Typical Indian marriages are always a matter of utmost entertainment for both families (In a traditional, arranged Indian marriage, two families are blended together, and not necessarily bride and groom). Despite the fact that Indian movies, especially Bollywood movies, are rich when it comes to romantic scenes, Indian marriages fail to find this soul of ‘love’ in their traditions. Yet, more often than note, overwhelming effect of processions, sweets, vivid colours and beautiful girls 😛 make an Indian marriage memorable for not only bride and groom but also others. Nevertheless, have you ever thought of an Indian marriage of Gay couple? We know that such a marriage is not legally possible in India, as Article 377 criminalizes gay sex and illegalizes gay marriages, unlike US.
Kunal Ghose and Jason Aronne, residing in San Diego, however, thought otherwise. Although they did not want to face legal issues by getting married in India, the couple did want to incorporate Indian marriage elements to theirs, and they succeeded! And, result was something that will definitely steal your mind! Kunal and Jason had grabbed spotlight of Internet when they had uploaded their proposing video to YouTube.
You can check out this video, and you will surely call it ‘CUTE’.
Because Kunal and Jason wanted every possible Indian marriage element to be present in their wedding, their wedding ceremony had a number of steps. And, when a talented photographer views those celebrations through his EYE, we have some REALLY CUTE photographs to show you. If you think homosexuality is bad even after seeing these clicks, we have nothing but few minutes’ silence for you, guys.
1. Look at the Smile!
2. Mehendi and Custom Rings for a Deeper Bond
3. Don’t we look beautiful?
4. We’re together, forever!
5. Kiss of Trust
6. In a Frame
7. Another One
8. …
9. Priceless
10. There You Go
Recommended: Meet Simpson-iyers, South Indian Avatars of The Simpsons (Pics)
Don’t you think the wedding was something extraordinarily cute? Now, we have a question in our mind — Why on earth these guys protest against same-sex marriage while true love does not have borders of GENDER?
This bliss blessed in the USA still seems light years away in India. Law may permit it but the society at large will oppose it in every cruelest form possible. Yes, there will be a few, exceptional, lucky pairs only proving the prevailing condition. They can only take delight in the fact that there are some blissful places on the earth out of their reach where their brethren enjoy this privilege.