Fitbit Flex 2 Explodes, Causing The Wearer Second-degree Burns

The infamous Samsung Galaxy Note 7 started the trend of gadgets exploding and it’s not stopping anytime soon. Now, there are reports of a Fitbit Flex 2 exploding on the wearer’s hands, causing second-degree burns.

Dina Mitchell, resident of Wisconsin, has reported that her Fitbit Flex 2 caught fire on her arm while she was reading a book. In an email statement to the source, Dina says, “I was literally just sitting and reading when my Fitbit exploded. It was either defective or really mad I was sitting still so long… I don’t know. Either way, It burned the heck out of my arm”.

Fitbit Flex 2 Explodes, Leaving The Wearer With Second-degree Burns

She ripped the device off when it caught fire but some of burning pieces of the device melted on her skin, which resulted in the second-degree burn. This also resulted in pieces of rubber and plastic stuck in the wearer’s skin, which the Doctors removed later on.

Fitbit Flex 2 Explodes

Reportedly, her Fitbit Flex 2 was just a couple of weeks old and she has contact Fitbit, which has offered a replacement device while it investigates the issue. Fitbit has released a statement, “We are extremely concerned about Ms. Mitchell’s report regarding her Flex 2 and take it very seriously, as the health and safety of our customers is our top priority”.

While the reason of the explosion is still unknown, the company sees this as a one-off incident and sees “no reason for people to stop wearing their Flex 2”. However, if you do have a Fitbit Flex 2, we’ll suggest you to make sure that the device does not show unnecessary heating and if it does, you will be better off talking to Fitbit and getting your device replaced.

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