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Amethyst in Minecraft: Everything You Need to Know
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Amethyst blocks, budding amethyst, and amethyst crystals are found inside amethyst geodes that generate underground in the Overworld. You can break fully grown amethyst clusters to obtain amethyst shards. The Fortune enchantment increases the number of shards whereas silk touch allows you to collect the crystals themselves. With amethyst shards, you can craft items and blocks like tinted glass and spyglass. You can use amethyst blocks in building and in combination with calibrated sculk sensors to achieve vibration resonance.

5 Best Uses of Campfire in Minecraft
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One of many campfire uses in Minecraft is that you can cook meat on it by right-clicking. Moreover, since soul campfires deal a lot of damage, they're frequently used in mob farms. You can place the campfire below the full bee nest or beehive and the bees won't get angry when you harvest their products. If a hay bale block is underneath a campfire, its smoke will rise significantly higher. Finally, you can extinguish the campfire with a shovel and then it acts as a safe and amazing decorative block.

How to Make a Minecraft Wither Skeleton Farm
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This wither skeleton farm design was created by ianxofour and requires no spawnproofing. The spawning platform is in the warped forest or soul sand valley and at the highest Y level of the Nether fortress bounding box. The skeletons will get agroed to the iron golem in the center and go through the portal to the Overworld. They'll be there for about 15 seconds and go back to the Nether, arriving above the Nether roof. There, you'll be able to stand on the AFK spot and kill them continually.

How to Make a Cobblestone Generator in Minecraft (4 Designs)
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Cobblestone generator is one of the most iconic Minecraft farms. The simplest design requires just water and lava. It's the machine necessary in the skyblock map where resources are limited. Moreover, the most popular cobblestone generator design requires more resources and it automatically collects the blocks you mine. The third design requires several pistons and it pushes the generated cobblestone towards you. The final and best cobblestone generator is fully automated, as it blows up cobblestone blocks due to a TNT duper powered by a hopper clock and collects them. It is also the most expensive one to make.

Minecraft Piglin Bartering Guide: How to Trade with Piglins
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Piglins can barter with you if you offer them gold ingots in Minecraft. They naturally spawn inside crimson forest and Nether wastes biomes in the Nether dimension. To barter with piglins, throw a gold ingot on the ground or right-click a piglin with it, and they will start examining it. After a few seconds, they will throw an item at you. Some of those bartering items include gravel, string, obsidian, quartz, ender pearls, iron nuggets and more. You can even make a bartering farm that will produce these items automatically if you feed it lots of gold ingots.

How to Make a Wheat Farm in Minecraft
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Minecraft wheat farm consists of several moving parts. The main one is the crop farm that the farmer villagers will tend to. They will harvest the wheat, replant the wheat seeds and they also cannot access the composter, so they won't try to compost the seeds. Below the crop farm, there is a rail track which a hopper minecart travels across. This entity will collect the wheat and then drop them off in a comparator-powered drop-off station. Wheat is a part of several crafting recipes and favorite food for sheep and cows.

Woodland Mansion in Minecraft: All You Need to Know
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Woodland mansions are large Overworld structures filled with illager mobs and also regular hostile mobs. It is divided into numerous rooms. Those can be pretty common, like bedrooms, but they can also include rare secret rooms that you have to uncover, like the fake End portal room. You can locate a woodland mansion by using a woodland explorer map you buy from cartographers, in-game commands or just by exploring big dark oak forest biomes. Loot in this structure varies from mob drops to diamond gear, enchanted golden apples, diamond hoe and chestplate and more.

Minecraft Copper Guide: Everything You Need to Know
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There are various copper features in Minecraft. From items like raw copper and copper ingots, to blocks such as ores, raw copper blocks, copper blocks, cut copper blocks, chiseled copper blocks, copper grates, bulb, door and trapdoor. All of these copper blocks oxidize over time, which means their texture color will change from orange to green. You can wax them by using honeycomb or dewax them using an axe. Copper blocks are used as building blocks and copper ingots are a part of a couple crafting recipes. Copper bulbs are also one of the light source blocks in the game.

How to Get a Wither Rose in Minecraft
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Wither rose is a flower in Minecraft with special properties. In order to get it, you need to summon the Wither boss, which will require three wither skeleton skulls and four soul sand blocks. You will need to choose a suitable location to summon it, as the Wither is destructive. Underground or in the End are the best options. Then, Wither needs to kill a mob for the wither rose to drop, so prepare the mobs before spawning the boss. Finally, gear up for the Wither fight, as you'll need to kill it afterwards.

6 Best Uses of Minecraft Wither Roses
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Wither roses inflict wither effect for a short time when a player or mob touch them. This is why they are used as killing systems in farms. Furthermore, wither roses are crafting ingredients in Minecraft and you can make black dye and suspicious stew with them. Bees will pollinate wither roses and can also be bred with them. These flowers are great decorations in flower pots, as in that state they do not inflict wither effect. Players also use wither roses in various minigames and even as defense against intruders.

How to Get Prismarine Shards in Minecraft
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Prismarine shards are rare and special items that can only be obtained by killing guardians and elder guardians in Minecraft. This means you'll need to find an ocean monument first. Prismarine shards are used to craft various prismarine blocks such as prismarine, prismarine bricks, dark prismarine and sea lanterns. If you want to build with these blocks a lot, you can also farm prismarine shards by making a guardian farm.

How to Make a Hopper Clock in Minecraft
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Hopper clock is a redstone clock created by the YouTuber EthosLab. It requires hoppers, sticky pistons, redstone block, comparators, repeaters, redstone dust, full blocks, slabs and items like sticks. The two hoppers face into each other and swap items. Once one has no items, the comparator detects it and the sticky piston gets retracted, pulling the redstone block. The same thing happens with the other side, so the redstone block constantly gets moved back and forth. You can determine the speed of a hopper clock with the number of items you insert in the hoppers.

Trial Key Will Open “The Vault” in Minecraft 1.21’s Trial Chambers
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The trial key is a special new Minecraft 1.21 item that you can get by completing trial spawner challenges. It is used to unlock the new vault blocks, which look similar to the trial spawners. They have a face on the front side that opens its "mouth" after it's unlocked. It will eject the rewards like armor and tools for players. The vault will reward every single player that unlocks it. But, each of the players will get the loot only once. Updated trial key and the vault block are coming soon to snapshots and previews.

How to Catch a Sturgeon in Stardew Valley
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Sturgeon is a fish that can only be caught in the mountain lake during summer and winter seasons in Stardew Valley. The weather doesn't matter. The sturgeon's fish icon will move rather quickly and will change the direction often. To make it easier to catch the sturgeon, make your fishing green bar longer, by leveling up the fishing skill and using food buffs and cork bobber tackle. You can place the sturgeon in a fish pond and it'll produce roe that you can turn into caviar. Also, sturgeon is required to complete the lake fish bundle in the community center.

6 Best Uses of Glow Berries in Minecraft
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Glow berries are fairly useful items in Minecraft. You can use them as food and they replenish one drumstick and 0.4 saturation points. Also, you can use them to breed foxes, similarly to sweet berries. Cave vines are climbable like other vines and emit a light level of 14 if they're bearing glow berries. Cave vines are also wonderful addition to any overgrown organic build, but if you have too many glow berries, you can always compost them inside the composter.

How to Grow Glow Berries in Minecraft
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Glow berries naturally spawn on cave vines inside the lush cave biome in Minecraft. You can right-click or break the vine with glow berries to harvest it. Use a glow berry on an underside of a block to place the cave vine. After that, you can wait for the vine to grow and give you glow berries or use bone meal to grow glow berries instantly.

Minecraft Snapshot 24W04A Makes Armadillo Tougher, Breeze More Dangerous
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Minecraft snapshot 24W04A brings new changes to the armadillo and new additions to the Breeze. Firstly, armadillo will roll up when a mob or player that attacked it recently gets close, even though they're just walking. Moreover, armadillo's shell will now protect it from incoming damage by reducing it. So, a weak punch won't hurt the armadillo anymore. Moreover, Breeze is now aggressive toward iron golems in the area, but will not attack the other hostile mobs from Trial Chambers. These mobs won't attack the Breeze anymore either, so you cannot rely on that strategy.

Minecraft F3 Debug Screen Explained
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By pressing the F3 key, the debug screen will pop up in Minecraft and show you a lot of data. The left side shows info on the Minecraft version, chunk, and entity data, as well as current coordinates, light level, biome and other values. The right side of the debug screen displays info about the Java version, your CPU, and other hardware components. Below that, you will spot the targeted block, fluid, and mob sections that display data about each of the specific game's features, like sand block, water, and more. Also, you can use other shortcuts that can be used to perform different debug actions.

18 Best Villager Trades in Minecraft
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Villager trading is a fairly unique way of obtaining items in Minecraft. The best villager trade offers include bottles o' enchanting, bricks, campfire, diamond gear, enchanted books, glass blocks, golden carrots, name tags, quartz blocks, redstone dust and saddles. The best items to sell to villagers for emeralds are crops, glass panes, gold ingots, iron ingots, sticks, stone and sweet berries. All of these trades require or provide a different number of emeralds.

25 Best Stardew Valley Mods
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Stardew Valley's community has created hundreds and even thousands of mods that everyone can play. In this guide, we've covered some of the best ones out there including Stardew Valley Expanded, CJB Cheats Menu, Tractor Mod, Automate, and more. These mods provide new additional content to the base game, as well as improvements to the existing mechanics, features and sprites.

How to Make Arrows in Minecraft
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You can make regular arrows, tipped arrows, and even spectral arrows on the Java edition. Regular arrows require one stick, one flint, and one feather. Tipped arrows require one lingering potion and 8 regular arrows. You can also make them by using them on a cauldron filled with a potion on Bedrock edition. For spectral arrows, you'll need a regular arrow and four glowstone dust. All of these items require a crafting table for you to make them. When you've made arrows, you can fire them using a bow or crossbow.

How to Get Nautilus Shells in Minecraft
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Nautilus shells are rare items that you can get in three different ways in Minecraft. One of them is fishing since the nautilus shells are part of the treasure fishing loot. You can also kill drowned that hold nautilus shells in their off-hand, and you are guaranteed to get it. Finally, wandering traders can sometimes sell nautilus shell for five emeralds each. You can use eight nautilus shells together with a heart of the sea to craft a conduit.

How to Get Mud in Minecraft and Use It
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Mud is a dark-looking block that naturally generates in large quantities in the mangrove swamp biome. You can easily collect it with a shovel. Though you can also make mud yourself by using a water bottle on a dirt block, which will convert the dirt into mud. To make the glass bottle, place three glass blocks in a V shape in the crafting grid. Then, use it on a water source block to make a water bottle. Furthermore, you can use mud in sugar cane farms, to make clay, and other mud blocks like muddy mangrove roots and packed mud.

Stardew Valley Modding Guide: How to Install Mods
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To download and install Stardew Valley mods, you'll need to make sure you have created backups of your worlds just in case and also installed SMAPI, app that's necessary for running mods. Then, visit Nexus Mods page and find the mod you want. After that, you can download it by clicking on the "Manual" button and then "Slow Download" button. Once the mod is downloaded, you can open its zipped file using WinRAR. After that, simply drag and drop the file inside to a Stardew Valley Mods folder. To play with mods, run the StardewModdingAPI app.

This Minecraft Mod Will Have You Literally Screaming at Your Screen
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Cave Dweller mod introduces a rather terrifying monster to Minecraft. It is a mix of a baby zombie and an enderman. It's fast and can even get into places you don't expect it to. It can crawl and crouch as it's chasing you and also deals a lot of damage. You can also escape from it, so it's not too OP. This beast can spawn in any light level and has complex animations and smart AI. The presence of the Cave Dweller is indicated by cave sounds, which will get more intense as the monster draws closer.

Here’s Why I Think Vertical Slabs Should Be in Minecraft
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Vertical slabs have been requested for a long time. Thanks to some vertical slab mods, we can play around with them. You're able to place them on the edge of every side of a block and extend that upwards. Vertical slabs would provide a lot of building opportunities, but may also encourage players to not use the already existing blocks like walls. To fix this, Mojang should add more slabs and stairs variants so players have more options. Also, there could a command that lets you rotate slabs, so you can create your own vertical slabs.

How to Make an Item Sorter in Minecraft
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Item sorters in Minecraft allow you to filter items into their respectable chests, which is super useful if you have lots of items. The design from this guide was created by impulseSV and works with items stackable to 64. You'll need some building blocks, redstone components like redstone dust, repeaters, comparators, redstone torches, hoppers, renamed filter items and items you want to filter. One module of the sorter is very simple to build and you can have as many as you need in your storage system.

How to Defeat the Breeze in Minecraft 1.21
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Breeze is a playful hostile mob that only spawns from trial spawners inside trial chambers. It moves fairly quickly and jumps a lot, which can lead to you getting disoriented. It attacks using the ranged attack - wind charge that you can avoid or reflect. To defeat the Breeze in Minecraft 1.21, you'll need armor, melee weapon, food and other optional items such as a water bucket, shield, etc. You should chase and charge at the Breeze, as well as avoid its projectiles. Use the shield to block projectiles and a water bucket to avoid fall damage.

How to Make a Beehive in Minecraft
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Beehive is a craftable version of the bee nest in Minecraft, which requires three honeycomb, six wooden planks of any type, and a crafting table. Place the honeycomb in the middle row and fill all the remaining slots with planks. Beehives don't generate naturally in the Minecraft world. Moreover, beehive can store up to three bees at the time and will change texture when the honey level reaches five, indicating it's full. You can then use shears to get honeycomb or an empty glass bottle to get a honey bottle.

Minecraft End Crystal: How to Make, Uses, and More
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To make one end crystal in Minecraft, you'll need one eye of ender, one ghast tear, seven glass blocks and crafting table. Place the eye of ender in the center slot, then the ghast tear below it, and fill the remaining slots with glass. You may also find end crystals in the End dimension, which heal the Ender Dragon. You have to place them on top of bedrock or obsidian and cannot reobtain them again. If it's damaged in almost any way, the end crystal will create a massive explosion and deal a lot of damage.

Minecraft Snapshot 24W03A Updates the Armadillo’s Design
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Minecraft snapshot 24w03A has been released today, and it brings changes to the armadillo, experimental features, and spawn chunks. Armadillo texture now includes eyes on the sides and the base color is lighter. The armadillo scutes and wolf armor textures have also changed slightly. Spiders now run away from armadillos if they're not rolled up. Moreover, the Breeze mob can also deflect all projectiles, not just arrows and tridents. A brand new command lets you change the spawn chunk radius of your world, so you can easily boost performance. The new default value is 2 and it used to be 10.

5 Best Farms to Gain XP in Minecraft
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In this guide, we've covered the best farms for gaining XP in Minecraft made by the creative community members. These include amazing raid farm, gold farm, wither skeleton farm, and a guardian farm, which were all made by redstone genius ianxofour. Apart form them, we've covered a simple but efficient Enderman farm made by Rays Works. You will find all the important explanations here as well as the links to the tutorial videos to make each farm.

How to Use Minecarts in Minecraft
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Minecarts are fairly useful transportation devices for both players and mobs. You can enter a minecart if you right-click it or use the secondary action button. To start moving, hold the forward button or have the minecarts pass over activated powered rails or a downwards slope. Nudge a mob toward the minecart to have it enter the vehicle. Press the crouch button to exit the minecart. If the minecart moves over a powered activator rail, the mob or player inside will get ejected. Minecarts are also a part of crafting recipes for other minecart variants.

7 Things Minecraft Can Learn from LEGO Fortnite
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Unlike Minecraft, LEGO Fortnite has pretty clear quests that let players know what the game is about. Moreover, the villagers make it so much easier to collect resources. They can also fight with you, so that makes them fairly useful companions. Due to the temperature feature in LEGO Fortnite, you always have to prepare for a certain area. The buildings are not just for aesthetic, but make a difference in gameplay. Food items are far more unique and provide various effects. Combat offers more moves and abilities, making it overall much more fun than it is in Minecraft.

5 Best Ways to Use a Minecraft Banner
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There are numerous ways to use a banner in Minecraft. One of them is that you can apply all sorts of different and unique patterns to it. Though, with or without patterns, it's a special decorative block. Furthermore, by combining a shield and a banner in the crafting grid, you can put the banner's pattern onto the shield. Also, you can easily copy a pattern from one banner to the other by combining them in the grid. Finally, if you right-click a placed banner with a map, a marker of the matching color will appear at that location.

How to Make a Banner in Minecraft
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To make a banner in Minecraft, you will need six blocks of wool of matching color, one stick, and a crafting table. Fill the topmost and central row with wool blocks and place a stick in the center of the bottommost row. This recipe will yield one banner of the matching color. It's also possible to find banners in various structures, such as end cities, woodland mansions, savanna villages and pillager outposts. You can also buy them from cartographer and shepherd villagers for three emeralds.

How to Make (and Use) a Barrel in Minecraft
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Barrel is a container block that you can craft with two wooden slabs and six wooden planks of any type and a crafting table. Place the planks in the left and right columns of the crafting grid and the slabs in the center slots of the topmost and bottommost rows. You will then see barrel icon appear in the result slot on the right. You can also find barrels generating naturally in fisherman houses in villages. As for the uses, you can utilize the barrel to store items, turn a villager into a fisherman, and more.

How to Make Rails in Minecraft
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To make rails you'll need six iron ingots and a stick in Minecraft. You can get iron ingots by smelting raw iron and the stick from crafting it with two planks. Fill the left and right columns of the crafting table's or a crafter's grid with iron ingots and place a stick in the center slot of the grid. This recipe yields 16 rails. You can also find rails inside abandoned mineshafts and some rooms of the woodland mansions. Rails are used for moving minecarts and their variants around.

Mending vs Infinity: Which Minecraft Enchantment Is Better on a Bow?
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Mending and infinity are both rather useful enchantments. Mending enchantment allows you to infinitely repair your gear, including a bow with XP. On the other side, infinity enchantment allows you to carry only one arrow and fire as many times as you want, essentially duplicating arrows. Whether you should have mending or infinity on your Minecraft bow depends on your personal preference. Infinity keeps your inventory clean and mending makes your bow last forever. Due to the possible villager trade rebalancing changes, more players may turn to mending, as good enchantments will be harder to get.

6 Reasons Why Minecraft Legends Failed So Badly
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Minecraft Legends is a spin-off strategy game set in the Minecraft world. The game started off strong, but its player base slowly started dwindling. One of the reasons was because of the pretty plain, shallow, and repetitive gameplay. Moreover, there was pretty much nothing to do after you beat the game's final boss. The game was very expensive, even tough it provided just a short campaign mode and a pretty directionless multiplayer mode. Minecraft Legends' development studio Mojang also neglected the game, offering zero communication, which meant players got no updates or news on its future development. Minecraft Legends was officially discontinued on January 10, 2024.

How to Make a Flower Pot in Minecraft
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You can make a flower pot in Minecraft with three bricks and a crafting table. Smelt clay balls to get brick and make a crafting table with four wooden planks. Place the bricks in a V shape in the crafting grid and a flower pot will appear on the right. You will also occasionally come across flower pots in structures like witch huts, woodland mansions, igloo basements, and villages. Flower pots are simple but awesome decorative blocks that you can put lots of different plants in, like flowers, bamboo, cactus and more.

Minecraft Legends is Officially Dead
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Minecraft Legends was released back in April 2023 and it was a huge success. With over 3 million copies sold in just couple weeks, the game kept growing. Though unfortunately, due to all the flaws and negligence from developers, many players started abandoning it. The final update blog post was announced on January 10, 2024 where news about Minecraft Legends being discontinued was announced. Even though it's sad, this game was meant to be discontinued sooner rather than later.