matter what platform you're on. Some of the best add-ons are Gravestone, Another Furniture Add-On, Spark Portals Add-On, More TNT Add-On, Naturalist Add-On, All the Wool Add-On, Spark Pets Add-On (Lite) and Hiker's Friend. They introduce new mobs, blocks and items you can explore, find, craft, play around with and enjoy.

How to Install and Use Add-Ons in Minecraft Bedrock
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You can find add-ons or mods for Minecraft Bedrock in the official Marketplace. You'll see some add-ons on the top, but you can also scroll down a bit to find a dedicated add-ons section. Click on the mod and purchase it with minecoins if they are paid. Then, click on the Download button to get the mod. You'll then need to make a new world or edit the old world. Go to the Behavior or Resource Packs, select Available at the top, click on the add-on and click Activate to apply it to your world. So, that's how you download and install add-ons for Minecraft Bedrock edition.

Minecraft Coral Reef: Everything You Need to Know
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Coral variants include coral, coral blocks, and coral fans in Minecraft. They generate as five different variants in warm oceans as part of coral reefs. If coral variants don't have any water sources or flowing water attached to any of their six sides, the coral will die. this will cause them to turn into dead coral variants, which are fully gray. Moreover, it's possible to farm only coral and coral fans by using bone meal on natural blocks underwater in warm oceans. Coral variants are mainly used as building and decorative blocks,

How to Get Hemp Rope in Graveyard Keeper
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Hemp rope is an item required in some crafting recipes in Graveyard Keeper. To make it, you will need to build the church workbench and four hemp. Church workbench is a workstation you can build in the church's basement. Hemp is a crop you can buy seeds for from Dig. This NPC also sells hemp itself and hemp rope, so you can get it that way easily. Hemp rope is used to craft a sword, which deals 10 damage and two variants of candles that you can put in the candelabras to get temporary boost to the church's quality.

How to Make Energy Elixir in Graveyard Keeper
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To make an energy elixir in Graveyard Keeper, you will need to build the alchemy workbench. It requires wooden planks, complex iron parts and advanced conical flasks. Then, you will need to make, get or buy acceleration powder and slowing solution or slowing powder and acceleration solution. Combine these items in the alchemy workbench and you'll make energy elixir. This elixir is used in making the boost fertilizers, which can reduce the time needed for a crop to grow by 40% and 60% depending on its tier.

How to Get and Repair a Trident in Minecraft
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Trident is a very unique and epic Minecraft weapon. You can get it very rarely by killing trident-wielding drowned and also looting vaults in trial chambers. Moreover, once you get it, you can repair it by enchanting it with the mending enchantment. Then when you gain XP, it'll mend the trident. You may also combine two damaged tridents in an anvil to get one with higher durability. Trident is both a melee and ranged weapon and it can have mending, unbreaking, loyalty, impaling, channeling, riptide and curse of vanishing enchantments.

10 Best Dripstone Caves Seeds in Minecraft
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In this guide, we have covered some of the best dripstone cave seeds in Minecraft. Thanks to our list, you will find seeds with massive caves, underwater caves, caves with unique structure generation, dangerous dripstone-deep dark cave combos with ancient cities, and many more. So, if you're looking for a challenge or just a great place for building an underground base, the dripstone cave seeds on this list will have you covered.

Minecraft Trapped Chest: How to Make and Use It
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Trapped chest is a chest variant in Minecraft. It looks almost exactly the same, but with red pixels around the latch. Moreover, you'll need a regular chest and a tripwire hook to make it. Combine these items in your 2x2 crafting grid and the trapped chest will appear on the right. This chest is a container block, as well as a redstone component. It transmits redstone power to all four sides and also downwards. You can use to to make some really funny and successful pranks on your server.

How to Make a Jukebox in Minecraft
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Jukebox is a wooden block used to play music discs in Minecraft. You may make it with 8 wooden planks of any wood type, one diamond and a crafting table. Place the diamond in the central slot of the grid and surround it completely with wooden planks. Right-click the jukebox to insert or remove a music disc. Jukebox is also a redstone component that emits redstone signal depending upon the disc itself. Moreover, hoppers and droppers interact with the jukebox, so you can make a simple set up using them to play a disc on loop.

How to Get Beetroot Seeds in Minecraft
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You can get beetroot seeds in three different ways in Minecraft. First, breaking planted beetroot will yield up to 4 seeds. The chances are affected by fortune enchantment. Furthermore, these seeds will generate inside chests of dungeons, mineshafts, end cities, snowy village houses and woodland mansions. Also, wandering trader has a chance to sell beetroot seeds for one emerald. These seeds are used in growing beetroot, feeding chickens, taming parrots and creating decorative beetroot fields in your world.

Minecraft Bogged: Everything You Need to Know
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Bogged is a hostile skeleton mob that spawns in swamps and mangrove swamps during the night in Minecraft 1.21. Moreover, you will also find it in some trial chambers. Trial spawners with bone blocks, podzol, and mushrooms around it spawn this mob. It shoots poison arrows at the target that inflict poison status effect for 4 seconds. Killing Bogged will drop bones, arrows, bows and arrows of poison.

How to Make a Dropper in Minecraft
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Dropper is a redstone component block that can eject items in the direction it's facing or put them in a container like a chest. You'll need 7 cobblestone, one redstone dust, and a crafting table to make it. Place redstone dust in the middle slot of the bottom row and fill every other slot with cobblestone, leaving only the central slot empty. Dropper will activate only once it receives a redstone signal.

New Forest Dweller Minecraft Mod May Be Scarier Than the Cave Dweller
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Forest Dweller Minecraft mod is fairly similar to the Cave Dweller mod, but apart from the dweller, it introduces a scary biome, unsettling dimension, powerful tools, and more. The Biome of Death contains a portal frame made out of glowing obsidian blocks that you can light if you have the eye of the Forest Dweller. This is an item you'll get by killing the Forest Dweller. It's a mob with slender black body and red glowing eyes. It spawns during the night in the Biome of Death. This mob moves quickly and unpredictably, so keep your eyes peeled.

How to Easily Combine Enchantments in Minecraft
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When you acquire enchantments, you can then combine them in Minecraft. You need an anvil and XP levels. It's possible to combine enchanted books, enchanted pieces of gear and a piece of gear and an enchanted book. When it comes to combining the same items, all the adequate enchantments will end up on the output item together. If you're combining two same enchantments with different levels, the lower one will be deleted but if they're the same level, they'll get combined to create a higher level.

How to Make Potion of Slow Falling in Minecraft
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Potion of slow falling makes you fall slowly, so it prevents all fall damage in Minecraft. To make it, you'll need a brewing stand, blaze powder, water bottles, nether wart and the phantom membrane. This item is the drop from phantoms, hostile flying mobs that spawn when you don't sleep for three days. You can brew it the same way you brew other potions. Add a redstone dust to make it last for 4 minuets and gunpowder to turn it into a splash potion. This potion is most frequently used in the fight against the Ender Dragon.

How to Get Prismatic Jelly in Stardew Valley
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If you accept Wizard's "Prismatic Jelly" special order quest, you'll need to venture into the mines, quarry mines or Scull Cavern, find the prismatic slime and kill it. This is a rare slime that you can find on any level. It's much more powerful than regular slimes. Once you manage to kill it, it'll drop the prismatic jelly 100% of the time in Stardew Valley. Visit the Wizard and give him this item in order to complete the special order. You'll receive 5 000 gold and a recipe for monster musk, item that will spawn more monsters around.

Minecraft Snapshot 24w07a Brings Bogged, a Brand-New Skeleton Mob
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Remember the skeleton with a poison arrow from previous Minecraft snapshots that spawned in trial chambers? Well, it got new looks now and even a brand new name - Bogged. Bogged is a skeleton variant that shoots poison arrows. The poison can't kill you, but the damage from the arrow can. This mob spawns in swamps, mangrove swamps and in trial chambers from trial spawners that have mushrooms around it. When you kill the Bogged in Minecraft 24w07a snapshot, you'll get usual skeleton drops and poison arrows.

Stardew Valley Barn Guide: All You Need to Know
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Barn is a farm structure you can purchase from Robin for 6 000g, 350 wood and 150 stone. After three days, the barn will be built and you can put animals in it or upgrade it. To upgrade the barn, you'll need to bring additional resources and select the big barn option in the carpenter's shop. Later, you can do the same for the deluxe barn in Stardew Valley, which can hold all barn animals. These animals include cows, ostriches, goats, sheep and pigs. All of them provide different products, which will be better quality if the animals are happy.

How to Make and Use a Cartography Table in Minecraft
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To make a cartography table in Minecraft, you'll need four planks, two pieces of paper and a crafting table. Place the planks in the 2x2 configuration and add the paper above them to complete this crafting recipe. You'll also find this block in villages, as it's a cartographer villager's workstation block. To use it, you can place your generated map in the upper slot on the left. Then, add a piece of paper in the bottom slot to zoom out the map, another empty map to clone the first map or a glass pane to lock the map.

How to Make a Custom Painting in Minecraft
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Using the Minecraft Painting Creator, you can make custom paintings and import them into Minecraft. Visit the website, select a painting dimension, and then click on the gray square or rectangle that you want. Add an image and crop it to fit your needs. Repeat the process for as many paintings as you want. Click on the Download Pack button, input the name, description and game version and click Download resource pack button. Open Minecraft resoucepacks folder and move the downloaded zip file there. In the game world, open resource packs options and enable your paintings pack.

Minecrafter Shares New Player Cannon Design Using Wind Charges
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Wind charge has so many uses and today we'll be sharing another one. One Reddit user invented a super simple cannon launcher made possible with the wind charge in Minecraft. You'll need four dispensers, seven redstone dust, four solid blocks, one slab, one button and at least four wind charges. Place the slab in the center, surround it with dispensers and place solid blocks between them. Place seven redstone dust on top of the blocks and a button on the eighth block. Fill dispensers with one wind charge, press the button and get launched!

How to Get Pale Ale in Stardew Valley
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Pale ale is an artisan good you'll need for the Pam's quest in Stardew Valley. You can make it by placing hops in a keg. Hops is a summer vegetable crop and keg is a machine you can craft after you reach level 8 in farming. Alternatively, you can buy pale ale form Gus at the Ginger island Beach Resort. It's a rather profitable item, especially if you age it. Moreover, you can give it to many NPCs who like it and if you're playing with remixed community center bundles, you may need pale ale in the brewer's bundle.

Best Tips & Tricks to Farm Wind Charges in Minecraft 1.21
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Here are some tips to help you more easily farm wind charges in Minecraft 1.21. Create a room around the Breeze trial spawner to stop them from moving too much and jumping too high. Then, bring your tamed wolves to help you kill the Breeze quickly. You can also funnel the Breeze using water. Then, wait for them and hit them with the sword, Furthermore, you can make a semi-automatic farm, by adding a small room on one side, so Breezes can see and target you. They'll hit tamed wolves in the process and allow them to farm wind charges.

How to Get Clay in Minecraft & Make Clay Blocks
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Clay is a common resource that generates in the form of blocks in your Minecraft world. You will find them underwater in rivers, oceans, lakes, swamps and beaches. However, clay blocks generate in large quantities in lush cave underground biomes. You can find these blocks in several other places too. If you mine a clay block without a silk touch tool, you'll get four clay balls, which you can turn into one clay block in the crafting grid. It's also possible to turn mud into clay if it's above a block with pointed dripstone attached to.

6 Best Uses of Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21
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Wind charge has plenty of uses in Minecraft 1.21, but we listed six of the best ones apart from damaging others. First of all, it can catapult you in the air, thus, making some parkour jumps easier. Similarly to that, you can use the wind charge to move faster. The minigame opportunities are truly endless, as well as the way you prank your server mates. Since wind burst pushes entities, you can use wind charge to move mobs or interact with levers, buttons, and target blocks to trigger redstone contraptions from further away.

How to Get the Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21
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Wind charge is a projectile you can fire by right-clicking or using a dispenser in Minecraft 1.21. To obtain it, you'll need to find a trial chamber and kill the Breeze. This mob is guaranteed to drop 1-2 breeze rods, which you can then place in the crafting grid to get wind charges. The path of this projectile doesn't bend, but it's straight the entire way. It'll travel as long as it doesn't hit something. Also, wind charge will create a wind burst that knocks back entities, players and can damage them if it hits them directly.

Breeze Now Drops a Wind Charge in Minecraft Snapshot 24W06A
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Minecraft 24W06A snapshot added a drop for the Breeze and it's a wind charge projectile. You can fire it by right-clicking and once it collides with something, it'll create a small area of effect that knocks back entities. It will also deal damage to entities it collides directly with. This item will get used up and does have a cooldown of half a second. Apart from that, armadillo now has new animations and will only roll up for longer time when damaged. Vault's texture changed slightly and the tamed wolves are now much stronger than before.

How to Make a Spyglass in Minecraft
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Spyglass is a useful item that lets you zoom in inside your Minecraft world by decreasing your field of view. To make it, you'll need one amethyst shard, two copper ingots and a crafting table. Open crafting table's interface and place the amethyst shard in any slot of the topmost row. Then, add one copper ingot below the amethyst shard and the second ingot below the first one. This recipe yields one spyglass. To use this item, have it selected on your hotbar and hold the right-click or use button. This will zoom in on whatever you're looking at.

SmallishBeans and Skizzleman Join Hermitcraft in Season 10
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The new Hermitcraft season 10 has started and the two new members have been revealed - SmallishBeans and Skizzleman. SmallishBeans has created many unbelievable builds across various worlds and has also participated in various SMPs and series. Skizzleman has also been part of many series, including the Life series together with SmallishBeans. Skizz is good friends with impulseSV, and they have a podcast where they interview Minecraft content creators. The twist this season is that people who die have to kill others who haven't died. The last person alive will get a big reward.

How to Beat Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide
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To beat Minecraft, you'll need to follow these steps: first of all, make a bed, find food, make tools and armor. Then, you'll want to make better gear, like diamond gear and upgrade them with enchantments. After that, travel to the Nether, find a fortress and kill blazes to obtain blaze rods. You'll then need to get ender pearls, by killing endermen, trading with cleric villagers or bartering with piglins. With those materials craft eyes of ender, throw them and follow them to the stronghold. Finally, enter the End dimension and kill the game's boss Ender Dragon.

How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft
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Lava farm is quite a useful farm in Minecraft. To make it, you will need inflammable building blocks, pointed dripstone, cauldrons, and lava sources in buckets. Start building this farm by placing a cauldron. Then, place an inflammable block one block above, which lava is resting on safely contained with other blocks. Finally, attach pointed dripstone to the underside of the block above the cauldron, and you have a working lava farm. You can expand the farm as you need. Lava is used as a fuel source, light-emitting block, cool decorative block, trash can, prank idea and more.

How to Romance and Marry Sam in Stardew Valley
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Sam is one of the marriage candidates in Stardew Valley that you can date and marry. To do that, you'll first need to level up your relationship by talking to him and giving him favorite gifts. Once you reach eight hearts with him, you can start dating. Purchase the bouquet item from Pierre's and give it to Sam to start dating. Then, reach ten hearts and you'll be able to marry Sam in Stardew Valley. Purchase the mermaid's pendant from old mariner near tidal pools and give it to Sam and you'll have a wedding in three days.

Sam Gift Guide in Stardew Valley
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Sam is a young guy with spikey blonde hair who's one of the marriage candidates in Stardew Valley. The gifts Sam loves in Stardew Valley are universally loved gifts, cactus fruit, maple bar, pizza and tigerseye. Sam likes the following items: most universally liked gifts, Joja cola and most eggs. The gifts Sam is neutral toward include most neutral gifts, most fruit and all milk items. The gifts Sam dislikes are most universally disliked items, most vegetables, many foraging items and seaweed. The items Sam hates are metal bars, ores, coal, mayonnaise, duck mayonnaise, pickles and most universally hated gifts.

Minecraft Vault Block Guide: Everything You Need to Know
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The vault is a Minecraft 1.21 loot block with special properties. It has a face on the front side whose mouth opens when player is nearby. Vault requires a trial key to be unlocked. Once you do that, the mouth will close and items will be ejected on top of the block. Every player can open the vault with the trial key, but only once. The loot vault gives you varies from basic items like arrows and emeralds to special and rare loot like an armor trim, banner pattern and even a music disc.

Hermitcraft Season 10 Start Date Revealed
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If you're a fan of Hermitcraft, then you know that it's one of the biggest Minecraft servers of all time. It lasted for over 10 years at this point and the new season, season 10 is just about to begin. In only couple days, on February 3, 2024 you can expect to see the first episodes come out on YouTube. Moreover, two new people will be joining this season, indicated by the official logo change and some X posts. However, it's still unknown who those people are.

9 Best Uses of Dyes in Minecraft
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There are numerous uses for the green, as well as other dyes, in Minecraft. You may color the sheep's wool and dog and cat collars. Moreover, thanks to dyes, you can add patterns to banners, so they look more unique. Dyes are necessary in some crafting recipes, like concrete powder, firework stars, stained glass, colored terracotta, as well as for crafting other dyes by combining the primary ones. By using a dye on a sign, you can change its text color. Shepherd villagers will buy dyes from the players, so it's also possible to turn them into emeralds.

Minecraft Raids: Everything You Need to Know
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Raid in Minecraft can be triggered if you drink the ominous bottle and walk into a village with the Bad Omen effect. The raid will spawn illager mobs in a number of waves according to the difficulty you're playing on. These hostile mobs will actively try to seek out villagers and kill them. The beginning waves are easier than the last, which include more and stronger mobs. If all villagers have been killed, you will lose and illagers will celebrate. But if you defeat all the raid waves, you'll win the raid and gain Hero of the Village effect.

Haunted Chocolatier: Everything You Need to Know
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Haunted Chocolatier is the upcoming pixel art game made by ConcernedApe, Stardew Valley's creator. It will look similarly to our favorite farming game, but the gameplay will involve around creating chocolate and selling it in your shop. Also, there are two different worlds, first one being the regular world that is covered with snow and the other one is a magical warm world where you fight monsters. There are multiple main NPCs, who you can get to know. We don't know just yet when the game will be released, but it will probably be during this year.

Mineshaft in Minecraft: All You Need to Know
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Mineshafts are old and iconic structures in Minecraft that generate underground. In most biomes, they are made of oak wood, but in badlands biomes they have dark oak features and can even generate on the surface. The mineshaft tunnels are dark enough for hostile mobs to spawn, but there are also cave spider spawners that spawn this smaller and more deadly variants of spider mobs. You can easily find a mineshaft by exploring, as they are quite common. The minecart chests you'll find contain loot such as food items, torches, rails, enchanted books, diamonds and more.