#Minecraft Basics
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How to Make Smooth Stone in Minecraft
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Smooth stone blocks don't have a crafting recipe, but instead a smelting recipe in Minecraft. You will need a furnace, fuel of your choice and stone blocks to make them. Place the stone blocks in the upper cell of the furnace UI and add fuel below them. After some time, the stone will smelt into smooth stone. From there, you can make a blast furnace and smooth stone slabs with them. They can also be placed in a stonecutter to give you a better deal on the slabs. Smooth stone blocks and their slabs are popular building blocks.

How to Get Milk in Minecraft
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Milk is very useful in Minecraft and in order to obtain it, you'll need to make a bucket and find a cow, mooshroom or a goat. Select the bucket on your hot bar and get close to the mob. Right-click the mob or use a bucket on it and the bucket will get filled with milk. You cannot pour milk, but you can drink it. This will remove all positive and negative status effects. Also, you can use three milk buckets to make a cake inside the crafting table.

How to Dye Leather Armor in Minecraft
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Leather armor is highly customizable, because you can dye it in many different color in Minecraft. On Java you'll need leather armor, dyes and a crafting table. On Bedrock, you'll need leather armor, dyes, cauldron and water buckets. On Java, you can place the leather armor and the dyes in the crafting grid to change the leather color. On Bedrock, you should use dyes on the filled cauldron to change the water color. Keep reading to learn how to remove color from leather armor here.

How to Find Your Minecraft World Seed Code (2025)
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Minecraft map seed allows you to generate a specific world as many times you want, thereby making it efficient to visit the awesome landscapes you had experienced before. Finding a seed code on your Minecraft is very easy however, the steps vary for both the Java and Bedrock versions. With that said, dive right in and we will walk you through all the steps to get the seed code easily.

How to Enable Cheats in Minecraft (Bedrock & Java)
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When you're creating a new Minecraft world, you can enable cheats by making a creative mode world. On Bedrock, you can enable the "Cheats" toggle, while on Java you can enable Allow Commands. After you've made a world, you can access the settings and turn on the Activate Cheats option on Bedrock. On Java, you can start a LAN world. To disable cheats, access the same setting on Bedrock and turn it off. On Java, you can restart the world if it was in survival mode. If it was creative mode world, you cannot disable cheats in it.

How to Make Leather in Minecraft
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Leather is a very important resource and thankfully you can craft it in Minecraft. For its recipe, you'll need four rabbit hide. Open your inventory, place one rabbit hide in every cell of the 2x2 crafting grid on the right and you can craft leather by clicking on it and placing it in your inventory. This item is used in crafting a book, item frame, bundle, leather armor and leather horse armor. You can trade six leather to a leatherworker villager and also repair leather armor in an anvil using leather items.

Woodland Mansion in Minecraft: All You Need to Know
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Woodland mansions are large Overworld structures filled with illager mobs and also regular hostile mobs. It is divided into numerous rooms. Those can be pretty common, like bedrooms, but they can also include rare secret rooms that you have to uncover, like the fake End portal room. You can locate a woodland mansion by using a woodland explorer map you buy from cartographers, in-game commands or just by exploring big dark oak forest biomes. Loot in this structure varies from mob drops to diamond gear, enchanted golden apples, diamond hoe and chestplate and more.

Minecraft F3 Debug Screen Explained
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By pressing the F3 key, the debug screen will pop up in Minecraft and show you a lot of data. The left side shows info on the Minecraft version, chunk, and entity data, as well as current coordinates, light level, biome and other values. The right side of the debug screen displays info about the Java version, your CPU, and other hardware components. Below that, you will spot the targeted block, fluid, and mob sections that display data about each of the specific game's features, like sand block, water, and more. Also, you can use other shortcuts that can be used to perform different debug actions.

How to Make a Flower Pot in Minecraft
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You can make a flower pot in Minecraft with three bricks and a crafting table. Smelt clay balls to get brick and make a crafting table with four wooden planks. Place the bricks in a V shape in the crafting grid and a flower pot will appear on the right. You will also occasionally come across flower pots in structures like witch huts, woodland mansions, igloo basements, and villages. Flower pots are simple but awesome decorative blocks that you can put lots of different plants in, like flowers, bamboo, cactus and more.

How to Use a Hopper in Minecraft
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Hopper is a redstone component block that has an ability to pick up, store, and funnel items into container blocks in Minecraft. By right-clicking on the side of a block with a hopper selected, you will place it so that the hopper's narrow end faces into a block, unless it's an underside of a block. Hoppers can interact with chests, barrels, furnaces, droppers, hopper minecarts, chest boats, etc. You can also lock a hopper by having it receive redstone power. If locked, hopper will not collect items nor send them anywhere else.

How to Make a Bow in Minecraft
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The bow is one of the best ranged weapons in Minecraft. You require 3 pieces of string, and a crafting table to make a bow. The crafting recipe of the bow is simple. In addition to crafting the bow, you can get it using other methods like killing Skeletons and Strays, trading with Fletcher Villagers, and fishing. Furthermore, the bow requires you to have at least one arrow in your inventory to use it.

6 Ways You Can Get String in Minecraft
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String is a basic item used in crafting recipes, trading with villagers, and as tripwire. You can obtain strong by killing spiders, striders, and cats. Moreover, if you break a cobweb with a sword, you will get a piece of string. You will also find string in chests of dungeons, desert temples, bastions, and also as tripwire in jungle temples. String is one of the junk items you can get when fishing or when bartering with piglins. Finally, your tamed cat can bring you string when you wake up in the morning.

5 Best Uses of Minecraft Shears
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You can use shears in Minecraft to shear some mobs and blocks. By shearing sheep, you can get wool and if you shear full bee nests or beehives you'll get honeycomb. You can also remove wolf armor from tamed wolves. Shears are necessary if you want to obtain blocks like short grass, dead bushes, glow lichen, vines and more. By using this tool, you can break wool blocks a lot quicker. It's also possible to have enchantments like unbreaking, mending, efficiency and curse of vanishing on shears, as well as silk touch in the Bedrock edition.

How to Make Shears in Minecraft
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Shears are useful tools that you can easily make without a crafting table in Minecraft. You need two iron ingots, which you can get by smelting raw iron in a furnace, to make a shear. Place one ingot in the bottom left corner of the 2 x 2 crafting grid in the player's inventory and the other one in the upper right corner. Click on the shears icon to craft and move it to your inventory. Alternatively, you can buy shears from shepherd villagers or by searching chests in this villager's house.

How to Make a Hoe in Minecraft
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For crafting each of the hoe types in Minecraft (apart form netherite), you need a crafting table, two sticks and two tier items like planks, stone-tier blocks, iron or gold ingots and diamonds. Making a netherite hoe is different and more expensive, as you need a smithing table, netherite ingot, and a diamond hoe that you wish to upgrade. You can find various tiered hoes in structures like ocean and trail ruins, woodland mansions, ruined portals and ancient cities. Moreover, you can combine two broken hoes or add a tier item to one to repair them.

How to Make a Saddle in Minecraft
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Saddles are an essential item in Minecraft that are used to ride various animals in the game and thus makes you exploration a bit easier. These items cannot be crafted and needs to be found through loot chests. So dive into this article and find out all the places you can get this item, and how you can use it in the game.

How to Find Redstone In Minecraft (4 Ways)
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Redstone is an item also known as redstone dust that is necessary for all redstone-related machines and farms in Minecraft. You can find it in four ways. First one is the most basic one and it requires you to find redstone ores underground and mine them with an iron or better pickaxe without silk touch. The second method is looting chests in dungeons, mineshafts, strongholds, villages and woodland mansions. You can also buy redstone dust from novice-level clerics for one emerald and obtain 4-8 dust by killing witches in dark places or in swamps.

How to Make a Campfire in Minecraft
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There are two types of campfires you can make in Minecraft - regular campfire and soul campfire. For the regular campfire, you'll need three logs, stems, wood, hyphae blocks or the stripped variants, as well as three sticks, coal or charcoal and crafting table. For the soul campfire you'll need all the same ingredients, but instead of coal or charcoal, you'll need soul soil or soul sand. Place the wooden blocks in the bottom row of the grid, the coal, charcoal, soul sand or soul soil in the central slot and sticks around the item in the center.