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How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft
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Honeycomb is one of two different products bees create in Minecraft. To obtain it, you'll a full bee nest or beehive, shears and a campfire. Find a naturally generated bee nest that is completely filled with honey. Then, place a campfire of any type below the nest and the smoke will rise up to it. Right-click the bee nest with crafted shears to extract the honeycomb. It'll drop from any side of the bee nest, so find it and collect it. You can also shear a full beehive block and you'll get honeycomb.

15 Strongest Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked
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Meet all the strongest Demon Slayer characters and understand their abilities and power levels in a ranked list.

All Banner Patterns in Minecraft and How to Get Them
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Banner patterns are items you can use to apply a complete and unique design to a banner inside a loom in Minecraft. Some banner patterns are rarer than others and they all have different requirements for you to obtain them. Some are crafted by combining a block or an item with a piece of paper. Others are found in the world inside loot blocks and you can even buy one from a villager. To apply banner patterns, add a banner, color dye and a banner pattern in the loom and click on the banner on the right.

10 Best Dripstone Caves Seeds in Minecraft
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In this guide, we have covered some of the best dripstone cave seeds in Minecraft. Thanks to our list, you will find seeds with massive caves, underwater caves, caves with unique structure generation, dangerous dripstone-deep dark cave combos with ancient cities, and many more. So, if you're looking for a challenge or just a great place for building an underground base, the dripstone cave seeds on this list will have you covered.

List of All Music Discs in Minecraft
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There is a total of 19 music discs in Minecraft and they include: 13, Cat, Blocks, Chirp, Far, Mall, Mellohi, Stal, Strad, Ward, 11, Wait, Otherside, 5, Pigstep, Relic, Precipice, Creator and Creator (Music Box). Most of these items are available when a creeper is killed by a skeleton, though others are found in chests of some structures, as well as vaults, ominous vaults and also decorated pots in trial chambers.

20 Best Minecraft Survival Seeds
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Today, we bring you the best Minecraft survival seeds you can enjoy, conquer, and explore. Among them, you will find insane structure generation like a woodland mansion generating inside a village or a witch hut spawning in the middle of the ocean. You'll also find massive and dangerous caves, overlapping structures, beautiful terrain generation and even your spawn point will be in the water in one seed.

How to Make Smithing Templates in Minecraft
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Smithing templates are unique items you can use to upgrade your diamond gear to netherite or customize your armor in Minecraft. You can also duplicate them using the template itself, seven diamonds, a specific block or item and a crafting table. Place the template in the middle cell of the topmost row, place a special block or item below it and fill the rest of cells with diamonds. After you have the templates in reserve you can use them. Combine a template with a piece of gear and a material in a smithing table to apply it.