#Content Warning
12 Stories

Is Content Warning Still Worth Buying Now That It Isn’t Free?
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After a solid debut free trial run on Steam, the scarily fun Content Warning has a price. In terms of just the fun and horror element balance it is totally worth it. On top of that, the constant communication with players, new content, and mod availability makes this a fun experience. Content Warning is available on Steam for $7.99.

Content Warning Patch Adds New Items but Misses Crucial Bugs
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To capitalize on the success of Content Warning, the devs already released a new update within two days. In the new update, we get Reporter Mic, Sounds Player, and Party popper along with a projector in the garden. Some bugs such as the disk being able to be duplicated if you picked it up at the same time, and decreased hard drive usage for recordings are also fixed. Emote spammers in the group will get a relief with adjusted prices.

How to Play Content Warning with More than Four Players
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Content Warning is all about becoming viral on SpookTube with your friends. However, the game does not officially allow you to enter the Old World adventure with more than four players. That is why you can use the More Players mod or Thunderstore mod manager to have more friends play Content Warning with you.

All Monsters in Content Warning and How to Escape Them
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In Content Warning, becoming a viral SpookTuber is your primary goal. Capturing the monsters in your camera is one of the easiest ways to go viral. To avoid being trapped, we teach you about all the monsters in Content Warning and how to escape them.

How to Fix Content Warning Voice Chat Bug
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Content Warning has an in-game proximity voice chat feature, which sometimes fails to work in the game. To fix the issue, make sure to set the correct microphone, and voice chat mode and turn up the Voice volume. You can also use other VoIP apps like Discord to speak with your friends while playing Content Warning.

8 Best Content Warning Mods to Download
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I suggest some of the best Content Warning mods that you can install to amp up your experience. Each of these mods will allow you to improve customization for your characters. Furthermore, each of these mods also helps improving the quality-of-life of the game, such as better sprinting speed, audio boost, and a lot more.

How To Install Mods in Content Warning
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To install mods in Content Warning, you will require the Thunderstore Mod Manager. Once that is installed, search for the game, prepare a mod-profile, and start modding. Before installing mods, ensure you have installed the BepInEXPack from the mod list, as that kickstarts and ensures your mods run properly.

How to Find Saved Videos in Content Warning
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The recorded videos in Content Warning can be saved on your PC so that you can watch them later. The easiest way to save the video is using the Save Video option that appears after uploading the video. Users can also find the video in the AppData folder. You can also use the F3 key while near the Video Extractor to directly open the record folder.

Content Warning Failed to Extract Error: How to Fix
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The Failed to Extract error is a common issue most of the Content Warning players have been facing since the release of the game. This error can be fixed by changing the host or restarting the PC. You can also use the F3 debug key to work around the error. The possible causes for the error are bad PC specs of the Host PC and starting and stopping the recording multiple times.

How to Make Money Fast in Content Warning
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Making money in Content Warning is similar to getting views. However, you would not want to overspend to make zero profit out of your hard work. That is why you should always keep your camera with you, survive the Old World and never share the camera with other teammates. You should also make use of the voice chat and spam the cheap emotes you buy from the shop to make more money.

How to Get More Views in Content Warning
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Getting views to go viral is the main goal in Content Warning. To increase your views you should capture a nice intro. You can also capture different monsters and engage with them in the video to get more views. Upgrade your equipment from the shop and get better quality content for more viewers on SpookTube.

How to Change Faces in Content Warning
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Content Warning is one of the most unexpected co-op surprises we could have gotten in 2024. Besides all the spooky fun, players can change their in-game faces easily. To do so, head over to the TV console on the right when spawning in the house. Once done, simply interact with it, choose your desired color, text and orientation and you're all done. The game supports a plethora of emoji combinations so feel free to go crazy.