How to Fix iOS 10 Problems (Jailbreak Edition)

As we’ve previously mentioned, iOS 10 hasn’t been as critically acclaimed as previous versions of iOS. Apple enables some really annoying features by default, and we’ve already covered how to fix iOS 10’s major annoyances. However, some annoyances aren’t as easy to fix and require jailbreaking your iPhone/iPad. Jailbreaking allows you to customize your iPhone in endless ways, remove major annoyances and add lots of new features, amongst several other things. So, if you’ve jailbroken your device, here’s how you can fix iOS 10’s most annoying problems:

Fix a Few System Settings in iOS 10

1. Sort Apps by Data Consumed

In Settings > Cellular, iOS shows the amount of cellular data consumed in an alphabetically organised list of apps. While this may be great if you’re looking to find out the amount of data consumed by a particular app, it makes it terribly inconvenient to find out which app has consumed the most data.

fix_ios_major_annoyances_jailbreak_edition_1CellularUsageOrder fixes this by sorting the apps by the amount of data they consumed. On a side note, Android’s mobile data usage management is extremely well done and I wish Apple “borrows” a page from Android.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

2. Toast Messages for WiFi Connections

The iPhone doesn’t make it apparent which WiFi network are you actually connected to unless you dive into WiFI Settings. To exacerbate, Apple doesn’t even allow changing WiFi hotspot priority on the iPhone easily. (Unless you own a Mac, that is!)


WiJoin solves the aforementioned problem by displaying a small toast whenever you connect to a WiFi network. Nice and easy.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

3. Speed Up iOS10 Animations

The default animations on an iPhone are unendurably slow. NoSlowAnimations, as its name suggests, speeds up the animations and the end result is that your iPhone feels a lot snappier. You can also adjust the animation speed in the settings if you like.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

4. Access Control Center in Apps With One Swipe

When you’re in a full-screen app and you need to access the Control Center, you have to swipe a couple of times to access them — the first time it shows a grabber, and the second time it actually brings up the Control Center. If you’d like to make them accessible with just one swipe, AlwaysFirstSwipe is just what you need.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

5. Clear App Cache in iOS 10


Perhaps one of the most sought features on iPhones/iPad is the ability to clear cache. If you browse the web on your iPhone or use social networking apps a lot, these apps will store a lot of cache on your iPhone (I’m looking at you, Facebook). The only way to delete this cache and clear space is to uninstall and reinstall these applications. But if you’re jailbroken, CacheClearer enables you to clear cache on a per-app basis without going through the hassle of reinstalling apps.

This, in conjunction with some other tricks to free up space on your iPhone, can make your 16GB iPhone great bearable again!


Fix the iOS 10 Home Screen and Notifications

6. Status Bar Icon for Personal Hotspot

Whenever you turn on “Personal Hotspot”, you get a persistent bar constantly reminding you that the Personal Hotspot is turned on. This bar, alongside being obtrusive, breaks the “scroll status bar to jump to the top” inside apps.

TetherStatus fixes this by replacing the blue status bar with a simple Status bar icon. This looks much more subtle, elegant and this is how Apple should’ve implemented it.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

7. Replace the Volume Overlay

We’ve covered this gem before, and it deserves a spot on this list, too. Status Vol X replaces Apple’s huge and conspicuous volume/brightness HUD as a series of dots in the status bar. It is a lot less attention-grabbing and doesn’t get in the way when you’re using your iPhone.


For even more minimalism, you can try NoVolumeHUD. With this enabled, you can still change volume, but the HUD will be always hidden.

Source (Status Vol X):
Source (NoVolumeHUD): BigBoss (Default) (Free)

8. Notification Icons in iOS 10

Perhaps one of my biggest gripe when I switched from Android to an iPhone, is iOS’s lack of notification icons in the status bar when I receive a new notification. OpenNotifier fixes this by adding a notification icon of the app to the status bar.


OpenNotifier10 has been just updated for iOS 10 but is missing several features compared to its previous versions. The developer has promised that he’s working hard to implement new features real soon, so you should definitely keep an eye on this. OpenNotifier10 requires Libmoorecon to work properly, so don’t forget to install it, too.

Source: (OpenNotifier10, Libmoorecon)

If you’re looking for some Jailbreak tweaks to fix the iOS’ Notification Center, you will have to wait for a little more time. Some developers have taken the matter into their hands and promised that they’re working on some Notification Center specific tricks like the grouping of notifications. Stick with us and we promise to keep you updated!

Fix iOS 10’s Default Keyboard

9. Use Third Party Keyboards Everywhere

Apple doesn’t allow third-party keyboards to be used on secure entry fields like passwords. This is the reason why you’ll see that Apple’s default keyboard pops-up every time you enter a password anywhere, even when you’ve set other awesome keyboards like Gboard as default. If you are willing to put convenience before security, exKeybaord lets you use third-party keyboards on passcode/password-protected entry fields.

exKeyboard is compatible with iOS 8 and 9 as of now and hasn’t been updated for iOS 10, unfortunately.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

10. Get a Number Row in Keyboard

The stock keyboard doesn’t have a number row, in spite of the fact that iPhones are getting bigger. While you can quickly swipe from the “123” button on your keyboard to quickly enter a number (and there are several other similar iPhone’s keyboard tricks), exKey puts a dedicated number row on the top of your keyboard.


Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

11. Add Vibrations

HapticFeedback adds subtle vibrations to the stock keyboard. As a bonus, it can also enable vibrations for certain other buttons like the home, lock and the volume button.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

12. Use Keyboard as Trackpad

Navigating and selecting text on a phone isn’t very convenient, no matter how large phone screens have gotten. SwipeSelection turns your keyboard into a cursor trackpad, not unlike Apple’s 3D Touch on the keyboard, but also available for older iPhones.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

Fix the Control Center

13. Get Music Control in First Page of Control Center

Apple split the Control Center into two pages in iOS 10 and accessing music controls now require a swipe to the second page. This swipe also conflicts with the brightness slider sometimes and it becomes annoying pretty soon. Horseshoe brings the music control on the first page, thus consolidating both the pages into one.


Source: (Buy $1.99)

14. Customize Control Center Toggles

FlipControlCenter allows you to add, remove and re-arrange the toggles in the Control Center. It allows you to configure the number of toggles visible in the Control Center according to the device orientation. It can also change the apps present in the bottom shelf of the Control Center, so you can swap out the calculator for something you use more often.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

Other Miscellaneous iOS 10 Tweaks

15. Permanently Delete Photos

Deleting a picture from the Photos app sends it to the “Recently Deleted” album, where the permanent deletion is staged for 30 days. DeleteForever adds a “Delete Photo Permanently” option to Apple’s Photos app and as its name implies, it bypasses the “Recently Deleted” album and deletes these pictures forever.



16. Vibrations When Call Recieved

CallConnect vibrates your iPhone quickly whenever the other party receives your call. It’s such a simple but useful feature that you begin to wonder why Apple doesn’t bake it straight inside iOS.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

17. Get a Pop-up of Calls

CallBar replaces Apple’s full-screen incoming call UI with a simple pop-up, so you can use other apps on your iPhone while it is still ringing.

Source: BigBoss (Default) (Free)

SEE ALSO: How to Jailbreak iOS 10.2 and Install Cydia (Guide)

Use These Jailbreak Tweaks to Fix iOS 10 Problems

Well, so there you have it. These are some of the Jailbreak tweaks I personally use to get around iOS 10’s major annoyances. Of course, you probably have your own list of major iOS 10’s annoyances. So, let me know about them in the comments section below. Also, I’d love to hear your workarounds to common iOS problems.

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