Valorant and its agent meta are constantly changing. With almost every patch and update, a new agent is introduced to the game, bringing a breath of fresh air in terms of abilities; the latest being Clove. Every small patch can change how your favorite agent plays and can help you secure your next heroic victory. So, we have compiled the ultimate Valorant agent tier list in 2024 (updated up to patch 9.00). Now, you can decide which character will be your main in Valorant Episode 9 Act 1.

S-Tier Agents
The most popular character among any tier list is the S-Tier. These characters can be strong, fun to play with, or just overpowered. There are several reasons that can make Valorant characters to be placed in the S-Tier. Let us see why these agents belong in this overpowered category.
1. Clove
Clove is the latest agent in Valorant, and their abilities fit into the meta just like magic. The ability to smoke after death already seems like a perfect utility for aggressive controller mains. You can also combine Clove’s utility with various cheap damage abilities for some bonus kills. And, the icing on the cake is the self-revive ultimate to reposition after you die in a bad spot. Although it is too early to say until there is a patch, Clove will remain in the S-tier for sure.
2. Gekko
Gekko always was in the B and C-tier in this tierlist and there were multiple reasons. However, one of the key reasons was how hard it was to fit Gekko in any composition. That barrier has finally broken. Gekko not only fits in the meta but just using the Wingman alone can get Gekko in the S-tier. We have seen this in VCT Kickoff and Masters Madrid how Gekko can be a great agent in any type of team composition. Getting to use your abilities again and again is also one of the solid things that makes Gekko a desirable and strong agent.
3. Jett
No matter which meta, which patch, or which update you are in, Jett is S-tier. Jett is basically Riot saying this is how a duelist is made. Jett has the ability to dodge a bullet and protect herself using smoke. Of course, the usability of Blade Storm in eco rounds comes in crucial and sometimes changes the tides of the games. Jett will not leave this tier unless Riot removes some entirely from her kit.
4. Neon
Neon, initially underwhelming, shines on larger maps like Haven (now back in rotation). Her swift repositioning and unpredictable slides throw off enemy aim. Recent buffs enhance her deadliness: improved sideways movement during sprints and increased accuracy while sliding. Two slide charges add to her aggressive potential.
5. Cypher
Cypher went from being a passive sleeper agent to S-tier. If you ask how, the answer will be Cypher changed the meta. Before 7.09, the game was going through the attacker’s patch with the weapon judge and Raze playing the key roles. But now with an infinite trap setup and retake meta, Cypher can say “No one shall Pass”. Well, for the ones affected by the new traps of Cypher, we wish you recover.
A-Tier Agents
Now that our S-Tier picks are done, let us jump to the A-Tier of our agent tier list of Valorant. A lot of these agents would jump to the S-Tier group, but because of a few minor shortcomings, we have kept them in this category. A-Tier Valorant agents are consistent and reliable for the current meta. Let us have a look at them:
1. ISO
When Riot Games first launched the gameplay trailer for its new duelist ISO, it was evident that the developer had taken a fresh approach with this agent. For the initial days, ISO felt underwhelming as a duelist as players on all rank tier avoided him. With the latest patch buffs, ISO is now one of the best entry duelist thanks to his tankability. If you master him well, you can go popping up your shield in any kind of map easily.
2. Breach
For almost every single patch, Breach has been the most underrated Agent in Valorant. Whether it is his lack of information gathering or self sabotaging abilities, he was not the best choice. However, with the return of Haven and Neon buff, lots have changed. Breach utilities goes great with entry Agents like ISO and Neon. Given that both of these duelists are thriving in this aggressive meta, Breach deserves a A-tier spot.
3. Yoru
Yoru can be a good boy scout is all he used to hear from all the tier list makers. Scouting is a good thing to do, just not as a duelist. However, in the constantly changing meta of Valorant, scouting is also as important. So, Yoru has now become a favorite of a lot of professional and ranked team comps. Yoru can be a bit high-risk high reward but the pros overpower the cons in this meta.
4. Reyna
Reyna cannot be an S-tier agent anymore and Clove is responsible. Despite having the Devour in her kit for ages, Reyna takes forever to heal and needs the vision of the soul. But why still A-tier? That is because even if Reyna is not as applicable in higher ranks or pro level, a cracked aim player can destroy lobbies if they are good at using Reyna, thanks to her buffed kit.
If you have that crisp tap-level aim, do not hesitate to go for Reyna. Before picking Reyna, check out the best Valorant crosshair codes here.
5. Raze
Raze went downhill when the Judge got nerfed. But after a while, it was notable that Raze could still utilize all of her tools to enter a site like no other. If you are a Blast Pack demon, then maps like Split, Lotus, and Icebox are completely yours. The bonus is Raze has great damage-dealing abilities that allow anyone with a less crisp aim to also master it.
6. Omen
Another agent affected by the Clove effect is Omen. Omen was one of the most played flex agents in VCT Kickoff but one thing that keeps him down is his casting animation and audios. This pushes Omen into tough situations where players are already prepared for him to appear. On top of that, Clove has the same duration and cool-down smoke kit that they can use even when they are dead.
B-Tier Agents
From the best of the best and the average, we now move into the categories of okay and decent agents. B-Tier includes agents who are pretty basic or less fun to play. Their use case scenario is rather limited, and these agents cannot outperform S-Tier or A-Tier Valorant agents on the list, even on their bad days.
1. KAY/O
When we mention Kay/o, a lot of people go mad about him being an underrated pick. Outside of shutting down enemy abilities in a gunfight, Kay/o can actually provide a lot of cover by being a dead body. If you are thinking about playing initiators, then choose an initiator with better information utilities and the capability to push forward with the duelist. Kay/o is not even situational and can be replaced by Gekko in most team composition.
2. Harbor
Speaking of representation, the Indian one did not work out well early. Harbor was introduced in Valorant as the raja, and all he ended up doing was being the least-picked controller (even in the quick spike rush game mode). However, with the introduction of Gekko and the retake meta in Valroant, Harbor has become a solid primary controller. You can easily combine Harbor with an Omen or Clove to take control of sites with no sweat.
3. Astra
The worst change in an agent Valorant has ever made is nerfing Astra to the ground. The once S-tier agent is now so basic that her difficulty does not make sense anymore. In most maps, even Harbor makes more sense than Astra now. The only reason to put her in B-tier is her smoke width and ability to fake the smokes. You can always go for any easy controller like Brimstone or Clove, and you will get the same results with less difficulty. So, regardless of changes in her playstyles, Astra gets B-Tier on our Valorant Agent Tier list.
4. Killjoy
Killjoy’s recent nerf took her from an auto-include to a strong, strategic pick. Her turret, however, remains a game-changer, providing intel, suppressing pushes, and creating a mental block for attackers. Combined with Lockdown’s site control and intel-gathering from her Alarmbot, Killjoy offers significant tactical value in both ranked and pro play.
5. Sova
The ‘always feels like the same agent’ Sova is a good agent for any comp but can be easily replaced. Yes, Sova seems fun for content creation and those nerdy lineups but overall adds no value to a team for at least every 30 seconds. Being a boring agent to play is one of the reasons Sova is in the B-tier. Otherwise, it is a good agent for most types of games. I will still prefer a Gekko in the current Valorant meta.
C-Tier Agents
The C-Tier is made of some nerfed agents and some agents that add nothing substantial to the game. Valorant is a constant-action tactical shooter, so any list will always prioritize the agents who add more depth to their tier compositions.
1. Viper
Remember last time we talked about Viper’s nerfs? She got nerfed, again! I think Riot Games does not want the toxicity of the agent from the USA to spread. Viper is a great team-centric agent in a retake meta. But the duration of nerf on the fuel leads to a very small window of cloud and wall. This will make a lot of Viper mains mad but honestly, blame the devs.
2. Fade
You can always argue who is a better agent in the initiator category and no one will talk about Fade and Breach anymore. An issue with Fade is how her abilities can be dodged or denied compared to other initiators. The only thing Fade had as a speciality was the decay and Clove has a better version of it too. So, overall, I think Fade needs a slight buff and till then she stays in the C-tier.
3. Chamber
Nothing makes sense in Chamber at all, except for him being French. While controllers like Clove are getting more aggressive and sentinels like Cypher are getting more defensive, Chamber feels lost. The only good thing about Chamber is that he is a great alternative to Jett regarding carrying the operator. If you have a good aim then, you can swap him with a lot of situational sentinels and play him on every map on Valorant.
4. Brimstone
Brimstone, the original smoke master, excels at hindering enemy vision and controlling space. His smokes boast the longest duration in Valorant history. However, with the arrival of newer Controllers and the fast-paced meta, Brimstone struggles to keep up. While he remains a viable option, Controllers like Clove or Omen offer more utility and adaptability, making Brimstone a less dominant pick.
D-Tier Agents
D-Tier is also known as the disappointment tier in our dictionary. Valorant tried changing the abilities and powers of these agents in the past to make them part of the meta, but it did not help last time. So, they are still ranked low in Valorant agent tier lists.
1. Deadlock
Similar to ISO, Deadlock also came with a lot of promise but faded away before trapping anyone in those wires. The issue with Deadlock is her ability not contribute defensively. Although in Bind or Ascent, she might seem useful, there are better sentinels to replace this mediocre agent with a not-so-useful kit. With zero pick rate in the VCT 2023, Kickoff 2024, and Masters Madrid, it seems giving her a D-tier spot is a mercy.
2. Phoenix
I know, I know, I picked Phoenix as the A-tier agent a few patches ago. But let me hear. It was mostly because of how the aggressive meta was running in Valorant. However, with retake meta in full force, agents like Yoru and Omen can be the better flex. Unless you want to run Phoenix as the primary duelist it is useless. He is also useless as a primary duelist too, given how bad his entry capabilities are.
3. Sage
Sage was always on the top tiers for valid reasons. But constant nerf to her self-healing has made her fully a full support agent. In a game where the situation can come to a 1-on-1 a majority of the time, it is unfair to pick an agent that prioritizes the allies over herself. Do not forget we were also robbed when instead of Sage, Clove got a self revive ultimate. Overall, Sage is okay for those rare wall kill clips and that’s it.
4. Skye
While Skye’s intel-gathering in Valorant remains valuable, recent nerfs have dampened her aggressive potential. This shift in the meta makes her supportive role more prominent. Moreover, with certain maps being cycled out, the overall usefulness of Skye may diminish in aggressive playstyles.
That concludes our Valorant tier list for all agents in Episode 9 Act 1. Do you agree with our agent tier list? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
There are no strongest agents in Valorant. But anyone from S-Tier in our Valorant agent tier list such as Jett, Omen, or Reyna is strong in the current patch.
According to our pick rate and win rate data, Jett is the most picked agent. She is easy to play and very reliable on any map.
Unlock any of the S-Tier agents from our tier list. All of them are strong and flexible in any situation. We will recommend you unlock Omen and Reyna as first agents.