Just A Minute of Internet (2013)

Just A Minute Of Internet (2013)

You know 60 seconds make up a minute but do you know that while walking normally, you take 60 seconds or a minute to walk the length of 25 Mini Coopers in a row. The distance is mere 100 meters and while you are covering these 100 meters, do you know how people around the world change the face of the Internet?

Here is what happens in a minute of Internet in 2013:

  • 416 Website hacking attempts are made
  • 12 Websites are hacked
  • 20 New victims of identity theft are recognized
  • 157036 cases of financial loses in some way occur
  • 5 new Wikipedia articles are created
  • 50 new blog posts are created
  • 70 new domains are registered
  • 435 new email accounts are created
  • 717 new people get on the Internet
  • 1500 new blog posts are made
  • 171366 GB of files are shared
  • 370000 Skype calls are made
  • 639800 GB of Global data transfered
  • 694445 Google searches made
  • 86000000 Spam emails received
  • 168000000 Emails sent
  • 14 new songs on Spotify
  • 600 Youtube video uploads
  • 6600 Flickr photos uploaded
  • 3600 Instagram photo shares
  • 1300000 YouTube videos played
  • 20000000 Flickr photo views
  • 100 New LinkedIn accounts created
  • 320 new Twitter accounts created
  • 411 new Facebook users
  • 20000 new tumblr photos
  • 11805 Active Pinterest users
  • 27777 Active Twitter users
  • 100000 New Tweets
  • 79364 new Facebook wall posts
  • 173611 new pictures uploaded on Facebook
  • 510040 new comments on Facebook

And all that you just read has already happened in the past 60 seconds while you were reading this blog post. Honestly, Internet never fails to amaze me! At least we can now stop thinking how internet changes overnight and sleep calmly (Big Grin).



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