Domestic e-commerce portal Flipkart is hosting the ‘Home Shopping Days’ sale and the ‘Flipkart Fashion Weekends’ sale on the platform starting today. However, the website remained inaccessible for a number of users starting from 12 PM earlier today, according to reports on
We believe that the company’s servers were overwhelmed by the massive influx of traffic due to the sales being hosted on the platform. While a number of users weren’t even able to access the home page, others have reported facing issues with logging in and searching for products.
The Downdetector page reveals that reports of the outage came in from around the country, with hotspots in New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru.
Sorry about that. Due to high traffic, our website is experiencing some difficulties at the moment. Please try logging into your Flipkart account after some time.
— FlipkartSupport (@flipkartsupport) February 16, 2018
As of now, the website is back up and running fine without any issues whatsoever. We tried reaching out to Flipkart for a comment and we’ll update the article whenever we receive a reply from the company.