OnePlus Launches ‘5G Apps of Tomorrow’ Fellowship for Developers


at mwc 2019, oneplus has announced a new 5g apps of tomorrow program, unveiled by ceo pete lau, qualcomm president, cristiano r. amon, and ee ceo, marc allera at a panel discussion. the program is built to support developers and app creators who want to to develop the “next great apps for 5g”.

the press statement shared by oneplus says lau believes 5g smartphones will go through three stages of development: 5g 1.0, 5g 2.0 and 5g 3.0. in the coming three to five years, the world will be enjoying 5g 1.0.

OnePlus Launches ‘5G Apps of Tomorrow’ Fellowship for Developers

“one of the greatest perks in smartphones and related applications for 5g 1.0 will be the massive improvement in data transfer speed, which will create an illusion where cloud data is stored like local data. in the following 5 years, to which we will be referring to as the 5g 2.0 era, smartphones are predicted to be able to achieve more mature ai functions to connect a much wider range of devices,” lau is quoted as saying about the development of 5g.

with the well-established infrastructure and diverse smart devices in the market after 10 years, we’ll be embracing the era of 5g 3.0, where everything is smartly interconnected and a truly burden-less experience can be achieved. the service will be there only when you need it, and be on standby out of your way when not needed.” – pete lau

with the ‘5g apps of tomorrow’, oneplus aiming to integrate industry resources and support the design of future 5g apps. the selected developers will get access to 5g experts from oneplus, qualcomm and ee as well as hardware to help develop the 5g apps.

applications for the program are open now and you can sign up through this link. applications close on march 26, and winners will be selected by the ceos of oneplus and ee, and executives from qualcomm, and a community vote. a paid-for trip to oneplus hq in shenzhen to discuss their idea with pete lau, a oneplus 5g device, access to 5g experts via the oneplus forums, access to ee’s test environment as well as financial support for one year.

to further help developers and get them to sign up, oneplus is setting up a 5g hub on its official forum.

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