‘Modi Is A Terrorist’ Claims Pakistan’s Social Media After Wagah Border Blasts

An estimated 55 people were confirmed dead and more than 100 people injured from the heart wrenching attacks that took place in the Pakistan side of Wagah border yesterday.

The significant pointers regarding the Wagah border blasts are as follows:-

  • Bomb exploded outside a restaurant near a parliamentary soldiers’ checkpoint at Wagah border on the outskirts of Lahore city.
  • Blast occurred when people were returning after watching the parade.
  • It is being hinted as a suicide bombing attack.
  • Ball bearings have been found on site.
  • The Jamaat-ul-Ahrar splinter group of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have claimed responsibility for the Wagah border attack.

The people of Pakistan naturally have reacted very strongly to the Wagah border attack. Especially, social media platform like Twitter has taken a special liking from the people to pelt out their frustrations against the Government and the perpetrators of the attack.

Twitter trends like #LahoreBlast and #SavePakistanHangTerrorists were trending after the attacks. But, one particular trend; #NawazModiJawabDo was making all the ripples on social media.

India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi was again targeted by Pakistanis for having a role in the attacks at Wagah border. Even though, Modi had strongly condemned the attack.

Some of the selected tweets that’ll help you understand the levels of anger by Pakistani people are as follows:-













But, surprisingly someone who’s always attacked India; this time protected it and attacked the Government.

So, you really believe that India is behind the Wagah Border blasts in Lahore? Let us know your views in the comment section.

Recommended: These Fuming Images Of Pakistan’s Attack On India On Twitter Will Leave You In Shock

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