Looks like OnePlus plans to drop the headphone jack too. Twitter user @Fontes decompiled the latest OnePlus 5T Open Beta firmware, which was recently uploaded, and found instances of a wireless pair of earphones from the company. The user also found an image of the earphones.
The outer cavity bears a striking resemblance with the OnePlus Bullets wired earphones and feature red accents around the shell in somewhat of a skewed circular design. The earphones also feature ear hangers for stable positioning during physical activity.
Decompiled the last OP5T OB and found this op_headset.png file under Bluetooth apk.
Probably the next OnePlus wireless earphones.@oneplus @getpeid pic.twitter.com/Ts6yhJXyEn— Fontes (@AFAFontes) April 13, 2018
But that’s all we know about the earphones. In a Reddit post in the OnePlus subreddit related to these speculated earphones, several members have poured n their views about the development. But, the most raging thought is whether the company plans to remove the headphone jack from the upcoming OnePlus 6 or any of the future models.
I’ve been a fan of the OnePlus Icons and Bullets ever since I heard the first bass drum thump on them, but the timing of these wireless earphones is uncanny as we know that OnePlus 6 is just around the corner.
More immersion in a refined form factor. Are you ready for the #OnePlus6? pic.twitter.com/2HR2YE5Jb6
— OnePlus (@oneplus) April 11, 2018
It is already well known for weeks that Oneplus is doing wireless plugs. It is also very well known that they will not abandon the headphone jack.
It has all been said in official interviews long ago.
Thanks for pointing it out, Bob!