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How to Get Pottery Sherds in Minecraft
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Pottery sherds are ancient items you can use to make decorated pots. They were added in Minecraft 1.20 update and so far there are 23 different types of sherds. You may get them when using a brush on suspicious sand and gravel blocks in various structures. Also, three sherds are available by breaking decorated pots in trial chambers. Pottery sherds include Angler, Archer, Arms Up, Blade, Brewer, Burn, Danger, Explorer, Friend, Heart, Heartbreak, Howl, Miner, Mourner, Plenty, Prize, Sheaf, Shelter, Skull, Snort, Flow, Guster and Scrape.

20 Best Minecraft Survival Seeds
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Today, we bring you the best Minecraft survival seeds you can enjoy, conquer, and explore. Among them, you will find insane structure generation like a woodland mansion generating inside a village or a witch hut spawning in the middle of the ocean. You'll also find massive and dangerous caves, overlapping structures, beautiful terrain generation and even your spawn point will be in the water in one seed.

How to Make a Saddle in Minecraft
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Saddles are an essential item in Minecraft that are used to ride various animals in the game and thus makes you exploration a bit easier. These items cannot be crafted and needs to be found through loot chests. So dive into this article and find out all the places you can get this item, and how you can use it in the game.

What are Minecraft Smithing Templates and How to Use Them?
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Smithing templates are unique items that allow you to customize armor by adding patterns to it or in the case of the netherite upgrade, upgrade gear from diamond to netherite tier. You can find these items in many in-game structures, including ancient cities, strongholds, ocean monuments, trial chambers and more. Since these are pretty rare, you can also duplicate them with diamonds and a special item in the crafting grid. To apply a smithing template in Minecraft, combine it with a piece of gear and a dying material in the smithing table.

How to Make Smithing Templates in Minecraft
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Smithing templates are unique items you can use to upgrade your diamond gear to netherite or customize your armor in Minecraft. You can also duplicate them using the template itself, seven diamonds, a specific block or item and a crafting table. Place the template in the middle cell of the topmost row, place a special block or item below it and fill the rest of cells with diamonds. After you have the templates in reserve you can use them. Combine a template with a piece of gear and a material in a smithing table to apply it.

Redstone Components in Minecraft: A Complete Guide
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Redstone is a big part of Minecraft and so its components are very important. There are about 40 different blocks that can interact with redstone, by sending redstone signals and receiving them. Those include more apparent blocks like redstone dust, redstone block, redstone torch, repeater and comparators, but some blocks like the composter, jukebox, target block and even decorated pots are redstone components. This extensive and detailed guide will answer all the questions you might have about them and will show you how to make or get each of them.

How to Make a Piston in Minecraft
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To craft a piston, you'll need to make and collect four cobblestone blocks, three planks of any wood type, one iron ingot, one redstone dust and a crafting table. Fill the upper row with planks and then add four cobblestone blocks in each remaining cell of the left and right columns. Add the iron ingot in the middle cell of the crafting table's grid and place redstone dust below it. With that, the crafting recipe for Minecraft piston is complete and all you should do is to click on the piston icon and place the block into your inventory.

How to Set Time to Day or Night in Minecraft
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To use the time command, like many other commands in Minecraft, you first need to enable cheats. Then, open chat with the T key and insert one of the following options - /time add or /time query or /time set. The add keyword allows you to add time to your world's age. The query keyword lets you view the time that has passed in your world from the start. The set keyword is the most useful and it allows you to set the time to day, noon, night or midnight in Minecraft. With it, you can control various in-game events.

How to Use Redstone Dust in Minecraft
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Redstone dust is an important block and item that makes various machines and farms possible. You can use it to craft various redstone components, such as powered rails, observers, pistons, droppers, dispensers, redstone repeaters. In addition, redstone dust is used to create mundane potions and extend potion durations in Minecraft. Lastly, redstone dust is a wire component in redstone circuits.

How to Find Redstone In Minecraft (4 Ways)
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Redstone is an item also known as redstone dust that is necessary for all redstone-related machines and farms in Minecraft. You can find it in four ways. First one is the most basic one and it requires you to find redstone ores underground and mine them with an iron or better pickaxe without silk touch. The second method is looting chests in dungeons, mineshafts, strongholds, villages and woodland mansions. You can also buy redstone dust from novice-level clerics for one emerald and obtain 4-8 dust by killing witches in dark places or in swamps.

13 Best Minecraft Farms You Must Build
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Farms in Minecraft are very important, as they help you collect items in large quantities without having to grind for them yourself. There are many farms community members have come up with and we've listed some of the best ones you can make. Those are iron farm, sculk farm, enderman farm, creeper farm, mob farm, chicken farm, pumpkin and melon farm, sugar cane farm, wheat farm, slime farm, wood farm, wool farm and cactus farm. These farms require different amounts of resources, but produce very useful items you'll need in your world.

Minecraft Mobs List : All New and Older Mobs
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All mobs in Minecraft are divided into three categories, namely passive mobs that never attack the player, neutral mobs that only attack the player if player provokes them, and hostile mobs that attack the player if they get too close. In this extensive guide, we have covered where you can find each of the mobs in the game and what their characteristics are.

All Minecraft Potions and How to Make Them
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Minecraft potions provide various status effects. Some are positive, some negative, some special and two are unobtainable. To make a potion, you'll need a brewing stand, blaze powder, awkward potion for most other complex potions and unique ingredients, like a pufferfish, stone block, golden carrot and more. Positive potions can increase speed, strength and provide special abilities, negative provide disadvantages and lower stats and special ones can provide both a positive and a negative effect, depending on the circumstance.

7 Best Minecraft Shaders for Low-End PCs
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Many Minecraft shaders out there are pretty performance-heavy, so they can cause your machine to struggle. But, thanks to the Minecraft shaders on our list, your low-end PC won't have issues running them. They include Cyanide Shaders, YoFPS Shader, Sildur's Basic Shaders, Tea Shaders, DrDestens MCShaders, Builder's QOL, MakeUp – Ultra Fast, Lagless Shaders, Naelego’s Cel Shaders and Potato Shaders. They provide various customizable features, as well as beautiful visual effects that will not affect the FPS too much, letting you enjoy the game with no problems.

Minecraft Ore Distribution Guide: How and Where to Find Every Ore
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Ores are crucial for Minecraft gameplay and that's why you should know about their distribution. Coal ore appears above Y=0 and is most common at Y=136 and Y=96. Iron ores are almost everywhere and are most common at Y=232 and Y=16. Diamond and redstone ores generate deep underground and are most common at Y=-59. Gold ore is most common at Y=-16. Lapis lazuli is most common at Y=0 and copper generates most at Y=48. Emerald ores only generate in mountain biomes. Nether quartz and Nether gold generate everywhere, while ancient debris is most common at Y=16.

12 Best Minecraft Speedrun Seeds
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Speedrunning is a big part of the Minecraft community, and today we're bringing you the best seeds for this purpose. The seeds we listed include various important generation features, like close strongholds, great Nether structure locations, easy early game resources and more. With these seeds, you may make a new world record, but if you'd just want to practice your speedrunning strategies, there are seeds that'll help you with that too. We have included seeds for Java and Bedrock editions separately, but there are also ones that work on both editions.

How to Make a Campfire in Minecraft
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There are two types of campfires you can make in Minecraft - regular campfire and soul campfire. For the regular campfire, you'll need three logs, stems, wood, hyphae blocks or the stripped variants, as well as three sticks, coal or charcoal and crafting table. For the soul campfire you'll need all the same ingredients, but instead of coal or charcoal, you'll need soul soil or soul sand. Place the wooden blocks in the bottom row of the grid, the coal, charcoal, soul sand or soul soil in the central slot and sticks around the item in the center.

All Minecraft Paintings and How to Get Them
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Paintings in Minecraft are perfect decoration blocks for any theme or style. You may craft a painting with one wool block and 8 sticks in the crafting grid. They vary in sizes, which is important when placing paintings. Make the available surface smaller or larger to allow for a painting of specific size to generate. There are 46 paintings in total, with 1 made by Jens Bergensten (Jeb), 5 made by Sarah Boeving and all other ones being made by Kristoffer Zetterstrand.

How to Find Netherite in Minecraft
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In order to find netherite, you need to find ancient debris blocks, which only generate in the Nether dimension in Minecraft. You'll mostly find them at Y level 15 completely surrounded by blocks. You can use a pickaxe, TNT or bed explosions to find these blocks, but then you'll need a diamond or netherite pickaxe to mine and get them. Once you have four ancient debris, smelt them into netherite scrap. Combine the scrap with four gold ingots in the crafting table and you'll make a netherite ingot. You can also find these items in bastion remnant chests.

An Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Biomes for Beginners
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Minecraft has 63 biomes in total divided unevenly in three dimensions. Overworld has 53 biomes and those include surface biomes like plains, forests, deserts, savannas, jungles and more. Furthermore, there are also various ocean biomes, as well as three cave biomes and one island biome - mushroom fields. There are 5 biomes in the Nether and they are probably the most unique biomes in the game. End dimension also includes 5 biomes, but they are all very similar and pretty plain. All these biomes have specific blocks, mobs and features they are special for.

How to Use Fill Command in Minecraft
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Fill command is a useful Minecraft command that you can use to make the building process easier and faster. It lets you create cubes or cuboids by providing two of its diagonal points. There are also five different keywords such as replace, destroy, hollow, outline and keep that you can use to affect the already-existing blocks while creating your new cuboids. In order to use the fill command, you have to have the cheats enabled. You can easily activate them in the world settings of the both Minecraft editions.

20 Best Minecraft Servers in 2025
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While playing Minecraft for a long time in the same single-player mode might bore your a lot. Here comes into play, the pre-made multiplayer servers in Minecraft where you will find game modes like, Skyblock, Parkour, Prison, Pixelmon, PvP battles and many more. Check out this list of 20 such servers that you are going to enjoy for sure.

8 Best Minecraft Parkour Servers You Should Try
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Minecraft parkour servers have always been highly popular due to their enjoyable courses of varying difficulties, beautiful themes and plenty of other possible game modes and mini games. Today, we're bringing you the best parkour servers in 2024. Those include OPBlocks, InsanityCraft, Minr, Happy HG Network, ManaCube, Triumphia, Gamster and WildWood.

How to Get and Change Cape in Minecraft
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Minecraft capes are cosmetic items you can equip. To get capes on Bedrock, you can participate in the official events and challenges, check out the skin packs on the Marketplace and even contribute to Minecraft in different ways. On Java, you can also participate in official events and download and use certain mods. To equip or change the cape on Bedrock, access the Dressing Room, edit your character, enter the Capes section and choose the new cape. On Java, you can visit the official Minecraft website and edit your character or use the Minecraft Launcher app.

35 Best Minecraft Skins You Should Use
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Today we present some of the best Minecraft skins you can get. They include iconic movie, game and anime characters, funny memes, in-game mobs and blocks, cute and adorable designs, animal skins and more. If you're looking to change your character's appearance, then this list will definitely give you plenty of great options. The skins listed are for both Bedrock and Java editions, but there are also Marketplace skin packs too, which are paid or free.