The Minecraft 1.18 update was certainly one of the most important ones for the gameplay. It completely changed and improved the world generation, extending it for a massive 128 blocks, 64 upwards and 64 downwards. Not only that but caves were hugely overhauled, making them so much more dangerous and fun. Furthermore, underground biomes made their appearance, and they are dripstone caves and lush caves. They brought various new blocks with game-changing features, including moss blocks in Minecraft.
Pointed dripstone allows us to farm lava and produce clay, whereas lush caves let us mine moss blocks in a new and unique way and even produce infinite dirt. We decided to dedicate this guide to the lovely moss, and we will teach you how to get it in Minecraft right now.

What is the Moss block?
Moss is a unique block that can be obtained in a few different ways. Once you have got at least a moss block, you may easily duplicate it by using a bone meal on it while it is next to natural blocks, like dirt and stone. Moss blocks will replace the natural blocks immediately. Moss is a beautiful building block, that doesn’t change color in different biomes.
Where to Find Moss in Minecraft
Moss blocks and their variants all naturally generate in the lush caves. These Minecraft biomes appear underground and vary in size. You can tell there’s a lush cave underneath if you spot an azalea tree. This tree will generate above a few rooted dirt stacks leading straight to a lush cave biome.
Moss covers the floor and the ceiling of these caves, so you will find an absolute abundance of it. You can break the moss by hand, but the fastest way is to use a hoe. No Minecraft enchantments are necessary, as the stone and all higher-tier hoes break the moss equally quickly. It would be enough to gather just a few blocks of moss, but if you have an empty inventory, it wouldn’t hurt to get more.

Moss blocks are also generated in the supply chest of shipwrecks, the ones in the front of the ship. They have about a 42% chance of generating with 1-4 moss blocks inside. The third way of finding the moss is by buying it from the wandering trader. They can sell two moss blocks for one emerald.
How to Farm Moss in Minecraft
Moss is a renewable block whose production is super easy to achieve. If you place the moss block attached to certain natural blocks and use a bone meal on it, the moss will instantly replace the blocks closest to it, essentially multiplying itself.
Not only that, but foliage, such as grass, moss carpets, azalea, and flowering azalea, can also generate on top of moss blocks, making them renewable as well. The natural blocks moss can replace are:
- Grass
- Dirt
- Podzol
- Mycelium
- Coarse Dirt
- Rooted Dirt
- Stone
- Andesite
- Diorite
- Granite
- Deepslate
- Tuff
- Mud (Java Edition)
- Polished Andesite, Diorite, and Granite (Bedrock Edition)

So, you can basically make infinite moss on the surface of most biomes. Not only on the surface but even deep underground. Since moss can replace such tough blocks like deepslate, it will even help you go through these layers quickly, so you can find diamonds in Minecraft as soon as possible. However, you will need a pretty steady supply of bone meal if you’re planning on utilizing this mining strategy.
Furthermore, keep in mind that the blocks you want to replace with moss and the moss block you’re bone mealing need to have air blocks above them. The moss blocks can spread around the central moss block in a random pattern, both below and above. Minecraft Wiki has an amazing table showing how likely the surrounding blocks are to convert to moss (see image below).

How to Use Moss in Minecraft
Now that you know how to obtain moss in large quantities, let’s see what you can do with it.
- Crafting Ingredient: Moss block is a part of three crafting recipes. Those include moss carpets, mossy cobblestone, and mossy stone bricks recipes. Moss carpets behave like regular carpets, but they have that wonderful moss texture.
- Composting Ingredient: Ironically, one of the best bone meal farms in the game uses none other than moss blocks. There is a 65% chance that a single moss block will increase the compost level. Because of this high percentage, use some of the moss blocks you make to create bone meal and still continue to produce enough moss to do whatever you want.
- Faster Sniffer Egg Hatching: Sniffer is a super cute dinosaur-like passive mob added in the Minecraft 1.20 update. Its ability as an adult is to sniff out ancient seeds that you can grow into torchflower and pitcher plants. To obtain this mob, you will first need to hatch the sniffer egg found in suspicious sand blocks in the warm ocean ruins. You can hatch this egg pretty much anywhere, but if you place it on a moss block, it will hatch twice as fast.

- Building and Decoration: Ever since it was introduced, moss block has been an integral building block in the game. Its gorgeous green color and soft texture make it an ideal choice in many situations. Thanks to the moss being compatible with many other blocks in-game, you may use it as an additional texture in the group or a contrast block that will draw your attention to the more important spot.
Over the years, I have seen people use moss as a roof block, so they can then bonemeal it and create an atmospheric and cozy overgrown vibe. Don’t be afraid of experimenting with moss and other blocks in the game. You could be the one coming up with an amazing building technique nobody thought of before. That said, what are your thoughts on the moss block? Do you like moss as it helps you find precious ores more quickly, or because it’s a neat building block? Tell us in the comments below!