A new year starts with a new patch in Valorant, which is quite big. Valorant patch notes for V25 S1 are a major start to the new season. Yes, with the arrival of 2025, Episodes are going away, but the update situation remains the same. This new patch update includes a new hero, massive map rotations, agent balances, new cosmetics, and more. Here is the full overview of the Valorant patch notes 10.
New Agent Tejo Arrives in Valorant
The major highlight of Valorant Season 25 Act 1 patch notes is the new agent Tejo. Valorant’s 7th initiator comes with a ton of firepower and the utilities to change the game’s approach. Jump in Valorant and utilize Tejo’s abilities to mow down enemies in a blink.

Special Delivery
- Equip: A sticky grenade.
- Fire: Launches the grenade. Sticks to the first surface it hits and explodes, concussing nearby enemies.
- Alt Fire: Launches the grenade with a single bounce before sticking.
Stealth Drone
- Equip: A stealth drone.
- Fire: Throws the drone forward. Take direct control of its movement.
- Fire again: Triggers a pulse that suppresses and reveals nearby enemies.
Guided Salvo
- Equip: An AR targeting system.
- Fire: Select up to two target locations on the map.
- Alt Fire: Launches missiles that autonomously navigate to the selected locations and detonate on arrival.
- Console Only: Fire launches missiles after selecting targets with Alt Fire.
- Equip: A tactical strike targeting map.
- Fire: Select the origin point of the strike.
- Fire again: Select the end point and launch the attack. Unleashes a wave of explosions along the strike path.
- Alt Fire: During map targeting, cancels the origin point selection.
- Console Only: Alt Fire selects the origin point, and Fire launches the attack after selecting the end point.
Valorant Patch 10 General Updates
Valorant is shifting to Annual Seasons with the patch 10. This means there will be no more Episodes.
- Introducing Season 2025: This year will feature a single, year-long Season 2025.
- Six Acts: The Season will be divided into six Acts, allowing for ongoing celebrations throughout the year.
- Rank Resets:
- Ranks will reset at the beginning of Season 2025.
- A second mid-season rank reset will also occur.
- Explosion Gameplay Updates:
- Adjustments have been made to how ability effects themed as explosions function.
- This aims for more consistent damage output from Raze, Sova, and Gekko’s explosions.
- Specifically, Raze’s Showstopper (X) should now deal damage more reliably when clipping into level geometry.
Agent Updates
Valorant patch notes 10 does not bring major agent changes. However, Brimstone gets a massive stim beacon buff. Here are all the agent changes in the upcoming update:
Brimstone Stim Beacon’s normal equip times are rare and usually reserved for abilities with higher counterplay needs. This is a light quality of life change for Brimstone. However, the equip time after casting is now faster.
Flex Cosmetics Are Here in Valorant
With the already big roster of cosmetics in the game, Valorant releases a new style of items called the Flex cosmetic in patch 10. The spray wheel has been replaced with the Expressions Wheel. This is where you can equip your Flex cosmetics.
Players will have a free Flex in their inventory named STAT-COM. A new one will be available in the Valorant 25 Season 1 battlepass after the live patch update.

Valorant Patch 10 Gameplay System Updates
All Platforms
- Auto Remake Improvements:
- If a player AFKs in the first round, an automatic remake vote will now begin.
- Only a majority vote of the remaining players is needed to pass the remake.
- Previously, all remaining players had to vote yes for a remake to occur.
- Ping System Update:
- A new “show map pings in world” cheat has been added for Custom games.
- This cheat allows players to see map pings worldwide, enabling better lineup practice and experimentation.
- This feature reverts map pinging behavior to how it was before Patch 9.11.
Map Updates and Rotation
- Starting with Patch 10.00, maps will rotate every Act.
- The specific maps included in each Act’s map pool will be announced soon after the Act begins.
- Fracture and Lotus are returning to the Competitive and Deathmatch queues.
- Ascent and Sunset are being removed from the Competitive and Deathmatch queues.
Esports Features
Get ready for VCT25 as The Esports Hub is back in Valorant with the information on the 2025 season. See the new overview page for a quick rundown of the season. Check out the International League Kickoff brackets starting January 11th
Premier Updates
On January 15, the V25A1 stage kicks off for Valorant, and the patch notes 10 brings this into the game. Here is everything you need to know about the upcoming Valorant Premier season:
- Demotion: If your team competed in the Invite Division during Stage E9A3 and did not finish within the top 16, your team has been demoted to a lower division.
- New Division: You can find your new Provisional Division in the Premier hub.
- Zone Seeding: Demoted teams are initially placed in the zone from which they were originally promoted.
- Zone Flexibility: Your Team Owner has the flexibility to change your team’s zone at any time before your first match of the new stage. This can be done within the “Team Settings” dropdown menu.
- Zone Selection: If the system cannot automatically place your team into a zone, your Team Owner will be required to manually select a suitable zone for your team.
Valorant Patch Notes 10 Bug Fixes
- General: Fixed an issue that caused some agent abilities to display the wrong team color for observers.
- Clove: Fixed an issue that prevented Not Dead Yet from activating if cast at the end of its activation window.
- Skye:
- Corrected the scaling of Guiding Light’s flash duration.
- Fixed a bug where Guiding Light’s hit confirmation sound and voice line wouldn’t play when hitting Yoru’s Fakeout Clone.
- Cypher & Viper: Addressed an issue where shooting through Cyber Cage or Poison Cloud could incorrectly bypass wall penetration rules when placed near level geometry.
- Phoenix:
- Fixed a brief visual glitch where Blaze incorrectly displayed a Harbor projectile asset.
- Minor adjustments were made to the visual effects of Blaze to improve accuracy.
- Brimstone: Optimized the performance of Sky Smoke’s dissipation effect.
- General:
- Removed lingering flashbang projectile visuals for observers.
- Fixed an issue where players with Regen Shields would play hit confirmation sounds even when not visible to the enemy.
- General: Corrected an issue where weapons would unexpectedly exit and re-enter ADS while aiming.
These are all the changes from the patch notes 10 for Valorant 2025 Season 1. Are you excited to try the new update when it goes live? Do tell us your thoughts in the comments below.