#minecraft farms
19 Stories
How to Make a Minecraft Wither Skeleton Farm
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This wither skeleton farm design was created by ianxofour and requires no spawnproofing. The spawning platform is in the warped forest or soul sand valley and at the highest Y level of the Nether fortress bounding box. The skeletons will get agroed to the iron golem in the center and go through the portal to the Overworld. They'll be there for about 15 seconds and go back to the Nether, arriving above the Nether roof. There, you'll be able to stand on the AFK spot and kill them continually.
5 Best Farms to Gain XP in Minecraft
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In this guide, we've covered the best farms for gaining XP in Minecraft made by the creative community members. These include amazing raid farm, gold farm, wither skeleton farm, and a guardian farm, which were all made by redstone genius ianxofour. Apart form them, we've covered a simple but efficient Enderman farm made by Rays Works. You will find all the important explanations here as well as the links to the tutorial videos to make each farm.
13 Best Minecraft Farms You Must Build
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Farms in Minecraft are very important, as they help you collect items in large quantities without having to grind for them yourself. There are many farms community members have come up with and we've listed some of the best ones you can make. Those are iron farm, sculk farm, enderman farm, creeper farm, mob farm, chicken farm, pumpkin and melon farm, sugar cane farm, wheat farm, slime farm, wood farm, wool farm and cactus farm. These farms require different amounts of resources, but produce very useful items you'll need in your world.