- We have suggested some of the best mods for Content Warning you can install right now.
- Mods like More Customization and More Colors allow you to customize your character.
- Other mods improve the quality of life, such as faster sprinting, audio boost, etc.
Given how much fun we have had with Content Warning recently, we can see why this four-player co-op game is blowing up so much right now. While you might have already learned how to install mods in Content Warning, you can’t do much without variety. If you’ve been sinking as much time into the game as we have, you must be itching for the best Content Warning mods. Well, let us make it easier by detailing all the good ones available here.
1. More Colors

More colors address a simple thing that many of you might want—more choices when changing Content Warning faces. As you can see, the mod adds seven more colors and increases the total number to over 35 different options. It gives you more chances to make yourself look unique. I’d suggest getting this if you are downloading the Virality Mod.
2. Virality
While playing Content Warning with a squad of four sounds fun, you might want to invite even more buds to the party. For all those cases and more, you need the Virality mod. This mod extends the maximum number of players that can enter a lobby. The bigger lobbies can be configured.
Virality also allows others to join directly mid-game or through Steam, thanks to the Steam-rich presence this mod adds. As of writing this, the developers have disabled the option to use this mod due to server overloading. However, when the servers are fixed, we can expect this to start working in a few days.
3. Volume Booster

Do you have trouble listening to your friends in-game sometimes? Do you wish the sounds could’ve been a little louder than what Content Warning offers? Well, Volume Booster allows you to boost the audio of general, SFX, and voice by a lot.
It is helpful at times when you can barely hear your teammates as they are screaming their lungs out. So get this before heading into the Old World again.
4. Longer Sprint
While I understand why stamina is limited in Content Warning, it’s a bit too limited for my taste. If you’re tired of failing to run away from the monsters, the Longer Sprint mod will help you. This quick mod tweaks the sprint speed and stamina regeneration of you and your team members alike. But if you want the challenge, I suggest keeping this mod off.
5. Skip Intro

This is a simple mod that does what it says. If you are lazy like me and want to skip the entire intro logo, jump straight into the main menu, download, and install this mod. I know you can skip all the intro logos by pressing the space bar, but I roll like that, okay?
6. Public Hosting Fix
While randoms can already join in your session, that cannot happen if your version of Content Warning is modded. The Public hosting fix does the ultimate job of ensuring randoms can join even in a modded session. It also enables the save file functionality. Indeed, it is a mod you’d like to put into your game if you like playing with randoms with mods.
7. More Customization

Besides adding more colors, you might need even more variety in the game. The More Customization mod further adds variety. It limits face customization to 128 characters and adjusts the size of the face, so each of your team members can look unique. Try this one on for size.
8. Camera FPS Changer
Have you ever wanted to record your findings and eventual viral video at framerates higher than the usual 24 FPS? Then this mod will help you achieve that. Camera FPS Changer increases the recorded video’s FPS values to your desired numbers. So, record your findings at 60FPS without any trouble.
These are the best mods for Content Warning that you can install right now. As it is fairly early in its dev cycle, the player base is slowly preparing the mods. Hence, we expect the number of choices available to increase in the coming weeks. We will update this list with many more suggestions. Let us know about your favorite mods for Content Warning in the comments below.
Yes. Every player needs to install the same mods across each of their games. Otherwise, there will be trouble running the session properly.
Yes. The modder has mentioned that everyone should do so, as doing otherwise might create unnecessary instability.