List of All New Biomes in Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update

The Minecraft 1.18 update is still making news because of its game-changing world generation. But that’s not enough to keep players from getting excited about Minecraft 1.19: The Wild Update. Stakes are really high for this update after the success of 1.18, and from the looks of it, we won’t be disappointed. From new mobs to cool features, there’s a lot to look forward to with the upcoming version of Minecraft. But for now, let’s focus on the upcoming new biomes in Minecraft 1.19 update. Our list has some confirmed as well some speculated biomes you can expect to find in Minecraft Bedrock and Java Editions. But if you still haven’t gotten around to trying the last update, use our best Minecraft 1.18 seeds list to make the most out of it. With that said, let’s dive right in and explore all the new biomes Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update will have to offer.

New Biomes in Minecraft 1.19 Update (2022)

Our list of biomes isn’t ranked in any way. So, you can explore the different biomes as per your interest using the table below.

Deep Dark Caves

As the name suggests, this biome was originally planned for the 1.18 Caves & Cliffs Part 2 update. But due to developmental delays, we will finally see this new biome in Minecraft 1.19 update. Deep dark caves are the most dangerous type of caves in the game. They spawn only below the Y=-1 level of height.

Deep Dark Caves Biome

Unlike other cave biomes, including the recently added lush caves and dripstone caves seeds, deep dark caves won’t have any reliable light sources like lava. Though, you might find glowing lichen at certain locations within the cave. As for the mobs, you don’t have to worry about bumping into a creeper in the dark. The regular hostile mobs almost never spawn within the deep dark. However, there’s something more sinister (more on this below) that you should worry about in this darkness.

Ancient Cities

Within the deep dark caves, at times, you can encounter a structure called ancient cities. The easiest way to notice this structure is through iconic deep slate bricks and sculk blocks. Following the skulk blocks, at times, can lead you to a castle-like structure that is home to the Warden.

Warden is a highly threatening boss mob in Minecraft 1.19. It is also the first blind mob in the game. The Warden’s presence alone makes the deep dark caves one of the best new biomes in Minecraft 1.19 update. But defeating the Warden is no child’s play. It is immune to damage from fire, lava, and even drowning. Moreover, even fall damage and blast damage don’t affect it much.

Warden in Minecraft

In its territory, you get affected by a darkness effect, which reduces the in-game brightness for the player. Then, Warden attacks the player based on the sound and vibrations they make. It can kill you with just two hits, even if you have full netherite armor. So, unlike any other mob fight, you have to rely on stealth and game sense more than your combat skills. Lucky for you, we already have a guide in place to defeat the Warden in Minecraft.

New Swamp Biome

On the not so sinister side of things are the swamps in our list of new biomes in Minecraft. Yeah, we already have swamps in the game, but if we are being honest, no one likes them. Keeping that in mind, the developers at Minecraft are now giving us a new variant of the swamp biome.

New Swamps in Minecraft 1.19 Biomes

But before we move on to that, the original swamps are also getting a new mob called Frogs in Minecraft. They also have eggs, tadpoles, and color variants that create a whole experience around them. You can even use frogs to make a new block called “Froglight” in the game. Additionally, swamps also spawn fireflies at nighttime, making them more welcoming than ever before.

Mangrove Swamp

As a variant of the swamp biome, the upcoming Minecraft 1.19 update is gifting us a mangrove swamp biome. It looks like a combination of jungle and swamp biomes. You can find mangrove trees, mud blocks, warm frogs, and fireflies in this biome. But among this bunch, the most interesting part of this biome is its trees.

Seed with Huge Mangrove Swamp Biome

Unlike existing trees in the game, the mangrove trees rely on a propagule to grow. And they are the first variety of trees that can grow underwater and also has roots. Moreover, you can see this tree adjust and wrap itself around the surroundings wherever it spawns or grows. If that sounds interesting, you can use our guide to know everything you need to know about the mangrove swamp biome.

Speculated New Biomes in Minecraft 1.19

Beyond the already confirmed biomes, there are a few rumors and speculations around other biomes too. Here’s a list of our guesses at the upcoming biomes and biome-based changes in the next update.

New Birch Forest Concept Art Minecraft
Birch Forest Concept Art from Minecraft 2021 Live
  • Birch forests can get a few additional features, and a structural revamp to make them more interesting. We are expecting hollow wood, taller trees, and new plants.
  • Jungle and swamp villages might also find a way into the game in the Minecraft 1.19 update. We already have models for villagers from both of these biomes in the game. And with the confirmation of mud huts and mangrove wood, we might see swamp villages, followed by jungle villages in the new update.

Get Ready to Explore New Biomes in Minecraft 1.19

Between Minecraft 1.18.2’s beautiful mountains seeds and Minecraft 1.19’s revamped wildlife, I am definitely a bigger fan of the latter. And since the update is in the early testing stage, we are just scratching the surface. Who knows what else we might discover as the release date inches closer. Meanwhile, we also have a guide to existing Minecraft biomes if you haven’t explored all of them yet. They look even better than usual if you turn on the best Minecraft 1.18.2 shaders in the latest update. Though, you might have to install Optifine in Minecraft 1.18 to get started. Coming back to the Minecraft 1.19 update, there’s a lot to unpack here. So, don’t forget to tell us what more you expect from the new Wild update in the comments below. Who knows, your guessed feature might end up in the update, arriving later this year.

comment Comments 115
  • Pika says:

    If minecraft could add an update for snowy biomes also that could be fun, if they add pine trees to minecraft it would be great for Christmas trees and penguins which are pretty cute and frozen lakes in middle of some places in the snowy biomes, i really love winter BTW so it would be cool if they did that

    • Redacted says:

      There should be a END UPDATE

      • traesh says:

        that happened already mate

      • Chan&TheBand says:

        Sorry to disturb your delusional fantasies, but the current end update is posthumous-level. Redacted is correct, they should at least an iota more to the current void landscape.

    • David says:

      Pine trees are already in Minecraft

  • Ian says:

    Is the update just for players on PC or will it apply to console players to, still playing it on Wii U at the moment but suppose I could purchase on PS4 if needed to.

    • Bruh says:

      Ofc there will they were talking about bedrock and java releasing at the same time

  • DJ says:

    I thank that Minecraft should make more living animals instead of mods. and other should be new villagers and villagers’ homes like there should a king in mind craft and if you kill him you become the king and lead there army.BUT comment on mine pleas to see what you thank

    • Cherry says:

      Omg that would be so cool! I can all ready see all the youtubers/streamets going CRAZY for this lol

      • Ur mom says:

        Bro there are so many modpacks and custom games with this already

  • Ruby says:

    Hi I am playing Minecraft since realese I would really like a new boss in the nether like king blaze and a new biome in the nether. I would like a ore that is more powerful than netherite it can be used to defend hits from the warden , And it can be only found in the end like the name should be endinium it colour must purple and it’s really Hard to find. I would also like a swana update more mobs would be cool

    • Mojang says:

      i’m not Santa Claus bro

      • Imogen says:

        Hahaha lol
        But I a have to agree that I would also like more things in the nether and like a new boss and a new ore… Thank you

      • Chan&TheBand says:

        Maybe not Santa, but still, quoted Endinium to defend against the Warden sounds like a welcome addition. The Beta Warden is already an extremely painful ordeal.

      • Unknow says:


  • Milo says:

    I would love natural disasters to threaten bases
    And maybe a map to track

    • David says:

      Dude that would Destroy all Minecraft and the lag will be Giant

  • Triangle blockman says:

    With all the changes ive seen in minecraft since I’ve been playing it would be good to see a new block type created, like a triangle would be interested, l can picture in my minecraft mind lots of interesting possibilities for this especially if you have choices of direction both vertically and horizontal.

  • Lilcat says:

    Maybe like when u kill a cat u get a cats eye like u get a spooder but u can Make cats eyes and u can see in the dark but it a lil crazy but meh :3

    • ur mum says:

      that is evil

  • Omar says:

    Im sure mojang will read all of these

    • Lilcat says:

      Yeah definitely

  • Kota says:

    Mojang can you please add more cat types or dogs pls

  • Mason says:

    Can we please get copper armor and weapons it’s such a boring item

    • ash seso says:

      I’m excited to to new minecraft update

  • Aiden Sosa says:

    Hey Mojang I would love it if you could make java on other devices and shaders for switch.

    • Slekuts says:

      Do you realize that a switch doesn’t even come close to having the specs it needs to run shaders? Even a PC with a RTX 30 series can sometimes struggle with shaders to get even 60fps.

      And Java on other devices? Huh?

      • Lilcat says:

        U r right tho

      • fenn says:

        i guess ur pc is just shit then LMFAO

    • Chan&TheBand says:

      Java edition on other devices sounds absolutely absurd. . . Joking! Such a great idea though.

  • :) says:

    Hey, me and my friend have discussed and we want dinosaurs, mice, butterflies, a Verity of birds (pigeons aspecially), and insects. This would be amazing and definatley lure in more players. BRING IT ON!!

    • David says:

      Why would Dinosaurs be added?
      They all died before Human was born

  • Mr.Scorpio says:

    Would like to see a new wood cutting table being able to make triangles and a new furnace able to bake clay
    And would like to see stronger tools

  • Sutty says:

    I can’t wait until the new update but could you add guns plz 😁😎

    • Lychee says:

      this has to be a joke, right? This isn’t fortnite and the time that minecraft is set in is so that mechanical devices aren’t even invented yet? Like they didn’t even add chairs because they though it would be “too modern”….

      • :) says:

        This is so true, including the fact that this is a kid friendly game! (Pretty sure it is a PG game)

    • Goldilocxx says:

      One of the greatest things about Minecraft is that it DOESN’T have guns. This is a very versatile game, appropriate for all ages, and still appeals to all ages. There are plenty of other games with guns, so let’s keep them out of Minecraft.

  • Tyler says:

    Please add palm trees,i think it would make a great touch to the desert biome

  • Archie Wareham says:

    Hi Mojang I know you probably won’t add this idea to Minecraft but may be you could : 1. New Wepons and armours. 2. New Spawn eggs. 3. And maybe you could add GUNS but in the inventory so its optional instead of of being in a mod. Thank you for your time bye.

    • David says:

      Minecraft is situated on Medival age Where Guns still didn’t exist

  • Nithya says:

    Hi Minecraft I wish I could tam rabbits…..

  • .Christine Rhodes says:

    Can we have glass stairs plz

    • David says:


  • ImmortalAbsol says:

    I want the hollow logs from the concept art.

  • Kunal kushwaha says:

    Hello majong i am old player of minecraft my name is steve respectively please add a water bar that make a game some realestic so i am like mods of water bar please you can add a water bar and some other kind of woods

  • Shivam Chaudhary says:

    Hello mojang i know minecraft is good but can you add vegetables

    • Random dude says:

      There’s already vegetables in minecraft

      • Lilcat says:

        A lot

  • L says:

    Perhaps the addition of wool armor, or padded leather armor, which could be crafted at the Smithing table by using leather armor and either wool, or if you want it to be a little more challenging, phantom membrane, could allow one to move more quickly in ancient cities without attracting the attention of the warden, making it a truly neutral mob.

  • Si says:

    I would like to see more variety in tree type between biomes

  • carliz (carlellie) says:

    “Birch Forests”? Bionic wouldn’t like that

    • Gio says:

      Yo!!!??you know bionic wow that is my 2th best youtuber after dream

  • SOUMYADEEP says:

    I am eagerly waiting for the deep caves and swamps update. But my favourite wood in real life is teak. So i would kindly request to add these type of trees.

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