SendPulse: An All-in-One Online Marketing Tool

This post has been sponsored by SendPulse.

Online marketing doesn’t have to be a scary thing where you need to spend thousands of dollars on so-called online marketing gurus to get your business up and running. In fact, if you just know the basics, you can handle the online marketing yourself. You don’t need to spend even a penny before you have scaled to a point where you can both afford and need to invest money.  What you do need are the tools which will help you manage all your marketing campaigns. As it happens, today we are going to share one of the best online marketing tools with you. The marketing tool that I am talking about is called SendPulse and it’s a one-stop solution for all your online marketing needs. So, if I have piqued your interest, let’s see what this tool brings, shall we?

Key Features

  • Easy to Integrate subscription Forms

Your marketing first starts with the details that you collect about your potential customers. The best way to do that is by using methodically placed subscription forms on your website. If someone willingly gives you their contact information, you have a better chance of persuading them to buy your product or try your services then by making thousands of calls using a telephone directory. SendPulse allows users to integrate subscription forms on their website in an easy and efficient manner. You can place embedded forms, floating windows, fixed forms, or pop-up window forms. All the forms are responsive which basically means that they scale depending on the type of device a user is using, so they always look beautiful. With SendPulse, collecting, storing, and segregating user information is easier than ever. 1. Subscription form


  • Multi-Channel Marketing

Email marketing is a tough industry with major players like MailChimp dominating the scene. However, while services like MailChimp focus only on email marketing, SendPulse differentiates itself by bringing a multi-channel marketing tool which allows you to interact with your users on multiple platforms. With SendPulse, not only you can send targeted emails, but you can also send SMS, browser notifications, links and images inside Viber, and more. This versatility allows you to target your customers as best as you can. For example, you can use SMS for urgent marketing messages while use emails for those avenues which are not so time sensitive. Possibilities are endless here, and you can decide how you want to interact with your customers.

2. Multichannel marketing

  • Enhanced Editor

SendPulse also brings one of the best email editors I have ever used. While I have been happy with MailChimp’s email campaign creators, after using SendPulse, I can surely say that I prefer the latter’s easy to use drag and drop editor. You can just drag content blocks and rearrange them to create responsive HTML based email without having to learn a single line of code. The editor comes with a set of over 100 different email templates so that you don’t have to start from scratch if you don’t want to. Creating marketing emails using SendPulse is very easy and it saves you a lot of time.

3.enhanecd editor

  • Automation and AI

SendPulse also lets users automate their email marketing campaign so they don’t have to worry about all the time. Users can set automated emails based on different factors which ensures that the right emails are delivered to the right visitors at the right time. SendPulse also keeps tracks of time log of opened emails and over time creates the best delivery time for individual leads. That means no matter when you push the send button, it will be delivered only when the email is most likely to be opened. That is a very handy feature and something that is unique to SendPulse.

4. AI

  • Other Features

Some of the other important features that come with SendPulse are email personalization, customer segmentation, A/B testing of marketing emails, enhanced reporting, SMTP server and email relay, and more. I love the email personalization and customer segmentation features as they allow me to send targeted emails to my customers based on their history, gender, location, behavior, interest, and more. Personalized emails always result in higher open and conversion rates and SendPulse makes it easy to set them up. The features that I have discussed here are only the tip of the iceberg and once you start using the service, you will definitely discover more and more features which will help you run all your marketing campaigns.


User Interface

SendPulse brings a fairly simplistic and easy to navigate user interface which is a great news for users who fear online marketing. The homepage shows you some getting started tips along with simple call to action buttons allowing you to send messages, emails, and more. The left panel houses all the menu items. Here, you can click on different sub-menus to access features like your mailing lists, campaigns, reports, and more. The home page also shows the numbers of subscribers you have along with the numbers of email you have sent in the past month.

User interface

Since I have just logged in with a free account, it is showing a limit of 2500 subscribers and 15000 emails. That is a very generous limit for anyone who wants to start online marketing but doesn’t want to invest any money upfront. As you can see, the interface is pretty straightforward and don’t pose any problems.

Ease of Use

Looking at the user interface, it is quite clear that navigating the interface shouldn’t be a problem for anyone. That is one of the biggest challenges that I have faced while using a service like MailChimp as their UI is just too complex and overwhelming for new users. Thankfully, that is not the case here. I also love that the service has integrated video tutorials at every step to help out new users and that is certainly something they will appreciate.

createing content

Creating campaigns is also comparatively easy. You just click on the”Create a campaign” button, enter the required information, and then select the template design you want to use. If you want, you can start with the blank template and use SendPulse’s easy drag and drop tools to create your own email. Similarly using reports and mailing lists buttons to check your campaign’s performance is very easy too.


Finally, SendPulse also makes it really easy to use automation tools. You can either create a simple sequential automation or use the Automation360 feature to create complex event-based automation. You have all the power in your hand and you can do whatever you want. Overall, I found SendPulse to be more user-friendly than services like MailChimp and believe it to be a great solution for beginners and pros alike.

Price and Availability

As mentioned above, SendPulse offers a very generous free tier plan where it allows users to send up to 15,000 emails/month to up to 2500 subscribers. That is a fairly robust plan for anyone to get started. Once you outgrow the free version, you can either used their fixed or pay as you go plans. The fixed plan starts at $28/month (billed annually) while the pay as you go plans will cost you $32 per 10,000 emails.


  • Easy to navigate UI
  • Subscription forms are easy to integrate
  • Multi-channel marketing platform (emails, SMS, push notifications, and more)
  • Easy to use drag and drop editor
  • Incredible automation tools


  • Lacks modern templates

Master Your Online Marketing with SendPulse

SendPulse is an excellent online marketing tool for any business who just don’t want to bombard their customers with promotional emails but form a personal relationship which will be mutually beneficial to both the parties in the long-run. In my brief period of testing this service, I have heavily enjoyed using and highly recommend anyone to check it out.

Check out SendPulse here

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