Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Is Now Free on the Epic Games Store

A picture from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy the next free epic games store Christmas game
In Short
  • As part of the Holiday sale, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is now available free on the Epic Games Store.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy will be free to claim starting from January 4, 2024 to January 11, 2024.
  • This game concludes Epic Games Store's winter sale giveaway, which offered a total of 17 games.

With Epic Games’ holiday festivities coming to an end, they have decided to end it on a high note by offering one of the hottest releases of 2022. Guardians of the Galaxy, one of the underrated Marvel single-player titles, is now free to claim on Epic Games Store.

Since the offering is the final mystery title for the Christmas sale, Epic Games didn’t announce it on their official channels until 9:00 AM PT. This is the final game in their Christmas giveaway, and it is going to go back to its usual programming next week.

After this, the store will continue to offer free games every week. This means you can get Guardians of the Galaxy on the Epic Games Store for free starting from January 4, 2024. And it will stay free to claim until January 11, 2024. You will require an Epic Games Store account, and it will be forever for you to use.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy free on the Epic Games Store

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is an action-adventure single-player title where we follow Peter Quill and his band of misfits. When a mysterious church starts brainwashing and annihilating various planets in the galaxy, the gang joins together to rescue everyone.

The game has an original story in a different timeline, separate from other Marvel launches such as Avengers and Spider-Man. This is also one of the few Marvel titles that uses a lot of great 80s rock music in-game. If you love them, you will recognize a lot of songs in-game.

Furthermore, given it’s a single-player experience, you can practically play it offline on your Steam Deck with some tinkering. The game has an average runtime of fifteen hours, so you have a great title to finish over the upcoming weekends. This is the standard edition of the game, meaning you do not get the deluxe edition items. However, since the game never received a DLC, you should be good to go from the start.

So, are you excited to play Guardians of the Galaxy on the Epic Games Store? What are your thoughts about it? If you have previously played the title, do you plan on returning? Let us know in the comments below.

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