Have you ever wondered how Windows 10 would look like if it was designed by Apple? Well, concept creator Kamer Kaan Avdan did and I’ve got to admit, it looks gorgeous.
First up, Avdan has brought the Menu bar at the top, which feels quite out of place after being spoilt with years of distraction-free top of Windows. The lock screen looks clean and you can unlock the PC right from your iPhone. The Start menu tiles feel so Apple-esque with rounded corners and iconography.
The File Explorer equips new features like AirDrop and iCloud. He has added iMessage and Safari for Windows as well. While iMessage for Windows is something highly unlikely to happen, it feels good to see that in the video.
In the Action Center, Avdan has added Control Center icons above notifications. My favorite part of the concept video, however, has to be the implementation of dark mode. I personally love the dark mode implementation of macOS over Windows. Even now, the dark mode of Windows 10 feels incomplete and rushed in my opinion.
He has envisioned dynamic wallpapers in the render, which makes me think why Microsoft has not made efforts to bring live wallpapers forcing users seeking customization to go with third-party apps like Rainmeter.
So, what are your thoughts on this Windows 10 concept? Take a look at the video below and let us know in the comments. You may also go through the playlists here if you’re interested to watch more such concept videos created by Avdan.
In the meantime, do keep in mind that design choices are subjective and I would advise you not to start an argument with others for preferring a specific design language.
Do you guys have any idea if he linked the wallpapers? They look amazing