#Dark Mode
42 Stories

How to Enable Dark Mode in Google Docs
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While Google has rolled out dark mode to most of its products, Google Docs is yet to get dark mode on PC. Dark mode for Google Docs is available on Android and iOS apps. Regardless of the platform, if you're a frequent Google Docs user, you can turn on dark mode on Google Docs app by going to the hamburger menu > Settings > Theme. On PC, you can download the Dark Reader extension to force Google Docs to go into Dark Mode.

How to Enable Dark Mode in Google Calendar
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There are a few ways to switch to Dark Mode in Google Calendar on Android and iOS. On Android, you can do it from system Settings or app settings. On iOS, you can do it from System settings. There's no dark mode for Google Calendar on PC but you can download the dark reader extension to switch to dark mode.

How to Turn On Dark Mode on iPhone and iPad
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Dark Mode offers a more comfortable viewing experience in low-light conditions. To enable Dark Mode in Settings on an iPhone, go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Dark Mode. You can also go to Control Center, long-press the Brightness slider, and choose Dark Mode. Finally, you can ask Siri to turn on or off Dark Mode on iOS.

How to Enable Auto Dark Mode in Google Chrome
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Google Chrome's in-built Appearance setting doesn't apply dark theme across all web pages, since quite a few don't support them. To force dark mode on web content like these, go to chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark using the address bar and enable the Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents Chrome Flag. Else, you can also give the Dark Reader Chrome Extension a try and do the same thing.

Android 15 Will Let You Force Dark Mode on Any App
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For the apps that still don't have native dark mode support, Android 15 is adding an option to force dark mode from the Accessibility settings. The option called "Make all apps dark" is similar to the "override dark-mode" option in developer options but with wider app compatibility.

![Get the Official Dark Mode on WhatsApp [Root Required]](https://static.beebom.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Get-the-Official-Dark-Mode-on-WhatsApp-Root-Required.jpg?w=400&h=248&crop=1&quality=75)