Boult Audio has launched its ‘Xplode’ wireless earphones in India after launching it globally last year. The device is priced at Rs 2,249, and is available at online shopping portal, Myntra. The company says that the Xplode will bring “high-fidelity audio with an extra emphasis on bass”, thanks to its neodymium HD drivers. It is also said to offer high-definition, crystal clear audio.
The device also comes with what the company calls ‘breathable earfins’ that provide a secure grip, but have ventilation for cooling. The earphones are made out of pure aerospace-grade aluminum alloy, and has iodized copper driver coil. It also comes with ultra-strong cables that are reinforced with Kevlar and extra layers of rubber for protection and durability.
The company claims that Xplode delivers unparalleled acoustics with perfectly balanced highs, mids and treble, thanks in part to its built-in micro-woofers. “The earbuds are made of Bass Level Isolating Soft Silicone to ensure outstanding noise isolation”, says the company. The device also comes with in-line buttons to control music, and has a built-in condenser MIC for two-way communication.
The Xplode wireless earphones are based on Qualcomm’s CSR8635 single-chip Bluetooth audio platform that’s found mostly on mid-range stereo speakers and headsets. It comes with Bluetooth version 4.1, and has an MCU clock speed of 80MHz. The device comes with a driver size of 9.2mm, and has a rated Impedance of 16Ω. It has a frequency range between 20 Hz ~ 20 kHz, sensitivity of 108 dB at 1Mw, and noise isolation of up to 24 decibels.
There’s also Quick Charge support for the device’s Lithium ion battery that the company claims will provide an 8 hours power back-up and a standby time of 1-2 days. Last, but definitely not the least, the earphones also come with an IPX5 certification that allows them to be used in the rain without any issues.
Buy the Boult Audio Xplode Bluetooth Earphones on Myntra (Rs 2,249 Onwards)
So I ordered 2 of them. Not showing up in my bluetooth list. Cleared the old devices .. restarted.. tried everything. Still nothing.
Now they are neither returnable nor replaceable. Great suggestion guys. Here goes my ₹3300.. The only hope is now contact customer service of Myntra.
I apologise for the previous comment. Turns out the headsets were fine but the pairing process went above my head. I was supposed to hold the powerbutton for 7secs to enter into pairing mode but as I heard “power on” I thought this is long enough and released the button every time.
And Myntra has responded for the return (late but still they did) which I had to reject as my headsets are kickin pretty well. ????????
Great to know you’re enjoying your music, Gourab. Cheers! 🙂
First of all, I’m very sorry for talking harshly at the first comment. It was entirely my fault that I couldn’t pair it up with my phone but now everything is fine. Thanks to your blog otherwise I would never have bought these beauties. ???????? Keep up the good work. You guys are doing great.????????????????????
Again I apologize for the trash talking.????????????
Just been 21hrs since the post and the price has spiked up to ₹1749… and with added tax, it touches ₹2049.
I’ll buy only if it’s 1500 otherwise no..
Price mentioned is not true. For the same Xplode model Myntra quoted 4999, 2240, 7000 like that. Fake review
now i am confused between this boult earphones and OnePlus bullets wireless I was going to buy tomorrow any help beebom
Go with one plus