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Redstone Components in Minecraft: A Complete Guide
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Redstone is a big part of Minecraft and so its components are very important. There are about 40 different blocks that can interact with redstone, by sending redstone signals and receiving them. Those include more apparent blocks like redstone dust, redstone block, redstone torch, repeater and comparators, but some blocks like the composter, jukebox, target block and even decorated pots are redstone components. This extensive and detailed guide will answer all the questions you might have about them and will show you how to make or get each of them.

How to Make Powered Rail in Minecraft
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Powered rail is a special rail type you can craft with six gold ingots, one stick, one redstone dust and a crafting table. First, fill the left and right columns of the grid with gold ingots. Then, place the stick in the central slot and redstone dust right below it. As you do that, six powered rails will appear on the right. You can use powered rails as a road for minecarts. They can act as a boost for them if the rail is activated or as a break if the rail is not activated.

How to Set Time to Day or Night in Minecraft
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To use the time command, like many other commands in Minecraft, you first need to enable cheats. Then, open chat with the T key and insert one of the following options - /time add or /time query or /time set. The add keyword allows you to add time to your world's age. The query keyword lets you view the time that has passed in your world from the start. The set keyword is the most useful and it allows you to set the time to day, noon, night or midnight in Minecraft. With it, you can control various in-game events.

13 Best Minecraft Farms You Must Build
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Farms in Minecraft are very important, as they help you collect items in large quantities without having to grind for them yourself. There are many farms community members have come up with and we've listed some of the best ones you can make. Those are iron farm, sculk farm, enderman farm, creeper farm, mob farm, chicken farm, pumpkin and melon farm, sugar cane farm, wheat farm, slime farm, wood farm, wool farm and cactus farm. These farms require different amounts of resources, but produce very useful items you'll need in your world.