#Cyberpunk 2077
30 Stories

Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 2.11 Lets You Prioritize P-Cores on Intel CPUs
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Cyberpunk 2077's 2.11 patch has added a new Prioritize P-Core setting. It benefits Intel CPUs greatly. The option can be turned on by going to the in-game settings, Gameplay, and toggling on Prioritize P-Core under Hybrid CPU Utilization. The in-game benchmark results do show a small improvement in FPS with the setting enabled, tested on an i7-14700HX.

Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 to Add a Metro System and QoL Changes
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CD Projekt Red announces a brand-new update to Cyberpunk 2077. It will include a complete metro system with line changes, an updated Adam Smasher fight, better bike combat, new vehicles, and much more. The update goes live on December 5, 2023, alongside the Ultimate Edition launch of the title on the same day.