Check Out This Cool LED Face Mask With a Built-In Customizable Screen

LED Face masks 1

As the need for face masks continue to rise due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, we are seeing different kinds of face coverings pop-up in the market. We have seen companies develop masks that clean themselves, masks that are FaceID friendly, and even face shields. Now, a fashion-tech brand has developed a mask that lights up and shows custom messages on an LED screen.

Lumen Couture is essentially a tech-enabled fashion brand that is led by a fashion entrepreneur, Chelsea Klukas. The brand makes some unusual clothing by combining fashion and tech. It recently introduced a new line of LED face masks and it is becoming popular in the market as the ongoing global crisis continues to rise.

How Does It Work

So, the company’s new LED face masks look like regular masks until they light up to show a custom message or a visualization of some sort. This has become possible thanks to a thin LED matrix screen that remains underneath the fabric. Users can control these LED screens via an app and can also detach the components from the mask for washability. It comes with a battery and a charging cable in a box to charge up the face mask.

To control the screen of the mask, users need to get an app from the App Store or the Play Store. In this app, the users can add voice inputs and customized messages that will show up on the mask.

According to the creator, fitting a screen inside a small thing like a mask was not as big a deal as fitting a battery inside it. “There are a few tricks where you can hide in a dress with a fluffy skirt, for example, but if you want to do something sleek and skintight it’s more of a challenge.”, Chelsea Klukas said in an interview.

Now, apart from making these LED masks, the company also makes hoodies, dresses, tops, and trousers that come with customizable LED lights. So, Klukas said that after the pandemic started to cancel in-person events and sales of her other products started to decrease, she turned to create the latest fashion thing that is gradually becoming a norm in societies.

“I had the components around, so I put together a quick DIY YouTube tutorial for how to make them. That really blew up, to the point where people were asking me for a ready-to-wear mask.”, Klukas further added.

She also added that as she did not want to look like someone who is taking advantage of the pandemic, her brand has donated a percentage of profits that came from the LED mask sales in June to the World Health Organization COVID-19 Relief Fund.

So, if you want to follow the latest fashion trend on face masks, you can check out the LED face masks on Lumen Couture’s official website.

VIA Verge
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