#Minecraft - Page 3
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6 Best Uses of Iron Ingots in Minecraft
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Iron ingots are truly one of the most important items in Minecraft, as their uses are vast. Iron ingots are part of many crafting recipes, from buckets and shears to rails and the crafter. You may sell iron ingots to toolsmiths, weaponsmiths and armorers in exchange for emeralds. Iron ingot can enable powers from a beacon and even color armor trim patterns. You can use these ingots to repair iron tools, weapons and armor and restore a portion of iron golem's health.

How to Make Sticks in Minecraft
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Sticks are one of the main crafting ingredients in Minecraft. You can make them with either two planks of any type or two bamboo. You should place them in two vertically attached cells of the crafting grid to make sticks. You can also get sticks by fishing, killing witches, breaking dead bushes and leaves and looting villages. Sticks are used to make pickaxes, shovels, swords, levers and more. You can also use them as fuel in a furnace or sell them to novice-level fletcher villagers.

How to Get Spider Eyes in Minecraft
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Spider eyes in Minecraft are items used in a few different ways in Minecraft. You can obtain spider eyes by killing spiders, cave spiders and witches. The looting enchantment increases the chances of this item dropping and its quantity. You may also find spider eyes in chests of the desert pyramids. When it comes to the uses, spider eyes can be eaten, but they provide a poison effect. You can use them to make fermented spider eyes and also brew mundane potions and potions of poison.

How to Attach Lead to a Boat in Minecraft
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Minecraft Bedrock players could attach a lead to boats for the longest time, though this mechanic is also available for Java players. Use a lead on a boat to attach it. The boat will then follow you as if it was a mob. You can fill it with mobs to transport a lot of them at once. You can also transport lots of items, as you can lead many chest boats using leads too.

10 Best Fuel Sources in Minecraft (Ranked)
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Smelting and cooking are big parts of Minecraft gameplay, so knowing the best fuel sources is crucial. This guide lists the best fuel items you can use to smelt or cook other items, how you can get them, how many items they smelt and why they are at the specific place. This list was made according to my opinion, so you may not agree with the order. Nevertheless, you can learn about these items and what would be the best scenario to use each of them in.

Bundles Are Finally Coming to Minecraft, Plus a Free Epic Trial Outfit
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Even though the summer has started, Mojang is still bringing us surprises and announcements. The three epic character creator items that are part of the trial outfit set are now available for everyone on the Minecraft Marketplace. So, go to the Dressing Room and equip the trial top, trial mask and trial leggings right now. Finally, after four years of waiting we got the exciting news about the bundles. They have been modified and polished and will be available for testing on the Bedrock Beta and Preview very soon.

How to Fix Minecraft Outdated Client Error
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The Minecraft Outdated client error is one of the annoying Minecraft errors you can encounter, though thankfully it's easy to fix. First, you should restart the Minecraft Launcher app so it updates automatically. If that doesn't work, you should update Minecraft using the respective app store. If this error appears when you're joining the server, that means your and server's versions are incompatible. Check what the server's version is and download it so you can play on it.

Minecraft 1.21 brought a special new change to the way portals work. It's now possible to ride entities like horses and minecarts through portals without having to first get off or out in Minecraft. This is a fairly simple, but also incredibly useful change, as it allows you to transport yourself and other mobs very easily and conveniently. Not only that, but you can create rollercoaster rides and tours that will be a lot more immersive and memorable.

How to Make Black Dye in Minecraft
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Black dye is one of the 16 color dyes in Minecraft and you can get it from two different crafting recipes. The first one requires one ink sac, which you can get by killing squids. Place the item in the crafting grid to make one black dye. In addition, the other way is more complex, as you need a wither rose. It's an item that drops once the Wither kills a mob. Place it in the crafting grid to make one black dye. On Java edition, you can also get black dye by purchasing it from the wandering trader.

Is Minecraft 1.21 Optifine Available to Download?
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Optifine is one of the most important mods for Minecraft. It boosts performance, allows shader support, and so much more. Optifine is not yet available for the Minecraft 1.21 update, but you can download the unofficial version right now. Once it does arrive, you can get it from the Downloads page on the Optifine website. Click on Download below Minecraft 1.21 version. Once it's done, run the installer, and click on Install. Open Minecraft Launcher, select Optifine and click Play to use this mod.

What is Minecraft Density Enchantment and How to Get It
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Density is one of the mace Minecraft enchantments and is extremely powerful. You can get it inside the enchanting table, by placing the mace and lapis lazuli in it. You can even get the maximum density 5 enchantment with this method. The other way to get density is to loot structures like trial chambers that can offer enchanted books. Every level of density adds 0.5 damage or 0.25 hearts to the mace per fallen block. So, density 5 adds additional 2.5 damage per block. Thanks to density 5, you can one-shot the Warden if you fall for about 100 blocks.

What is Minecraft Breach Enchantment? Explained
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Breach is the mace-exclusive enchantment that allows it to reduce effectiveness of the target's armor value by a certain percentage in Minecraft. Breach 1 ignores 15% of the armor value, while breach 4 disregards 60% of the armor. You can get breach through the enchanting table, by placing the mace and lapis in it. You can also get the breach enchanted book in some structures, like the trial chambers. Because of the fact breach is useful against armored mobs and players, it's far better on the multiplayer mode. Breach is incompatible with density, smite and bane of arthropods.

Minecraft Trial Chambers: Best Weapons and Armor You Should Use
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Trial chambers are not an easy structure to raid, so we have compiled this list including best items you should bring in Minecraft 1.21. First, diamond armor and a sword are sufficient enough to keep you safe, especially with good enchantments. Then, we also recommend a shield, great food source and some amazing potions, like strength and swiftness. You should bring an ender chest, so you can keep your valuables safe. Finally, building blocks, torches and water and milk buckets will make sure you navigate easily through the structure and don't take too much damage from poison.

Minecraft 1.22 Features Wishlist: 5 Things Mojang Should Add Next
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Minecraft 1.21 features are now out and I cannot help but wonder what's going to be in the 1.22 update. My first suggestion is the End update, which would overhaul the End dimension. The inventory update is also in order, as there have always been problems related to it. Overworld biomes deserve more love, as well as mob AI and outdated and bland animations. Finally, I think that instead of designing new mobs and blocks, Mojang could provide more variations which would bring more character to the blocky worlds.

Minecraft 1.21 Review: Does It Live Up to the Hype?
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The Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here it is now time to figure out if it's a good update. The 1.21 update adds 94 brand new features to the game, which is more than the previous one. Moreover, they mostly fit in with the Minecraft worlds, though some features may be a bit overpowered. While the community really wanted an End Update, that didn't happen. Though, the crafter and vault blocks are direct result of the given feedback. Unlike the 1.20 update, 1.21 focuses on improving one in-game system. To sum it up, I do believe that 1.21 update is fairly good for the game.

How to Get and Use Blaze Rods in Minecraft
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Blaze rods are items necessary for beating Minecraft. You can get them by travelling into the Nether dimension and locating a Nether fortress. There, you'll encounter Blazes, fiery hostile mobs that shoot fire balls at players. Once you kill a Blaze, it has a 50% chance to drop one blaze rod. You can get up to 4 rods with the looting III enchantment. Blaze rods are used in crafting recipes for a brewing stand, blaze powder, copper bulb and end rods. Moreover, they are also a fuel source for furnaces and can smelt or cook 12 items.

5 Things You Should Do First After Installing Minecraft 1.21
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Minecraft 1.21 update is here and we list five things you should do when you install it. First, you should make the new copper and tuff blocks and use them in builds. Then, you should make the crafter and learn about its mechanics. Furthermore, you should find the trial chamber and explore it to obtain amazing loot. Even better loot is available from ominous trials. This includes the heavy core, which you can make the mace with.

How to Get Trial Chambers Explorer Map in Minecraft
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Trial chambers explorer map is an item that helps you find trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21. You'll have to find a village and employ a jobless villager with a cartography table if there are no cartographers. Level them up until they unlock third set of trades. Trial explorer map is one of those trades and costs 12 emeralds and one compass. Equip the map and determine the trial chamber location.

How to Make a Copper Door in Minecraft 1.21
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Minecraft 1.21 brought the second metal door to the game and it's the copper door. It generates naturally inside trial chambers, but you can also craft it. For its crafting recipe, you'll need six copper ingots and one crafting table. Simply fill two columns side by side with the copper ingots and three copper doors will be available on the right. This door behaves just like wooden doors, as it doesn't require redstone signal to open and close. Also, it can oxidize like other copper blocks, which you can prevent or revert.

Minecraft 1.21 Countdown: What Is the Update Release Time?
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Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update is finally here and its release time will most likely going to be between 10:00 am EST and 1:00 pm EST on June 13th. It is bringing all sorts of new features, from new copper and tuff blocks, trial chambers and vaults to the mace, Breeze, crafter, new armor trims, music discs and so much more. Our countdown timer will make it very easy to track the time, so come and let's await the update together!

How to Make a Copper Trapdoor in Minecraft 1.21
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Copper trapdoors are second metal trapdoors that behave like wooden trapdoors in Minecraft 1.21. To craft them, you need one crafting table and six copper ingots. Place the ingots in two adjacent rows of the crafting grid and click on the copper trapdoor on the right to craft them. These blocks are quite common in trial chambers, unlike copper doors.

5 Best Minecraft Skin Editors in 2024
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Minecraft Skins are one of the character customizations the game provides. You can download skins or make your own by visiting Minecraft skin editors and designing a new skin in 2024. The best Minecraft skin editors you should check out are Skindex, Planet Minecraft, MC Skins, Blockbench and MinecraftSkins. They provide basic and advanced tools, color wheels, abilities to hide model parts, rotate the model, move it, zoom in and out and more.

8 Best Trial Chambers Seeds in Minecraft 1.21
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Trial chambers are a brand new Minecraft 1.21 structure that offers exciting challenges and amazing loot. Some of the best trial chambers seeds we could find for Minecraft 1.21 include massive trial chambers, many trial chambers near spawn, unique trial chambers below mushroom islands, villages and also next to an ancient city. So, if you're looking for the perfect 1.21 world, check out our list.

7 Things You Should Do Before Minecraft 1.21 Update Release
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Minecraft 1.21 release is around the corner and here are some things you should do before the update drops. First, stock up on copper and tuff blocks for making new building blocks. Also gather resources for making crafters. Then, you'll want to make a witch farm and prepare lots of powerful and enchanted backup gear and food. Breed villagers and convert them to cartographers and shepherds when the update arrives. Backing up your world is also essential, in case any issues arise. Finally, you should trim your world for the content to be closer to you.

How to Get Ender Pearls in Minecraft
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Ender pearls in Minecraft are rather useful items you can get in several different ways in the game. Primarily, they are drops form the endermen mobs, which spawn in dark places, in the Nether and in the End. Also try looting altar chests in the stronghold structures. Expert-level cleric villagers may offer ender pearls and piglins may throw them after you give them gold ingots. You can throw ender pearls and you'll teleport to the spot where the pearl lands, though this will take some time to learn. Also, they are part of the eye of ender crafting recipe.

How to Grow Cocoa Beans in Minecraft
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Cocoa beans in Minecraft generate naturally inside jungles, bamboo jungle and sparse jungle biomes. They appear in the form of pods which have three stages. Breaking the smallest and medium pods yields one cocoa bean, but breaking the largest yields three cocoa beans. You can use cocoa beans on the side of regular or stripped jungle logs or wood to place them. You can wait for them to grow naturally or use bone meal on them to speed up the growth. Cocoa beans can be broken into brown dye and composted in the composter.

Netflix Is Making an Animated Minecraft Series
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It's a good day for Minecraft players! Mojang and Netflix are working on the first official animated Minecraft show together. This exciting news was just announced during the final days of the grand celebration for the Minecraft 15th anniversary. The only know details we know right now is that WildBrain Studios will take care of the production of the show and that Netflix is planning to show Minecraft in a new light.

Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 1 Brings Changes to Portals and Leashable Boats
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Minecraft 1.21 snapshots are over and today we'll be discussing the pre-release 1. There have been changes related to the portals. You can now ride an entity like a horse or a minecart inside the Nether or the End portal. Also, if you through the ender pearl into the portal, you'll be teleported inside the other dimension. Furthermore, doors of any type can form a double door. Finally, it's now possible to use a lead on a boat in Java edition just like in the Bedrock edition to move two mobs at a time easily.

How to Make a Diamond Sword in Minecraft
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The diamond sword is one of the best weapons in Minecraft and to make it, you'll need two diamonds, one stick and a crafting table. Open crafting table's UI and place the stick in any slot of the bottom row. Fill the two slots above it with diamonds and click on the sword icon to make it. The diamond sword deals 7 damage on Java and 8 damage on Bedrock. Its speed is 1.6 and it can have 9 useful enchantments, Those are: sharpness, smite, bane of arthropods, sweeping edge, fire aspect, unbreaking, mending, knockback and looting.

How to Make a Torch in Minecraft
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Torches in Minecraft are the most basic and iconic light source blocks. You may make them or find them in numerous structures. The crafting recipe yields four torches at least and requires one stick and one coal or charcoal. Open the inventory and place the coal/charcoal in the upper slot of the 2x2 crafting grid. Then, add a stick below and you can make torches. They emit a light level of 14 and can be placed on top of and attached to the side of solid blocks. Also, torches are needed for the jack o' lantern and lantern crafting recipes.

How to Breed Dogs in Minecraft
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If you want to breed wolves in Minecraft, you'll first need to find and tame two wild wolves. Then, you should obtain two meat items. Those can be of any meat type. Simply feed the wolves by using the meat on them and you'll see heart particles appear. The new pup will spawn already tamed. If the parents have the same appearance, the pup will be the same. But, if the parents are different, the pup's variation will be chosen randomly. The parents' owner will be the pup's owner. If the owners are different, one will be chosen randomly too.

5 Simple Ways Mojang Can Improve Minecraft’s Inventory!
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Inventory in Minecraft has various issues, from filling up too quickly to annoyance of shuffling items around and bad management options. So, the first solution could be to increase max item stack sizes beyond 64. Also, the shulker boxes are very useful but not really convenient. So, they should receive some quality of life features. Backpacks can help in the early game and the UI should be expanded. This can be done with buttons like sort and a search bar. And while building, there could be a UI wheel that would allow you to easily access blocks from the inventory.

Old Minecraft Packs More Charm than the New One: Here’s Why
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The old versions of Minecraft such as Beta Minecraft has lots of special charms, and it's not only nostalgia. It is a lot simpler than nowadays Minecraft, which makes it easy to get into and simply connect with the world. Moreover, the building blocks were quite limited, so players had to come up with creative solutions and clever integrations. And last but definitely not least, old Minecraft Beta had a different goal altogether, which implies you should simply enjoy the game by doing the basic actions like mining, crafting and building.

How to Make Minecraft in Infinite Craft
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Infinite Craft is a browser game that allows you to create almost any element in the world by combining different components. To make Minecraft in Infinite Craft, you'll need to first create Sandbox and Diamond elements. Sandbox requires you to create Desert from the Sand and then combine it with Software, which you make out of Computer and System. Diamond is made out of two Gem elements, which you make out of two Crystals. The Crystal requires Rock and Kaleidoscope.

7 Best Minecraft Cottage Ideas
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Cottagecore style is one of the most popular building styles in Minecraft, as it focuses on the rural, simplistic and overgrown builds. In this guide we'll share some of the best Minecraft cottage house ideas and blueprints. There are cozy starter houses, cherry cottage, aesthetic cottage, fancy cottagecore house, massive overgrown house, gorgeous log cabin and more. Want to figure out the best Minecraft cottage styles? Keep reading to see them all!

Fun Minecraft Easter Egg Lets You Mine Blocks in Google Search
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Minecraft's 15th anniversary has even spread to Google, as it's currently possible for you to play an interactive browser game in it. Simply type "Minecraft" in the search bar and click on the grass block at the bottom. Steve's hand will appear and you can break the parts of the browser where the cursor becomes the crosshair. Random Minecraft screenshots will appear with some blocks in it. Break the blocks and make pickaxes by breaking logs, stone, iron ore and more. Once you're done, click on the X button at the bottom and creeper will blow up, returning browser to normal.

How to Get the Minecraft Creeper Cape (15th Anniversary Cape)
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The Minecraft Creeper cape is a gift for Minecraft's 15th anniversary celebration. Begin by visiting the Minecraft website and reach the 15th anniversary cape section. Now, sign in to your Microsoft account and click on Claim the Cape button. After that you can equip the cape. To do so in Java, you should reach the Profile page and Change Skin area. Now, scroll down and select the creeper cape. On Bedrock, you can load up Minecraft and select Dressing Room. Edit your character and click Capes button on the left. Now select the cape and Equip button.

5 Best Minecraft Backpack Mods
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Minecraft's inventory system isn't the greatest. Thankfully, there are mod alternatives that introduce backpacks that provide additional space. These mods contain the best of the bunch which includes picks like Sophisticated Backpacks, Traveler's Backpack and more. You can craft these with basic items and then upgrade them using precious items. They might also include enchantments or upgrades which provide different abilities.

Minecraft Offers 50% Discount to Celebrate 15th Anniversary
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As Minecraft turns 15, Mojang and Microsoft slash the prices of the game into halves. So, you can now buy Minecraft, Minecraft Dungeons, and Minceraft Legends for $19.99. Additionally, Minecraft for Mobile is also available for $1.99.

How to Get the Minecraft TikTok Cape
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Minecraft is celebrating a huge milestone of 15 years and to celebrate, Mojang has provided lots of special free gifts for us in the form of Character Creator items. One of those is the TikTok cape, which you can unlock by commenting "Minecraft" in livestreams of Minecraft creators on the TikTok platform. Also, you might need to watch the stream for a short time too. You'll then get a code which you can enter on the official Minecraft redeem page to get the TikTok cape in Bedrock edition.

How to Get the Minecraft Twitch Cape
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Mojang is giving out two Bedrock-exclusive capes for the Minecraft 15th anniversary. To get the Twitch cape, you'll need to create a Twitch account if you don't already have it. Then, go to the Drops & Rewards section where you may find the Minecraft Drop Campaigns. Watch the chosen streamers for 15 minutes to get the cape. To get the Glitch Mask, you need to purchase one subscription for the streamer. You'll then get a notifications with codes in them. Visit the official Minecraft website and redeem the Minecraft Twitch cape and Glitch Mask at the bottom.

Minecraft Turns 15; Begins Massive Celebration Fest
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Minecraft was released all the way back in May 2009 and in just a couple days, it's turning 15! This is a massive milestone and Mojang has decided to create a 15-day celebration event, during which you can log in to your Minecraft Bedrock account every day from May 15 to May 29 to obtain free Character Creator items. These vary from mouth and hair styles, to hats, outfits and footwear items. Beside those, we also expect there to be more Minecraft 15th anniversary announcements, such as the leaked creeper cape.