Future Canon Cameras Might Include a Shutter Touchpad Instead of a Button

Canon replace shutter button with shutter touchpad

As technology improved over the years, we have seen cameras evolve from traditional to DSLR and now mirrorless cameras. However, one element of the camera that hasn’t changed in all these years is the shutter button. So, Canon is now thinking of replacing the physical shutter button with a high-tech shutter touchpad.

The Japan-based camera-maker recently filed a new patent detailing a unique touchpad that could replace the physical shutter button of a camera. This tiny touchpad will sit in the traditional place of a shutter button and will be able to detect finger movements and pressure.

Canon replace shutter button with shutter touchpad

Now, as per the patent, the shutter touchpad will detect various finger movements of the photographer while capturing a scene. As a result, this could allow the photographer to change camera settings like ISO, shutter speed, or aperture without needing to lift the finger from the shutter area.

The shutter touchpad, according to the patent, will also be able to detect the duration and the force of the pressure applied. So, a photographer will be able to half-press the shutter touchpad to set focus and then press a bit harder to release the shutter.

Canon replace shutter button with shutter touchpad

Moreover, as this touchpad could be integrated into the camera without needing to put a hole in place of the shutter button, it will improve a camera’s durability.

So, the idea of a pressure-sensitive touchpad instead of a physical shutter button is pretty cool and futuristic. However, there are photographers who prefer the feel of pressing the physical shutter button to capture the desired moment.

Nonetheless, I, personally, would love to see a shutter touchpad instead of a physical button in future cameras. And if Canon makes this patent a reality in the coming days, it would completely change the way we click pictures.

VIA Techradar
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