DU Speed Booster & Cleaner: Speed Up Your Android Device

This post is sponsored by DU Apps Studio.

If you’ve been an Android user since a long time, you’d agree when we say that Android smartphones tend to slow down a lot as they age. Well, there are a number of reasons behind that, like junk files, memory hogging apps, malware etc. This also results in low storage on your device. While there are various speed boosting apps and apps that free up storage, if you are looking for an all around solution, we’d recommend you the DU Speed Booster & Cleaner app (free).

The DU Speed Booster is a popular offering that brings some great features to make sure your Android device runs lag free and you don’t face any storage issues. So, if you want to know more, let’s begin with our review of DU Speed Booster & Cleaner.

Key Features

DU Speed Booster & Cleaner offers a number of cool features to speed up your Android device. So, let’s take a look at the best features:

  • Phone and Memory Boost

DU Speed Booster features a one-touch option to boost the phone’s performance by cleaning up RAM, removing redundant background tasks, stop auto-start apps and reduce memory usage. The one-tap boost should speed up your Android homescreen by almost 60%.


  • Trash Cleaner

If you are low on storage on your Android device, the “Trash Cleaner” in DU Speed Booster will definitely come in handy. The feature lists down cache files, residual files, system trash, useless APK files and other files that you can delete to free up storage on your device.


  • App Manager

The DU Speed Booster app also packs in an app manager, which lets you uninstall apps and manage APK files. You can uninstall third party apps here and while the app claims to uninstall system apps too, it failed in our testing. You can also install the APK files quickly or just remove them.


  • Network and Game Booster

The app also includes a cool “Network Boost” feature, which first shows you the speed of your network and then lets you boost it, which is the app simply resetting the network. This should come in handy if you are facing internet issues even though the network seems to be great. Also, there’s a cool Game Booster feature too, which optimizes games for improved performance on your device.


  • Security and Antivirus

Along with boosting the speed of your Android device and cleaning up memory, DU Speed Booster also keeps your security intact. The app lets you scan the device for any malware, adware, trojan etc., so that you never face any security issues.


User Interface

DU Speed Booster & Cleaner features a pretty streamlined interface. The main page houses options to head to its various features like Phone Boost, Trash Cleaner, App Manager, Network Boost, Security etc. It also features a hamburger menu, which houses options for DU Swipe (gestures to boost), Smart Charge (charging details on the lockscreen) and Settings. What we like about DU Speed Booster’s UI is the fact that all of the major options and features are readily available. Also, the app looks pretty clean and while it does not adhere to Google’s Material Design language, it has a pretty decent UI.


Ease of Use

Thanks to the straightforward approach in the UI, DU Speed Booster app is pretty easy to use. You can just head to any of the options from the home page and use the various speed boosting, memory cleaning features. You can also head to the Settings page to check out options to enable floating icon, notification toolbar and create shortcuts for various features. You can also add apps and services to the “Ignore Lists“, that you don’t want to be closed when the app boosts your device.


Talking about the performance of the app, once you have used the speed boosting features of the app, you will definitely feel the difference. The homescreen feels more responsive and the apps work better too. However, you will have to boost your device time and again to maintain the same performance. We also found the memory cleaning feature and antivirus impressive, as they are some really essential features. While it’s all good, DU Speed Booster packs in sponsored material, app recommendations and also promotes its very own apps, which might irk some people.

To sum things up, DU Speed Booster is the app to get if you are tired of your laggy Android device or if you just cannot handle the low memory errors anymore. Either ways, DU Speed Booster & Cleaner is a great Android app that you should install.


  • Features work really well
  • Straightforward UI
  • Easy to use


  • App recommendations and promotions

Ready to improve performance and free up memory of your device

As we mentioned , DU Speed Booster & Cleaner is the app to get if you want to speed up your Android device’s performance, free up storage and secure it. So, what are you waiting for? Try out the app and do let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.


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