Flight Sticks Are Selling Like Hotcakes After the Release of Microsoft Flight Simulator

Flight stick controller selling feat.

After quite a long wait, Microsoft revealed that they will be launching a new “Microsoft Flight Simulator” video game back in 2019. Fast forward to 2020, we now have an ongoing pandemic and Microsoft has launched the flight-sim game that comes in a box of 10 DVDs, apart from releasing a digital version, of course. Now, according to reports, all the best flight stick controllers on Amazon are now sold out.

According to a report by Verge, right after the Redmond-based software released the flight-sim game, all the best selling flight stick controllers for PC were sold out on Amazon. It is because the “Microsoft Flight Simulator” provides the best experience with a flight stick controller (obviously), instead of the regular ones.

Now, for the unaware, Microsoft’s flight-sim game enables you to ride your own airplane across the world. You can travel to different locations that do exist in the real world and are taken from crowdsourced data.

There sure is an unusual 212-story building-glitch in the game which we recently came to know about. However, other than that, the game is as realistic as a virtual world can get.

So, if you have already got the game and was planning to get a flight stick controller for yourself, then I would suggest you to stop thinking and start acting.

You can check out some of the best options for a stick controller from right here.

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