- Players can easily locate trial chambers by exploring the deepslate layers of your Minecraft 1.21 world.
- The best way to find a trial chamber is to buy an explorer map from the cartographer that will lead you to this structure.
- If you want a quick way to find the trial chamber, either use commands or an online seed finder like Chunk Base.
The main feature added in the Minecraft 1.21 update is a brand-new structure called trial chambers. It’s packed with unique and exciting features, like various combat challenges, traps, new mobs and blocks, and precious loot. So, if you wish to know how to locate this structure, then buckle up. We’ll discuss four ways in which you can find trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21.
Find Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21 (4 Methods)
You can find trial chambers using four simple methods. Most are legitimately achievable in survival but one does require you to have cheats enabled. With that said, let’s learn about these methods.
1. Exploring Cave Systems
The first and most spontaneous and natural way of finding trial chambers is to discover them while exploring your world. Trial chambers are generated in the underground portion of the Overworld in Minecraft. They are fairly common and appear in the deepslate layers.

However, unlike the ancient city that generates a few blocks above the bedrock layer, trial chambers don’t appear that far down.
Sometimes, you may even discover one of these structures so high up that some parts of it appear in the stone layers. Moreover, these structures usually generate so they are fully surrounded by terrain. This may cause a pretty obvious bulge in a massive cave, so you know exactly where to dig.
Trial chambers avoid spawning in the deep dark biome, so don’t bother looking for them there. This method may take more time than the other ones, so stick around for the next faster and completely survival-friendly option.
2. Trial Chamber Explorer Map
Similar to how cartographers sell maps leading to woodland mansions and ocean monuments, there is also a map that will show you the location of a nearby trial chamber structure. Follow our dedicated guide to learn how to get the trial chambers explorer map in Minecraft.

For this, all you need is to employ a cartographer using the cartography table and level them up to a journeyman tier. Then, they might offer you the trial explorer map, which costs 12 emeralds and one compass.
3. Using Commands
If you are in a hurry and just want to visit and play around the epic trial chambers, you can find it using commands in Minecraft. Even though some commands don’t require you to have cheats enabled, the one we will be mentioning does. So, to enable cheats on Java and Bedrock, you can follow the step-by-step process below:
- On Java, press “Esc” to access the pause menu.
- Then, click on the “Open to LAN” button.
- Here, you will want to select the “Allow Cheats” option to ON.
- After that, click on “Start LAN World,” and you will have cheats enabled.
- On Bedrock, press “Esc” to access the pause menu.
- Then click on “Settings” and under the World > Game options find “Activate Cheats”.
- Enable them and you’re good to go.

After you’ve enabled cheats, you need to open the chat box by pressing the “T” key. All you need to do then is type in the following command:
/locate structure minecraft:trial_chambers
Once you do so, the game will let you know where the closest trial chamber is to your current location. Then, you can mark the coordinates and follow them until you reach the structure, or you can teleport to it. To teleport in Minecraft, you can open the chat again and simply click on the green coordinates and press Enter.
Keep in mind that the Y coordinate may not be accurate, so you might need to dig down or up based on where you teleport to.

4. Using an Online Tool
The last method requires you to visit the online seed finder website called Chunk Base. Here, you can select your version at the top, as well as the Minecraft 1.21 seed and then enable trial chambers in the “Features” section.

The seed map will now load, allowing you to see the coordinates of the trial chambers (marked with trial spawners). You can then use the teleport command to navigate to that location.
These are the various ways you can use to locate the trial chambers in Minecraft. This structure has some never-before-seen features which truly make it stand out. Moreover, defeating every challenge will deliver quite a great sense of accomplishment and plenty of fun experiences. So, don’t waste any more time and go raid those battle arenas!