12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of those habits that’s really tough to ditch, despite people having a strong determination to curb it. Consider an average person for instance, who is a heavy smoker and has become addicted to nicotine, smoking his cigarette packs on the regular. They’re very well aware of the life-threatening effects of the same and want to quit their habit of puffing in those toxic gases, but know that simply saying “No” to these gas tubes on the next day isn’t enough. Breaking and forming new habits is tough. So, how can we help an average person lead a nicotine-free life? Well, we scoured the Play Store and found the best apps that can help you quit smoking in 2020.

Best Apps to Quit Smoking in 2020

1. Smoke Free

Recommended by thousands of quitters, Smoke Free is a very useful app to help you quit smoking. This well-designed app has a clear layout, showing all the data that you would need to see frequently & upkeep your motivation. It calculates your yearly savings, the number of cigarettes you avoided, the number of smoke-free seconds and even how much life you have regained! It also uses the data to tell you how much of a non-smoker you have become, in various bodily parameters like pulse, Oxygen levels, Nicotine ingestion, breathing, energy levels & so on.

12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

You also get various missions each day with a personalized GIF message to keep you going. It is available as a free app with some in-app purchases, if you need some more motivation.

Install: (Free with ads, subscription starts at $0.99/week)

2. Quit Now

If you want an app that’s simple & sorted, you can use Quit Now. It presents all your information in a well laid out manner, which is very easy to navigate. The home screen of the app shows you some unique details like the day you started the process and shows you the exact time in seconds for the same. But, what sets this app apart is the ability to chat with a community of people like you, who are willing to give up smoking. You can chat with them, discussing your feelings & challenges during the course and even reply to someone’s specific comment.

12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

There’s also a Twitter-esque Mentions tab that shows if someone tagged you in their comment. The app also awards you with achievements upon meeting a certain goal, as well as shows your health gain in percentage.

It has a free version, which packs in the basic features and it should be good enough for most people. However, there is also a paid version, if you want to go into a bit more depth with your motivation. Go for this if you want your quit smoking app to make your life easier, with an interesting presentation of your health data.

Install: (Free with ads, Pro version available at $3.95)

3. Quit Tracker

Quit Tracker is another popular app that’s recommended by a lot of cigarette-quitters. It’s easy on the eyes, with its white and red material theme design, and provides all of the necessary details that someone should keep an eye on front and center. The app displays the total time you’ve been smoke-free, money saved, and other similar progress figures first. You can then see money and life expectancy numbers underneath, along with tips for all those who’re struggling to keep away from nicotine, and achievements/ health goals.

12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

Quit Tracker also asks you to list your reasons for smoking, maintain a diary, or distract yourself with mini-games baked in the app. It may force some ads on you but it doesn’t hinder the experience and a premium subscription helps you get rid of them, while also adding new features like a homescreen widget, statistics, custom styles, more rewards, etc. to the fold.

Install: (Free with ads, in-app purchase starting at $2.99)

4. Stop Smoking: EasyQuit

Don’t be intimidated by the screenshots below. EasyQuit by Mario Hanna may look a little funky and colourful but it’s one of the best apps which can help break your nicotine addiction. It isn’t a whole lot different from the aforementioned apps and gives you the motivation to stick to your decision by display money saves, cigarettes you didn’t smoke since you quit, beat the urge to light up, and the biggest motivator — how quitting has benefited your health.

12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

If you’ve not yet quit smoking, and you’re looking for help with quitting smoking, the app comes with a ‘Quit Slowly’ mode baked into it, where you can set up a plan to curb nicotine addiction without any instant pain, suffering or intense craving.

Install: (Free with ads, get Pro version for $3.49)

5. Drop It! Quit Smoking

If you want a quit smoking app that has been designed to assist you & not bother you with all the nonsensical stuff like messages & games, then this one will surely appeal to you. Bathed in Material Design goodness, it shows you your data that matters, like time without smoking, numbers of cigarettes avoided, money saved & so on. The health data is shown in bars & is surprisingly pleasing to the eyes, in comparison to the overly-detailed presentations of the previous ones. But then, it has nothing else to keep you engaged or distract you from your cravings. Go for this one only if you want something simple or are short on storage space on your Android device.

12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

Install: (Free with ads)

6. Sobriety Counter (aka Quitzilla)

Sobriety Counter is an app made specifically for curbing any addiction that might plague your life. It’s good for someone attempting to go nicotine-free and that’s because it does not jump straight to questions or stats but instead, it shows you a bunch of havits and you have to choose the habit you want to give up and gain access to the tracker and all its tools after this process. It also shows you some key figures since you quit and can motivate you to not give up with a rewards and trophy room.

12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

The one thing that I like about Sobriety Counter is that it’s clean and simple-looking. The app isn’t cluttered with features and has only the ones necessary to present you a fulfilling experience. I’ve used this app in the past to curb my fast food addiction and the ability to see a detailed analytical breakdown is great too. There are some non-intrusive ads splayed across the board, but a premium subscription can easily fix that.

Install: (Free with ads, in-app purchase starts at $3.99)

7. Flamy

Flamy is easily one of the most well-designed and feature-rich apps which can help anyone having a hard time beating their cigarette addiction. It presents you the option to choose between 2 types of programs – a free “14-days challenge” and paid “One less every day” regime to give up on the habit slowly. I picked the former and the app offered me tons of help, such as achievements, my health status, and an improvement in taste or smell, to help me stay true to my goal.

12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

The highlight feature of Flamy is, however, the ability to challenge a friend on who would be able to stay nicotine free for a longer period of time. All of this comes for free. However, if you pay for the Pro version, the app is also going to show you detailed analytics, your craving triggers on a map and also offers motivation, games, and tips to stay away from cigarettes.

Install: (Free with ads, in-app purchase starts at $0.99)

8. Stop Tobacco Mobile Trainer

While some apps allow you to track the timeline since you quit, others like Stop Tobacco Mobile Trainer are designed to gradually help you kick the habit. This app asks a ton of questions related to your smoking history and then devises a 21-day regime to help you give up those gas tubes. It needs you to complete four tasks – a daily challenge, reflection into your habit, answers about smoking, and a review of the day.

12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

This app also packs relaxation techniques and mini-games to keep you from picking up those cigarettes again, especially on a day of extreme craving. Though I love that Stop Tobacco strives to curb your addiction and is mindful of their process, it has a lot of ads and that’s just annoying. I’d have placed this app higher up but the continuous spam of full-page ads ruined the experience. It’s certainly a huge turn-off for someone looking to quit smoking.

Install: (Free with ads, in-app purchase starts at $5.99)

9. Smoke Money

If you’re a minimalist and money is your biggest motivation to quit smoking, well, then it seems this aptly-named app called Smoke Money is designed for you. There aren’t many features here and you only see the sum total of money you’ve saved since you quit. You have to input the date you decided to quit, the number of packs you smoked each day or month, and what each pack costs in your country.

12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

Smoke Money then calculates your savings and shows the same front and center. It also shows your previous attempts to quit and you can reset your attempt at any time. It’s a great app if you’re looking to use monetary savings as your inspiration to quit smoking.

Install: (Free with ads)

10. Craving to Quit

Craving to Quit takes a slightly different but mindful approach to help you quit your smoking addiction. It follows a 21-day program, which is based on a smoking cessation program developed and tested at Yale University and is spread out over a course of four weeks. The highlight of this app is that it uses video and audio tutorials you need to watch each day, coupled with meditation, cigarette tracker, and daily achievements.

12 Great Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

While this is a great app, and one that deserves to be higher on this list, it does feel a little cluttered at times, and has a major chunk of the program locked away under a premium $24.99 a month subscription that can hinder the progress made during the 3-day trial period. But, once you pay up, you’ll get access to a hoard of additional features and live calls with experts.

Install: (Free, 3-day trial followed by a $24.99/month subscription)

11. Kwit

When you are desperately trying to say goodbye to smoking, what works really well is pro tips coupled with some timely motivation. And I think this is where Kwit has a clear edge over many other counterparts. The app keeps a tab on your smoking habit and offers personalized tips to help you get rid of smoking. Plus, it employes a pretty smart game technique, showing several crucial statistics like how much time has passed since you smoked the last cigarette and how many bucks you have saved. Not just that, Kwit also offers a ton of coveted achievements to keep you pumped up and even push you harder to get the better of cravings.

Quit Smoking app Kwit

Install: (Free, in-app purchases available) 

12. Tobano

While Tobano may be relatively new as compared to the top quit smoking apps for Android, you can count on it to help you get rid of the craving for cigarettes for good. The app turns the whole affair into a fun-loving game where you have to unlock multiple levels. As you go ahead, you get a chance to grab many achievements based on your performance. Moreover, Tobano also shows in-depth statistics so that you can keep track of your progress and figure out the shortcomings that need to be addressed. What if your cravings are compelling you to pick up cigarettes again? Well, that’s when bonuses will have a role to play in keeping you on track.


Install: (Free

Bonus: QuitGuide

QuitGuide is a complete smoking cessation resource. With this app, you get expert guidance about a better way to quit smoking. Along with that, it also offers a variety of strategies to take control of the urge and stay smokefree. Featuring a simple interface, the app lets you keep track of your cravings, monitor how well you are performing, and what are the drawbacks that you must address. One of my favorite features of QuitGuide is the mood tracking and thoughtful quotes that infuse confidence. Furthermore, it also offers a straightforward way to share achievements with others so that you can let your friends and loved ones know your commitment. Keeping in mind these notable features, QuitGuide is one of the best quit smoking apps for Android.


Install: (Free

Quit Smoking: Kick The Habit Out The Door

I know, nothing can make a person drop an addiction like smoking, overnight. It is their willpower and dedication that can help them overcome this life-threatening habit. And if you’re one of them, then these are some apps that we think can help drive you daily to give up smoking. So, try out these quit smoking apps and let us know if they helped you out in the comments down below.

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