Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials is an update focused on combat and tinkering. The main feature of this update is trial chambers, an underground structure with plenty of challenges, secret mechanics and of course amazing loot. In this guide, we’ve discussed everything about trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21, including its location, mobs found in this structure, loot, and much more.
What Are Trial Chambers in Minecraft
The trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21 are underground structures that vary in size and challenges. They focus on providing players with unique and exciting combat battles. Moreover, the visual style of this structure is extremely unique and cannot be matched to any other structure in the game.
The trial chamber consists of procedurally generated rooms connected to the tunnels, staircases, and the central corridor. Though, those passageways may sometimes lead off to dead ends, similar to strongholds.

The corridor is a wide tunnel in the center of the structure, and it will lead to various rooms on multiple Y levels. The thick pillars all around this pathway will easily indicate this location. The chamber is filled with traps, trial spawners, decorated pots, vaults, ominous vaults, and treasure chests.
Where Can You Find a Trial Chamber
Trial chambers are relatively common and generated in the deepslate layers of the Overworld dimension. Unlike ancient cities, they don’t generate deep underground and some of the structure’s parts may even be found in the stone layers.
You can find trial chambers in four simple ways, which you can learn about in our dedicated guide. If you need some support, we have compiled a list of Minecraft seeds that make it easier to explore trial chambers.
Mobs in Minecraft Trial Chambers
The trial chamber is a structure geared towards combat experience and challenges. So, mobs are one of its most important aspects. But the hostile mobs do not spawn like usual but from trial spawners.
Trial spawner is a special spawner type that adapts to the number of players that join the battle. So, more players means more mobs. Furthermore, this spawner will spawn mobs from 4 categories, namely melee, small melee, ranged, and the Breeze category.

Each of these categories is guaranteed to spawn in the structure. Also, every trial chamber will only spawn one mob per category throughout the entire building. Luckily, the trial spawner itself gives you a hint about what mobs it spawns based on the blocks surrounding it.
Through one of the trial spawners, you will only encounter the trail chambers-specific Breeze mob. This is a hostile mob that you’ll encounter in every chamber. So, make sure to learn more about it first with our dedicated guide before you venture into a trial chamber.

Trial spawner is meant to offer you and your friends with an amazing and fun combat challenge so it’s not as efficient as the regular mob spawner. There is a lot more to say about trial spawners than we included here.
All the Blocks Found in Trial Chambers
Trial chambers in Minecraft are made up of various copper and tuff blocks. You will only find them here, so the style and vibe is consistent throughout the structure. These building blocks include tuff bricks, chiseled tuff bricks, chiseled tuff, polished tuff, copper doors and trapdoors, chiseled copper, copper grates, copper bulb, regular and cut copper, as well as their variants.

Most of these blocks are simply aesthetic building blocks, apart from the copper bulbs that are light source blocks and also copper trapdoors, that also serve as traps. So, if you want to build with these blocks, completely destroying a trial chamber will provide tons of materials.
Loot Found in Minecraft Trial Chambers
You can find loot in plenty of different locations throughout trial chambers. There are supply chests, reward chests, barrels, dispensers, and even filled decorated pots. Here are the loot options you can find in each of the chest types:
- Entrance Chest
Item | Chance |
Arrow | 55.1% |
Honeycomb | 55.1% |
Wooden Axe | 55.1% |
Stick | 31% |
Trial Key | 6.8% |
- Corridor Chest
Item | Chance |
Tuff Blocks | 28.4% |
Scaffolding | 19.6% |
Bamboo Planks | 19.6% |
Torch | 19.6% |
Bamboo Hanging Sign | 19.6% |
Ender Pearl | 19.6% |
Damaged Stone Axe | 19.6% |
Damaged Stone Pickaxe | 19.6% |
Honeycomb | 10.2% |
Damaged Iron Axe | 10.2% |
- Corridor End Chest
Item | Chance |
Amethyst Shard | 39.7% |
Cake | 39.7% |
Block of Iron | 39.7% |
Diamond | 21.5% |
Block of Emerald | 11.2% |
Damaged Diamond Axe | 11.2% |
Damaged Diamond Pickaxe | 11.2% |
Block of Diamond | 2.3% |
- Supply Chest
Item | Chance |
Arrow | 37.3% |
Glow Berries | 37.3% |
Baked Potato | 37.3% |
Damaged Stone Pickaxe | 37.3% |
Tuff Blocks | 20.4% |
Poison Tipped Arrow | 20.4% |
Slowness Tipped Arrow | 20.4% |
Acacia Planks | 20.4% |
Torch | 20.4% |
Bone Meal | 20.4% |
Moss Block | 20.4% |
Potion of Regeneration | 20.4% |
Potion of Strength | 20.4% |
Milk Bucket | 20.4% |
- Barrel
Item | Chance |
Bamboo Planks | 49.3% |
Baked Potato | 49.3% |
Damaged Enchanted Golden Axe | 22.3% |
Damaged Enchanted Golden Pickaxe | 22.3% |
Diamond | 5.9% |
Bucket | 5.9% |
Compass | 5.9% |
Enchanted Diamond Axe | 5.9% |
Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe | 5.9% |
- Decorated Pot
Item | Chance |
Emerald | 35.6% |
Arrow | 28.5% |
Iron Ingot | 28.5% |
Trial Key | 2.8% |
Diamond | 1.4% |
Block of Emerald | 1.4% |
Creator (Music Box) music disc | 1.4% |
Block of Diamond | 0.3% |
- Dispenser
Item | Chance |
Fire Charge | 20.7% |
Snowball | 20.7% |
Arrow | 13.8% |
Water Bucket | 13.8% |
Egg | 6.9% |
Lingering Potion of Healing | 3.4% |
Lingering Potion of Poison | 3.4% |
Lingering Potion of Slowness | 3.4% |
Lingering Potion of Weakness | 3.4% |
Splash Potion of Poison | 3.4% |
Splash Potion of Slowness | 3.4% |
Splash Potion of Weakness | 3.4% |
Beside these loot containers, there are also trial spawners that drop its loot as well as vaults and ominous vaults. We have full dedicated guides on them where you can see what loot they can give you.
That’s pretty much it, folks. Now you know everything about trial chambers added in Minecraft. So, don’t waste time and go explore one right away!