Seth Godin Vs Guy Kawasaki [Infographic]

Seth Godin founded  Yoyodyne, one of the first online marketing companies, which was acquired by Yahoo in 1998 and Guy Kawasaki is one of the Apple employees originally responsible for marketing the Macintosh in 1984, now a bestselling author.

Both of them are respected in the valley for what they have done so far.

SEE ALSO:  When Larry Page Met Sergey Brin [Interactive Infographic]

They have very different approaches to the term “Marketing” and cannot be compared, but here’s an infographic that compares them in terms of their Apparel choice, publishes titles, number of followers on social media etc, which is fun, if nothing else.

Seth Godin Vs Guy Kawasaki [Infographic]


Also, Let us know who are you voting for, Guy Kawasaki or Seth Godin ?

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  • Hackernytt | Om startups och allt som hör till. På svenska. | Seth Godin Vs Guy Kawasaki [Infographic] says:

    […] Seth Godin Vs Guy Kawasaki [Infographic] [] poäng | Postat juni 6 av Devinder Maheshwari […]

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