Here’s How Samsung’s USB-C Chargers Prevent Power Wastage

Samsung energy efficient chargers feat.

In addition to making high-end smartphones and tablets, Samsung also focuses on batteries and charging accessories. So, with an aim to make the world a greener place, Samsung has developed its USB-C chargers over the years to reduce power wastage. Now, the South Korean tech giant claims that their chargers are the chargers “that put the planet first” and makes the world a better place.

The company announced the enhancements in its USB-C chargers in an official blog post. According to the Samsung engineer Wonseok Kang, “Raising awareness of things like smartphone chargers’ power consumption may eventually lead consumers to consider energy efficiency as an important factor when choosing a new device,”.

Now, in our daily routine, we tend to keep our charger connected to the power outlet at all times so that whenever we connect a device, it starts charging right away. However, what many of us do not think of is that when the devices are not connected, the charger goes into “Standby Mode” and still draws power from the outlets until you unplug it or switch off the power source.

So, to tackle this issue, the Samsung USB-C chargers come with a dedicated software baked right into it. This software puts the charger in “sleep” when a device is unplugged. The “sleep mode” essentially shuts down the charger, in turn, cutting the power consumption when in “standby mode”. When the user plugs a device again, the charger wakes up and starts charging right away. “It’s an energy-efficient cycle of sorts.”, added Kang.

Apart from this, the company also claims that the chargers are entirely made from recyclable materials to cut down the plastic consumption of the world. So, they used “environmentally conscious post-consumer materials (PCM)” to manufacture the adapters.

“Adding PCM can affect a product’s durability or performance. However, after numerous attempts, we managed to make our designs both aesthetically pleasing and satisfyingly durable, while preserving the intrinsic properties of the substance.”, said Pranveer Singh Rathod, another engineer working on the project with Kang.

So, the South Korea-based tech giant, with their environment-friendly chargers, aims to make the world a better place. They also want consumers who are struggling to lead to an environmentally conscious lifestyle to “reconsider” and “hopes that efforts like these will help inspire” us to do our part for the environment.

VIA Sammobile
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