How to Make Polished Tuff in Minecraft 1.21

The community expected the Minecraft 1.21 update to have something to do with the End dimension, or at least with the lack of space in their inventory. However, this update is fully geared towards combat challenges and experiences, emphasized with a brand new structure called trial chambers. It’s a large underground building with plenty of traps, treasures, and mob battles. But aside from that, this structure is also unique because of the blocks it’s made of. Most of them are new copper and tuff blocks that are amazingly designed and look great.

We’ve already gone over how to make copper bulbs and grates in separate guides. So today, in this post, we will focus on a pretty cool tuff block variant called polished tuff. So, without further ado, let’s learn how to make polished tuff in Minecraft 1.21.

Resources You Need to Make Polished Tuff

To make polished tuff, you will first need to travel deep underground. As you might’ve expected, you first need to grab several regular tuff blocks. The recipe requires at least 4 tuff blocks for you to make 4 polished tuff. So, if you need more than four polished tuff, make sure to mine and acquire the block in multiples of 4.

Naturally generated tuff

Moreover, the crafting table is not necessary for this recipe, as you’re free to use only the 2×2 crafting grid in your inventory. However, it’s also possible to make this tuff block variant using a handy utility block – the stonecutter. We highly recommend you craft and use it since it does provide some advantages that we’ll focus on a bit later in the guide.

Make Polished Tuff Using Crafting Grid

Due to the fact making polished tuff in the crafting grid and the stonecutter yields different results, we have covered both ways starting with the crafting grid. So, after you obtain tuff blocks, follow the steps below.

  • Open your inventory by pressing the “E” key on your keyboard. You can use the crafting table or even the crafter as well.
  • Take the regular tuff blocks and fill the 2 x 2 crafting grid with one block in each slot. If you are using a 3 x 3 grid, you need to pick one corner and make the 2 x 2 square with the tuff blocks.
  • Either way, you will see 4 polished tuff blocks appear in the result slot on the right.
  • To craft and use them, click and move the blocks to an empty slot in your inventory.

Make Polished Tuff Using a Stonecutter

  • First, place the stonecutter in your world and right-click it to open its UI.
  • Then, take one tuff block and place it in the input slot on the left.
  • Next, select polished tuff in the central area of the UI.
  • What you’ll notice right away is that polished tuff appears on the right immediately, which you can then move to your inventory.
  • The amazing feature around the stonecutter is that you can craft as many blocks as you need, unlike in the crafting grid that forces you to make multiples of 4 blocks at a time. However, besides that, the stonecutter provides the same ratio.

Where Can You Find Polished Tuff in Minecraft 1.21

As mentioned in the introduction, new copper and tuff building blocks naturally generate in the trial chambers in Minecraft. They generate underground and can be discovered by exploring the cave system.

Furthermore, you’ll mostly find polished tuff as the main ceiling block in trial chambers. However, do keep in mind that these structures are rather challenging, so escaping out of one may not be so straightforward.

Now, for those wondering where you can use polished tuff, it can be a clean building block in your Minecraft house builds. It is kind of the perfect block for ceiling or floor designs. It looks kind of like a dark version of polished andesite, thanks to the smooth-looking texture.

In addition, polished tuff is a part of crafting recipes that yield tuff bricks, as well as stairs, slabs, and walls. Similarly to the polished tuff, those tuff block variants can be crafted using the crafting table or the stonecutter. Check out the recipes for reference below:

There you have it. Now you know how to make polished tuff in Minecraft 1.21. Nobody expected these blocks to be added to the game, but they are here, and we are not one to complain. They are darker blocks with a tint of green included. So, the extended tuff block family may just close the gaps between some blocks, which could allow for some amazing block palettes. With that said, what do you think about the polished tuff? Will you be using it in your builds? Let us know in the comments below!

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