Xiaomi will be hosting an event on August 1 to launch the new Redmi 12 and the Redmi Watch 3 Active in India. Now, it has been revealed that the company will also introduce its new Xiaomi TV X series as well. This comes after the brand recently launched its affordable Xiaomi A TV series in the country. Check out the details right below.
Xiaomi TV X Series Indian Launch Confirmed
Xiaomi will be introducing its new X Smart TV series in India next week, which will succeed the X Smart TVs launched last year. The new ones are expected to be ‘big‘ on almost everything like the experience, audio, and entertainment.
We can expect a big display and a bezel-less design but not much is known as of now. To recall, the X series currently includes 43-inch, 50-inch, and 55-inch models, so, maybe a 65-inch or a 75-inch TV could be in the pipeline.
The new TV series will join the Xiaomi TV X Pro series (and even the X TV series), which comes with support for 4K, Dolby Atmos, Google TV, and more. The 2023 X TV series could include similar specs but with some upgrades. The price is another factor, which we are not privy to. However, the new Xiaomi TV X series could fall under Rs 45,000.
Proper details should be out once the TV launches. As for the Redmi 12, expect a crystal glass design with inspiration from the iPhone, 50MP cameras, a 5,000mAh battery, and more. The Redmi Watch 3 Active, on the other hand, will include Bluetooth Calling, up to 12 days of battery life, and much more. For more details on the upcoming Xiaomi products, stay tuned to this space.
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